1 Physics at forward rapidities systems p+p at 200 and 62 GeV d+Au collisions at 200 GeV Au+Au collisions observables pt-spectra nuclear modification factor Forward Physics with BRAHMS at RHIC Dieter Roehrich University of Bergen BRAHMS collaboration
2 Introduction Forward rapidity at RHIC collider at 200 GeV offers insight into pp, dA and AA: low-x region (for target like p, A) probing larger x F region where kinematic constraints may be important opportunities to study if pQCD works at RHIC energies at large rapidities energy loss of partons in dense matter (central AA collisions)
3 Kinematics RHIC example At 4° (y~3 for pions) and p T =1 GeV/c one can reach values as low of x 2 ~ This is a lower limit, not a typical value: most of the data collected at 4° would have x 2 ~0.01 Guzev, Strikman, and Vogelsang (hep-ph/ ) y=rapidity of (x L, k) system 1 process 2 2 process
4 Parton Distribution Function x 2 rangex 1 range Measurements at high rapidity set the dominant parton type: projectile (x 1 ~1) mostly valence quarks target (x 2 <0.01) mainly gluons How well does NLO pQCD work at RHIC and at large rapidities? Are there effects from small-x at large y?
5 Experiment Heavy Ion Experiment: AuAu, CuCu, pp, pp-spin, dAu 62, 200 GeV
6 pp at 200 GeV – stopping Net-proton rapidity distribution Despite large systematic uncertainties better agreement with the baryon transport in HIJING/B
7 pp at 200 GeV – midrapidity NLO pQCD can reproduce the data at RHIC energies The fragmentation functions differ by the amount of g->
8 pp at 200 GeV – forward rapidity (1) Calculations done by W. Vogelsang. Only one scale =p T and the same fragmentation functions as used for the PHENIX comparison. KKP has only 0 fragmentation. Modifications were needed to calculate charged pions. KKP FF does a better job compared to Kretzer, and kaon production still dominated by gg and gq at these rapidities apart from the highest p T PRL 98 (2007) No agreement with proton data
9 pp at 200 GeV – forward rapidity (2) Ratios p/ at y=3.0 and 3.3 Excess of positive pions: ratio ->1/2 (valence quark counting) Small p/p ratio eliminates possible strong g -> p or p fragmentation The difference between protons and anti-protons indicates that fragmentation (as AKK) is not the dominant mechanism Red: proton/ + Blue: antiproton/ - e + e - p+pbar/ + + - ALEPH PRL 98 (2007)
10 Conclusions – pp at 200 GeV rapidity dependence NLO pQCD describes data at all rapidities at 200 GeV mKKP fragmentation function reproduces the pion and kaon production. This agreement implies a dominance of gq and gg processes at these high rapidities as was the case for the measurements of neutral pions at mid- rapidity. But: large proton/pion ratio at intermediate/high pt at large y?
11 pp at 62 GeV – forward rapidity - spectra at forward rapidities Comparison of NLO pQCD calculations (Vogelsang) with BRAHMS data at high rapidity. The calculations are for KKP and a scale factor of =p t. The agreement is surprisingly good in view of analysis of slightly lower ISR data at large y which failed to describe 0 at larger x F.
12 Initial and final effects – dAu at 200 GeV Initial effects Wang, Levai, Kopeliovich, Accardi Especially at forward rapidities: Eskola, Kolhinen, Vogt, Nucl. Phys. A696 (2001) HIJING D.Kharzeev et al., PLB 561 (2003) 93 Others B. Kopeliovich et al., hep- ph/ J. Qiu, I, Vitev, hep-ph/ R. Hwa et al., nucl- th/ D.E. Kahana, S. Kahana, nucl-th/ “Cronin effect” Initial state elastic multiple scattering leading to Cronin enhancement (R AA >1) Gluon saturation depletion of low-x gluons due to gluon fusion ”Color Glass Condensate (CGC)” broaden p T Nuclear shadowing depletion of low-x partons Anti Shadowing r/ gg g Suppression due to dominance of projectile valence quarks, energy loss, coherent multiple scattering, energy conservation, parton recombination,...
