District 29-I Club Officer Orientation for 2016-2017 Prepared for Club Officers and Leaders of District 29-I By Steve Glass Past International Director.


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Presentation transcript:

District 29-I Club Officer Orientation for Prepared for Club Officers and Leaders of District 29-I By Steve Glass Past International Director Lions Clubs International May 31,

All of the members of your club are part of your team, and it is the club officers’ responsibility to guide members toward reaching the club’s goals. Having goals and making plans to achieve them are two key steps to being successful. Every member has a role to fill, and by working together, your club will be able to meet its full potential and serve a vital role in your community. As a club officer you are a driver of success and fulfillment for your club members. Why is effective club leadership so important to the club and the Association? 2

To guide members of your club toward reaching the club’s goals. Every member has his/her role to fill, and by working together, your club will be able to meet its potential and serve a vital role in your community. In the process, increased membership, enhanced retention, and leadership development will be the by-product. What is the club officer’s most basic responsibility? 3

Club Officer’s Team Manual – LA15 Standard Form District Constitution & By-Laws – LA 2 Headquarters Contact Information: Your Club, Your Way Forms and Publications LCI web-based resources available to all club leaders 4

PresidentImmediate Past President Vice PresidentsLion Tamer (Optional) SecretaryTail Twister (Optional) TreasurerMembership Chairperson All elected DirectorsBranch President(if a branch exists) Authority: Article VIII, Section 1 of the Standard Form Club Constitution and By-laws (LA -2) Who constitutes the club board of directors? 5

a.Collect from each member minimum annual dues to cover international and district dues and such other expenses as are necessary for club administration. b.Submit such regular reports to the association’s office as may be called for by the International Board of Directors. c.Abide by the constitution, by-laws, and the policy of the International Board of Directors. d.Attempt to resolve all disputes arising at the club level according to Club Dispute Resolution Procedure established by the International Board of Directors. Authority: Article XI, Section 4 of the By-laws of Lions Club International What are the responsibilities of each club? 6

1.Timely assess and collect dues from each member who is required to pay dues. 2.Timely remit to LCI the per capita dues assesses for each of its club members (ASAP). 3.Timely remit to the District 29-I cabinet secretary-treasurer the dues assessed by District 29-I for each of its club members (ASAP). 4.Timely remit to LCI a payment for any outstanding balances owed upon receipt of invoice from LCI. A Lions club can be suspended automatically if it has an outstanding balance of more than $1,000 or $20.00 per member, whichever is less, over 150 days old. What fiscal responsibilities do clubs have? 7

Most people will agree that setting goals and developing a plan to achieve those goals increases the motivation to achieve them. Setting goals and strategies to achieve them in very important to your club’s growth and vitality. Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound. Clubs should consider goals in four distinct areas: Membership Leadership Development Service Fund Raising Why do we need Goals? 8

Empowers Provides a check-up Builds consensus Helps create the vision Establishes the goals and strategies Lets the officers know who will be effective committee/project chairpersons Builds rapport and teamwork Provides a forum for membership development The Power of the Club Retreat (Planning) 9

Your Club, Your Way asks club leaders to look at their “meetings” to determine if you club meetings are all that they can be. Survey your members with the following questions: 1.What would you like to accomplish during the meeting? 2. Would you like to have presentations or speakers at each general meeting? 3. Do you prefer a regular scheduled meeting or a gathering that is flexible and based on the community service or social event? 4.What traditions or items of protocol would you prefer to keep or perhaps do without? 5. Should the meeting be more family friendly? 6. How would you like to be informed of meetings and events? Your Club, Your Way 10

1. Appoint the standing and regular committees or project chairpersons of the club or and cooperate with them to effect regular functioning of such committees and project chairpersons. 2. Preside at the regular meetings and board of directors meetings of the club 3. Cooperate with and be an active member of the DG’s advisory committee of the zone in which the club is located. 4. Issue the call for regular and special meetings of the board of directors and the club. Constitutional duties of each club officer President 11

1.Under the guidance of the President, guide the functioning of such committees or project chairpersons of the club as the President designates, maintaining regular contact with such persons to insure that projects are being planned and conducted timely; 2.Perform the duties of the President if the President is unable to perform his/her duties for any reason; 3.Be an avid learner at every opportunity and become familiar with club members, club projects, and attend district functions. Constitutional duties of each club officer, continued Vice Presidents 12

