Leader:Will Parker Members:Brian Roberts Wai Yee Kwan Jason Tatum Faculty Advisor:Dr. Nicholas Younan Jason Tatum Computer Software Data Communication Testing Wai Yee Kwan Web Page Design Hardware Testing Dr. Nicholas Younan Will Parker Hardware Design Microcontroller Firmware Brian Roberts FCC Certification Hardware Testing Team Members
Power Line 9:59 10:00 Host Unit Target Unit Design a more reliable system for controlling lights and other devices. Target Unit Abstract
Internet/ LAN Host Computer Programs host unit and links the host unit to the Internet. Host Unit Sends commands to the target units. Appliance Target Unit Receives and executes commands. Target Unit
Signal Attenuation Line Noise Voltage Regulation Power Consumption FCC Compliance Cost Required voltages = 5V & 10V ± 10% Max. allowed ripple = 0.5V Max. allowed field 300m = 33.6 µV/m Max. cost for host unit = $35.00 Max. cost for target unit = $30.00 Required average = 3W Monthly cost = $0.22 Required signal = 3mV Required Bit Error Rate < 0.01% Test Specifications
Carrier signal was placed onto the power line Signal strength was measured for different outlets Capacitor values were adjusted for maximum performance Isolation transformer on host unit was determined to be attenuating the signal Signal Attenuation
Line length (m) Received signal voltage Required signal for signal detection= 3mV Signal Attenuation
For simulation, noise on power line was recorded, and SNR was computed Bit error rate was measured by transferring data and comparing it to the original Capacitor values were adjusted for maximum performance Isolation transformer on host unit was determined to be distorting the signal Bit Error Rate
Bit error rate from simulation < 0.01% Measured Bit Error Rate Bit Error Rate
A digital storage oscilloscope was used to record the voltage levels at the +5V and +10V supplies Results were checked to confirm supply voltages were within ±10% of +5V and +10V Results were checked to confirm ripple was less than 0.5V Voltage Regulation
Measured voltages 5.05V and 10.05V Maximum Measured ripple 0.424V Voltage Regulation Simulated voltages = 5.2V & 10.2V Simulated ripple = 100mV
Measured voltages 5.05V and 9.91V Maximum Measured ripple 0.464V Voltage Regulation
Shunt and series regulators were simulated Series regulator was chosen for lower power consumption Actual power consumption was measured Voltage and current were simultaneously displayed on oscilloscope to determine power factor Power Consumption
Measured Data Power Factor 1
FCC regulation requires field strengths to be less then 33.6 V/m at 300m Emissions emitted from power line due to the signal from the host unit was measured using equipment in the communications lab Emissions
Emissions Simulated Field 300m = 13.90nV/m Measured Field 300m = nV/m
Maximum allowed component cost for host unit is $ Total is 23% less than requirement. Host Unit Cost
Maximum allowed component cost for target unit is $ Total is 34% less than requirement. Target Unit Cost
Voltage Regulation Signal Attenuation Cost Power Consumption FCC Compliance Line Noise Summary Required voltages = 5V & 10V ± 10% Max. allowed ripple = 0.5V Simulated voltages = 5.2V & 10.2V Simulated ripple = 100mV Worst Case Measured Voltages = 5.05V & 9.91V Max. Measured Ripple = 0.464V Required Bit Error Rate < 0.01% Simulated Bit Error Rate < 0.01% Measured Bit Error Rate = 0.005% Required signal = 3mV Simulated 300m = 77.6mV Measured 300m = 33.8mV Max. cost for host unit = $35.00 Actual cost for host unit = $26.91 Max. cost for target unit = $30.00 Actual cost for target unit = $19.69 Required average = 3W Simulated average = 1.08W Measured average = 1.28W Monthly cost = $0.09 Max. allowed field 300m = 33.6µV/m Simulated field 300m = 13.9nV/m Measured field = 0.175nV/m
Control a wider variety of devices. Allow sensors to be present in target units. Integrate existing automation standards such as X-10 and CeBUS into the system. Future Improvements
Host Unit
Target Unit