What we are missing 2012 KDIGO guideline
Diagnosis and evaluation Hb measurement - CKD patient with anemia CKD 3-5ND, CKD 5PD : at least every 3months CKD 5HD : at least monthly Initial evaluation of the anemia Complete blood count Reticulocyte count Serum ferritin level Serum transferrin saturation Serum vitamin B 12, folate level
Use of iron to treat Untreated iron deficiency is an important cause of hyporesponsiveness to ESA treatment For adult CKD patients on ESA therapy who are not receiving iron supplementation, we suggest a trial of IV iron (or in CKD ND patients alternatively a 1–3 month trial of oral iron therapy) TSAT ≤ 30% and ferritin ≤ 500 ng/ml CKD ND, CKD PD : oral or IV CKD 5HD : IV iron → greater increase in Hb, lower ESA dose Course of IV iron amounting to approximately 1000 mg (VENOF 100mg, 10 회 ) Initial dose of IV iron administered, we recommend that patients be monitored for 60 minutes after the infusion Avoid administering IV iron to patients with active systemic infections
Use of ESAs and other agents Address all correctable causes of anemia (iron deficiency, inflammatory states) prior to initiation of ESA therapy Caution : active malignancy, history of stroke, malignancy CKD ND Hb ≥ 10 g/dl : ESA therapy not be initiated Hb < 10g/dl : initiate ESA therapy be individualized CKD 5D ESA therapy be used to avoid having the Hb < 9 g/dl ESAs not be used to intentionally increase the Hb >13 g/dl Stroke, hypertension, vascular access thrombosis ↑
ESA dosing and maintenance Initial ESA dose : Hb concentration, body weight, clinical circumstances Epoetin-alfa or epoetin-beta : IU/kg, 3 times/week Darbepoetin-alfa : 0.45 mg/kg, once weekly (SC or IV) or 0.75 mg/kg, every 2 weeks (SC) CERA : 0.6 mg/kg, every 2 weeks (SC or IV), or 1.2 mg/kg, every 4 weeks (SC) Lower dose : history of CVD, thromboembolism, seizures, high blood pressure Rise in Hb of greater than 2.0 g/dl over a 4-week period should be avoided CKD ND, CKD 5PD : SC CKD 5HD : IV or SC (efficacy : SC > IV)
ESA hyporesponsiveness ESA hyporesponsiveness No increase in Hb concentration from baseline after the first month of ESA treatment on appropriate weight-based dosing Avoiding repeated escalations in ESA dose beyond double the initial weight-based dose
Pure red cell aplasia Patient receiving ESA therapy for more than 8 weeks Sudden rapid decrease in Hb concentration at the rate of g/dl per week or requirement of transfusions at the rate of approximately 1-2 per week Normal platelet and white cell counts Absolute reticulocyte count < 10,000/ml We recommend ESA therapy be stopped in patients who develop antibody-mediated PRCA We recommend peginesatide (synthetic, peptide-based erythropoietin-receptor agonist) be used to treat patients with antibody-mediated PRCA
Red cell transfusion to treat anemia in CKD Managing chronic anemia, we recommend avoiding red cell transfusions In patients eligible for organ transplantation, we specifically recommend avoiding Indication ESA therapy is ineffective (e.g., hemoglobinopathies, bone marrow failure, ESA resistance) The risks of ESA therapy may outweigh its benefits (e.g., previous or current malignancy, previous stroke)
Red cell transfusion to treat anemia in CKD HLA sensitization post-leukodepletion era still continues to pose a significant risk of sensitization Urgent treatment of anemia Rapid correction of anemia is required to stabilize the patient’s condition (e.g., acute hemorrhage, unstable coronary artery disease) When rapid pre-operative Hb correction is required Considered if the Hb < 7 g/dl
Diagnosis of CKD–MBD Monitor serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, PTH, alkaline phosphatase activity beginning in CKD stage 3 CKD stage 3 Ca/P : 6–12 months PTH : based on baseline level and CKD progression CKD stage 4 Ca/P : 3–6 months PTH : 6–12 months CKD stages 5, 5D Ca/P : 1–3 months PTH : 3–6 months CKD stages 4–5D ALP : 12 months, or more frequently in the presence of elevated PTH