1. Working with the Lion Tamer (Optional) officially greet all members and guests at each club meeting or function: 2. Represents the club in welcoming all new service-minded people in the community served by the club. 3. Provides mentoring and guidance to the President and Vice Presidents upon request. Constitutional duties of each club officer, continued Immediate Past President 13

1.Maintains custody of all general records of the club, including minutes, attendance, committee appointments, officers and elections, member information, addresses and telephone numbers, addresses, and member accounts; and shares that information with all of members of the club; 2. Submits regular monthly membership reports and other reports specified by the Association; 3.Submits upon request reports to the DG and his/her selected Cabinet members of the service activities of the club; 4. Cooperates with and serves as an active member of the DG’s advisory committee of the zone in which the club is located Constitutional duties of each club officer, continued Secretary 14

1. In cooperation with the secretary, arranges for the issuance of quarterly or semi-annual statements to each member for dues and receives the same and deposits the currency in a bank approved by the board of directors. 2. Pays the club’s obligations as authorized by the board of directors. Ensures that the club has two separate funds for deposit of monies: one for service activities supported by public funds and one for administrative operations of the club. In cooperation with the Finance Committee, prepares an annual budget for each fund. 3. Prepares and submits monthly and semi-annual financial reports to the board of directors and to all club members. 4. Submits the IRS Form 990-N by November 15 th of each year. Constitutional duties of each club officer, continued Treasurer 15

1.Has charge of and is responsible for the club property and paraphernalia. 2. Acts as sergeant-at-arms at meetings. 3.Distributes bulletins, favors, and literature as required at club and board meetings. 4. Ensures that new members are made to feel welcome and are introduced to and sit with different groups at each meeting so that they become better acquainted with all club members. Constitutional duties of each club officer, continued Lion Tamer 16

Promotes harmony, good fellowship, fun, and enthusiasm in the meetings through appropriate stunts, games, and recognitions, and the judicious imposition of fines and donations from club members. Constitutional duties of each club officer, continued Tail Twister 17

1. Develops a club membership growth and retention program and presents the program to the board of directors for approval; 2. Encourages the recruitment of new qualified members at club meetings; 3. Prepares and implements new member orientation sessions; 4. Ensures implementation of recruitment and retention procedures; 5. Coordinates with other club committees in fulfilling these responsibilities. Constitutional duties of each club officer, continued Membership Director 18

Responsible for execution, through the club officers, of all policies approved by the club; all new business is considered first by the board of directors for presentation to all club members. Authorizes all club expenditures; Has the power to modify, override, or rescind the action of any officer of the club; Ensures that the books, accounts, and records of the club are audited; Appoints the bank or banks for the deposit of the funds of the club; Constitutional duties of each club officer, continued Board of Directors 19

Appoints the surety for the bonding of any club officer or the club; Does not authorize, nor permit, the expenditure for any administrative purpose, of the net income of projects or activities of the club by which funds are raised from the public; Appoints, subject to the approval of the club membership, the delegates and alternates of the club to district, multiple district, and international conventions; Maintains at least two separate funds governed by generally accepted accounting practices: one for administrative funds and one for activities funds (public). Constitutional duties of each club officer, continued Board of Directors 20

To find out the International theme and program for the year; To learn about the district governor’s theme and goals for the year; To provide information to the other clubs on your club’s goals and planned activities for the year; To learn about special activities and programs that are planned in the district and multiple district for the year; To share ideas with your sister clubs on service activities, membership recruitment and retention ideas, and fund- raising activities planned for the year; Share common concerns and issues affecting club health. Why are club officers asked to attend zone meetings?.21

The club officers cannot do it alone; Membership involvement – the key to retention; T.E.A.M. – every member needs to feel empowered; Future leadership potential; Individual membership development; Knowledge growth. Why are club committees/project chairpersons needed?.22

LCI’s web site: Zone Chairpersons, Vice District Governors, Cabinet Officers, Past District Governors; Club Officer Action Checklists Zone meetings and cabinet meetings Seminars Fall Conference Leadership Retreat Multiple District Convention USA/Canada Leadership Forum Resources To Assist Every Club Officer.23

Select Member Center Select Resources Select District and Club Administration Forms & Publications Select Club Officer Manual (LA-15pdf)