April 18 th Senior Meeting It’s been 13 years Don’t drop the ball Stay Focused Have a clear purpose in mind-GRADUATION GATORS FINISH STRONG!
Due April 20 th Prom Voting It will be on your computer desktop when you sign in Vote for 2 each of the 9 for King and 9 for Queen MUST vote by April 20th
April 23 rd Grad Bash Behavior Arrive at ICHS no later than 1pm. Belongings will be searched prior to boarding bus. Bus will depart ICHS at 1:45pm Bus will return on Sunday morning. Please have a ride home waiting upon arrival back at school. Don’t wait until the trip home to find a ride! Dress Code-OK vs. NOT OK
Grad Bash Dress Code “OK”
Grad Bash Dress Code-Not “OK”
April 30 th PROM “Enchanted Forest” 8 pm until 11 Harborside Convention Center Limited parking All students must bring a photo ID (guests too) Opportunity to create good memories Make good decisions Purchase tickets by April 27 th $30 for Seniors/$40 for juniors during lunch Photo packages available for purchase
May 18 th Senior Awards Night 6 :30pm Auditorium Dress in your Sunday Best All should plan to attend Senior Video Preview
May 20 th Last Regular Day for Seniors Senior Picnic-Football Field – 12:05pm After this day, seniors only come to school for exams. Regular Exam Schedule-posted on ICHS Website. Advanced Placement Exams-Access Schedule on ICHS website. College Transcript Requests SR check out forms due May 27 th. Turn in to receive Cap/Gown.
May th Senior Exams DateSchedule Monday, May 23 rd Regular Bell Schedule Exams given to Seniors in 1 st /3rd Seniors Dismissed after 3 rd Period Tuesday, May 24 th Regular Bell Schedule Exams given to Seniors in 2 nd / 4 th Periods Seniors dismissed after 4 th Period Wednesday, May 25 th Regular Bell Schedule Seniors arrive for 5 th Period Exams given to Seniors in 5 th /7th Periods Thursday, May 26 th Regular Bell Schedule Seniors arrive for 6 th Period Exams given to Seniors in 6 th / 8 th Periods Friday, May 27 th Regular Bell Schedule Make Up Exams Given as needed.
May 27 th Textbook Return/Fines and Fees All textbooks should be returned through the Media center Any book not returned MUST be paid for before 2:00pm on June 2nd to participate in graduation Must have no fines to be given Cap and Gown Plan ahead
Cap and Gown Distribution Auditorium Lobby Turn in completed Senior checkout form (May 27th) Will receive Cap & Gown when all paperwork is turned in. See next page for sample check out sheet
Senior Check Out Sheet Note: The senior checkout forms will be distributed through English courses the first week of May. This is a snapshot of what it will look like:
June 2 nd Graduation Practice ICHS Gym Must be at practice to walk in the graduation ceremony This is a formal celebration of YOUR accomplishment Work right, practice light Work wrong, practice long Tickets for guests will be distributed at practice No one will be permitted into the arena without a ticket Each graduate receives 15 tickets
June 4 th Graduation 10:00am Germain Arena Check in with teacher line leader no later than 8:30 am Prepare what you need the night before: Gown, Cap, Tassel, Cords, Medallion, Outfit, Tickets, Camera, etc. Gentlemen – dark slacks, white collared shirt, dark tie, dress shoes. Ladies – solid color dress, or skirt no longer than the length of gown, appropriate footwear. Tennis shoes, flip flops not permitted Dignified celebration of YOUR accomplishment Be respectful of others and the ceremony Be there no later than 8:30 am
June 4 th Graduation 10:00am Germain Arena Traffic Parking Entry Location for Students: Report to the Northwest entrance facing I75 (traditionally the loading area entrance) Prohibited Items: Noise makers, balloons and flags will be confiscated. Germain Arena does not allow Flowers, strollers and balloons. Disabled seating note
Believe in Yourself Think about the opportunity Think about the opportunity
Take a Moment Thank a teacher Thank a parent Thank a friend We are proud of you! GATORS FINISH STRONG!
My Wish…