Welcome to your new class!
Hello! Hello, hello! It’s a brand new year. Filled with fun and learning, Nothing to fear. Sit back and listen, Lend me an ear, I’m your teacher for the rest of this year!
Handbook Please sign the Parent/Student Handbook and turn in ASAP Located at Summithill.org Summithill.org under “Parent Info”
Footwear Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times No flip flops Enclosed toe P.E. everyday!!
Weapons Weapons include not only guns, but look alikes and any object used to cause or threaten injury Weapons include not only guns, but look alikes and any object used to cause or threaten injuryIncludes plastic knives
Snack/Recess/Lunch Snack Must follow guidelines Recess 11:55-12:15 Outside unless 20 degrees or below Dress APPROPRIATE for weather Lunch 12:15-12:35 Late lunches can be left on the cart in the office vestibule with the child’s name and classroom teacher clearly labeled
Transportation If there is a change in transportation, please send in a note with your child Notify office of all transportation changes Please follow procedures
Birthday/Food Treats If your child has a food allergy, please alert the office/nurse Non-edible items Will not pass out birthday invitations unless: Entire class All girls All boys
Attendance Notify school by telephone Homework will be given after vacation If your child is sick, homework can be picked up in the office after school
How to Help AVIC: Art Volunteers In the Classroom ITSCO: school wide events, classroom parties, lunch/treat day Classroom: field trips, copies, etc. PBIS store SCO: District wide fundraiser events BoxTops
Community Organizations Visit the several organizations in the cafeteria
Grading No grades for Social Studies or Science until 3 rd Quarter Grades will be updated on a weekly basis on PowerSchool % A 80-89% B 70-79% C
Primary Resources Reading-Journeys Math- Go Math! ThinkCentral
Homework minutes a night Reader Read daily Sight Words Spelling Agenda Go Math! Math Facts
Behavior Indian Trail students are respectful, responsible, and safe You will be contacted with any concerns
Take Home/Friday Folders Return to School Keep at Home Friday folders: corrected work Signature Page
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign Up Monday, November 21 st Tuesday, November 22 nd
Visit/Take a Tour Visit the SPECIALS Teachers Music- Mr. Renarda Art- Mrs. Olszta Tech- Mr. Schneider P.E.- Ms. Shea & Mr. Jacobi Library- Mrs. Jelderks Take a tour of our school!
Thank You!