4/19 & 4/ th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Discuss properties of animals Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking No Test for Chap 9 (Virus, Bacteria, Protist & Fungus) Introduction to the Animal Kingdom Lab: Ultra Structures of Animal Cells Video: Brain Pop (Antibiotic Resistance, Fungi, Protist) Video Fungi Textbook Reading 410 – 413 HW: Reading & Notetaking
Reflection Prompt: Write 3 questions that you have about Fungi.
Reflection Prompt: Write 5 facts you learned in the video.
Fungus Fungi (Pronounced Fun Guy) are eukar______ that have cell walls, are heterotrophs that feed by absorbing their food and use spo_____ to reproduce Mold Mushroom Yeast Blue Cheese yotes res
Is Mushroom a Plant? No. Why? Don’t use photosynthesis Absorb dead organism through hyphae (Pronounced hyphee)
Which Mushrooms are Poisonous? All of them. How do you tell the difference? It is not easy to tell the difference!
Short video showing mushrooms growing
Some Fungus are helpful Penicillin is a type of mold that kills bact____ eria
Can antibiotics (Penicillin) help with virus infections (Colds & Flu)? No
Can antibiotics (Penicillin) help with bacteria infections (Sinus Infections & Strep Throat)? Yes
What is Yeast? Is a yeast a bacteria, protist or fungus? Fungus
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment Between 1932 – 1972 African Americans with Syphilis (Bacterial Infection) was not treated with Penicillin. They just studied the natural progression of the disease Didn’t tell the patients that Syphilis can be cured with Penicillin Doctors of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
What are the six kingdoms of living things?
4 Characteristics of animals 1.Many celled organisms 2.Obtain their food by eating other organisms 3.Reproduce sexually 4.Move from place to place
Animal cells are grouped together to form a T_______ which has a specific job in the body. issue
Tissues combine to form an O______ which performs a more complex job than each tissue by itself rgan
Organs combine to form an O______ S________ rgan ystem
Is Venus Flytrap an animal? No. It uses photosynthesis to make its own food. Trapping and digesting insect just supplements its diet. Venus fly trap is a autotroph Animals are heterotroph
An animal that does not have a backbone is called an i__________. nvertebrate Most animal species (95%) are invertebrates Can you name some invertebrates? Jellyfishes, worms, snails, crabs, spiders & insects
An animal that has a backbone is called a V__________. ertebrate Can you name some vertebrates? Fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals