H OW T O R EAD L ITERATURE L IKE A P ROFESSOR C HAP By: Arshad Hill and Danyal Facemyer
C HAPTER 14 Y ES, S HE ’ S A C HRIST F IGURE, T OO We live in a Christian culture so most books are based on the Christian belief. To be considered a Christian belief based book it has to have a few characteristics like a master and disciples, or a person coming to redeem a torn world. Basically it has to refer to The Bible or some part of Christian faith.
C HAPTER 15 F LIGHTS OF F ANCY This relates to how flight is a big reference in most books and what symbolism it means in the story. Daedalus and Icarus is the story where the father and son escape a jail using wings they made which represents freedom. Symbolically: freedom, escape, the flight of the imagination, spirituality, return home, largeness of spirit, or love. Interrupted flight generally a bad thing. It might not be literal flying, but might use images of flying, birds, planes, etc.
C HAPTER 16 I T ’ S A LL A BOUT S EX … The title of the chapter says it all on this one. Sex is a big subject in today’s writing and seen in many stories. Female symbols: chalice, Holy Grail, bowls, rolling landscape, empty vessels waiting to be filled, tunnels, images of fertility. Male symbols: blade, tall buildings. Sometimes it can be more intense than the literal can describe which means a lot more is happening than it can explain.
C HAPTER 17 …E XCEPT S EX When authors write directly about sex, they’re writing about something else, such as sacrifice, submission, rebellion, supplication, domination, or enlightenment. The complete opposite of the last chapter where the author uses something else to reference to sex, but when its directly mentioned it means something else.