The following options are available for girls: Polo shirts...
Buttoned-down-the-front, collared shirts or blouses...
Blouses or sweaters without a collar (not t-shirts or t-shirt-like)...
Acceptable Sweaters, Pants, & Jacket
T-shirts and exposed midriffs are NOT ALLOWED
Exposed Shoulder Macrame Sheer & Midriff Styles To Avoid
Sleeveless tops that are at least three fingers width across the shoulder ARE ALLOWED. Traditional tank tops are NOT ALLOWED
Proper Length for Skirts/Shorts Not More Than 3” above Knee Regardless of Tights/Leggings (Appropriate Liturgy Dress for as well)
The Ugg boot is OK for every day but not for Liturgy/Special Event Dress The below shoes are not allowed at all. considered slippersand
Students may wear open toed shoes WITH heal straps on days they are NOT attending a Lab Science class.... Flip flops and backless shoes are NOT ALLOWED
Appropriate options for Liturgy Dress (except for open-toe footwear)
Acceptable for Liturgy Dress / (3 inch Special Event or less heel) NOT
Andforboys... The PoloorFront buttoned Collared Shirt
0r0r... V-neck with appropriate shirt Mock Turtle(Half-zip) shirts or sweaters
Appropriate Length to be Worn Untucked
A sweater, NOT A LONG SLEEVE T- SHIRT may be worn without a collared shirt underneath
Boys’ Liturgy / Special Event Attire (Khakis Permitted)
Athletic Not Allowed Cargo & Twill Thumbs Up! Shorts
College T’s Are Fine On Fridays!
On Faculty Meeting Early Release Days Wear your Mustang Spirit Wear!
Sorry fellas (girls too)... No hats or hoods may be worn during the school day!
Face piercings other than ears are not allowed. Please avoid excessively distracting & unusual hair styles or color. Boys need to be clean shaven!