Diagnosis of CKD–MBD CKD stages 3–5D 25(OH)D (calcidiol) levels might be measured Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency should be corrected
Diagnosis of CKD–MBD: bone CKD stages 3–5D : perform a bone biopsy Unexplained fractures, persistent bone pain, unexplained hypercalcemia, unexplained hypophosphatemia, possible aluminum toxicity, prior to therapy with bisphosphonates in patients with CKD–MBD Gold standard for the diagnosis of renal osteodystrophy Provide measurements of bone turnover, mineralization, volume Help to assess bone quality and the underlying physiology CKD stages 3–5D : we suggest that BMD testing not be performed routinely BMD does not predict fracture risk as it does in the general population BMD does not predict the type of renal osteodystrophy
Diagnosis of CKD–MBD: vascular calcification CKD stages 3–5 Lateral abdominal radiograph → vascular calcification Echocardiogram → valvular calcification Bellasi A. et al. Kidney Int 70:1623–1628, 2006
Treatment of CKD–MBD CKD stages 3–5D Ca, P : normal range Dialysate calcium concentration between mEq/l Hyperphosphatemia : use phosphate-binding agents HyperP with hyperCa : restrict calcium-based phosphate binders, calcitriol, vitamin D analog HyperP with arterial calcification, adynamic bone disease, low serum PTH : restrict calcium-based phosphate binders Avoid the long-term use of aluminum-containing phosphate binders
Treatment of abnormal PTH levels in CKD–MBD CKD stages 3–5 not on dialysis, the optimal PTH level is not known We suggest that patients with levels of intact PTH above the upper normal limit of the assay are first evaluated for hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and vitamin D deficiency In patients with CKD stage 5D : iPTH levels - 2-9xUNL no RCTs showing that treatment to achieve a specific PTH level results in improved outcomes
Treatment of abnormal PTH levels in CKD–MBD CKD stage 5D : iPHT ↑ Calcitriol, vitamin D analogs, calcimimetics be used to lower PTH HyperCa/P : calcitriol or another vitamin D sterol be reduced or stopped HypoCa : calcimimetics be reduced or stopped Intact PTH levels < 2xUNL : calcitriol, vitamin D analogs, calcimimetics be reduced or stopped CKD stages 3–5D with severe hyperparathyroidism who fail to respond to medical/pharmacological therapy, we suggest parathyroidectomy
Evaluation and treatment of kidney transplant bone disease In patients in the immediate post-kidney-transplant period, we recommend measuring serum calcium and phosphorus at least weekly, until stable CKD stages 1–3T Ca/P : 6-12 months PTH : once with subsequent intervals depending on baseline level and CKD progression CKD stage 4T Ca/P : 3–6 months PTH : 6–12 months CKD stage 5T Ca/P : 1–3 months PTH : 3–6 months CKD stages 3–5T ALP : annually or more frequently in the presence of elevated PTH
Evaluation and treatment of kidney transplant bone disease CKD stages 1–5T 25(OH)D (calcidiol) levels might be measured Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency be corrected eGFR > 30 ml/min/1.73m 2 Measure BMD in the first 3 months after kidney transplant if they receive corticosteroids or have risk factors for osteoporosis as in the general population Low BMD : treatment with vitamin D, calcitriol/alfacalcidol, or bisphosphonates be considered CKD stages 4–5T BMD testing not be performed routinely
1month lab
3 month
6 month
12 month
What we are missing? 25(OH)vitD VitaminB 12, folate Lateral abdominal radiograph Echocardiography Measure BMD in KT patient Measure Ca/P immediate post-kidney-transplant period, at least weekly