13 Charged hadrons – R dAu at different pseudorapidities BRAHMS: PRL 93, (2004) Cronin-like enhancement at =0 Clear suppression as changes from 0 to 3.2 R dAu d 2 N d+Au /dp T d d 2 N pp inel /dp T d <> = 7.2 where = 7.2±0.3 Nuclear Modification Factor
14 Charged hadrons – centrality dependence of enhancement/suppression in d+Au R cp is a similar ratio but with peripheral collisions used as a reference Change of R CP from mid- to forward rapidities is stronger for central collisions than for semi-peripheral collisions BRAHMS: PRL 93, (2004)
15 R dAu : pions, kaons and protons (y=3) R dAu –Suppression for and K – consistent with charged hadrons –Less suppression for protons
16 Experimental facts – dAu at RHIC At midrapidity –Cronin enhancement observed for several particle species in R dAu and R CP (magnitude differs by a factor of 2) –Cronin effect (baryons) > Cronin effect (mesons) At forward rapidities –Increasing suppression of charged hadrons, h -, +, 0, K + with increasing (pseudo)rapidity –less suppression of protons
17 Model: Kharzeev, Levin, Nardi. Nucl. Phys. A 730 (2004) 448 CGC saturation model (1) CGC describes dn/d and 0 inv. CS at forward rapidities Data: BRAHMS, submitted to PRL, nucl-ex/ Data: B. Mohanty (STAR), QM2005 Model: A. Dumitru, A. Hayashigaki, J. Jalilian-Marian, hep-ph/
18 CGC saturation model (2) CGC model describes R dAu and R CP Suppression comes in at y > 0.6 D. Kharzeev, Y.V. Kovchegov, K. Tuchin, hep-ph/ (2004)
19 Comparison pQCD vs CGC LO pQCD calculation –Nuclear shadowing CGC See also R. Vogt, hep-ph/ (2004) Taken from d’Enterria
20 pQCD models (1) pQCD-improved parton model –Glauber-type collision geometry –Nuclear shadowing –Initial state incoherent multiple scattering Increasing strength of standard nuclear shadowing with increasing reasonable agreement between R dAu and pQCD but underestimation of centrality dependence of R CP G.G. Barnafoldi, G. Papp, P. Levai, G. Fai, nucl-th/ (2004) See also R. Vogt, hep-ph/ (2004) see also A. Arcadi, M. Gyulasy, nucl-th/ (2004) see R. Vogt, hep-ph/ (2004), Phys. Rev. C70 (2004)
21 pQCD models (2) Coherent multiple scattering of a parton with the remnants of the nucleus in the final state J.W.Qiu, I.Vitev, hep-ph/ Low p T suppression which grows with rapidity and centrality Disappearence of the nuclear modification at high p T
22 Phenomenological models Suppression at large x F –Forward region is dominated by the fragmentation of valence quarks –Induced energy loss via increased gluon bremsstrahlung in cold nuclear matter –Momentum conservation forbids particle production at x F 1 B. Kopeliovich et al., hep-ph/ ; PRC72(2005)054606
23 Conclusions (dAu) Suppression phenomena at forward rapidities at RHIC energies The suppression and in particular the inversion vs. centrality of R dAu at high rapidity may be a signature for the gluon saturation and the small-x evolution. The x-range probed is in range of Alternate explanations e.g. in terms of Sudakov suppression works quite well too
24 Final state effects – A+A collisions Gallmeister et al., PRC67 (2003) Fries, Muller, Nonaka, Bass, nucl-th/ Lin, Ko, PRL89 (2002 ) R. Hwa et al., nucl-th/ Gyulassy, Wang, Vitev, Baier, Wiedemann… e.g. nucl-th/ Hadronic absorption of fragments Energy loss of partons in dense matter Parton recombination (up to moderate p T )
25 R AuAu : charged hadrons – Au+Au at 200 GeV (midrapidity) Nuclear modification factor –Strong suppression of hadron production at intermediate/high pt in central Au+Au collisions R AA = d 2 N/dp T d (A+A) N Coll d 2 N/dp T d (p+p)
26 Matter at forward rapidity (1) BRAHMS, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) dn/dy drops by a factor of 3 radial flow drops by 30% J.I. Jørdre (BRAHMS), PhD thesis (2004)
27 Matter at forward rapidity (2) Drastic change of antiproton/pion ratio 62.4 GeV ”SPS”-like hadron chemistry p/p
28 R AuAu : charged hadrons – Au+Au at 200 GeV NO change of R AuAu with rapidity
29 R AuAu : identified hadrons – Au+Au at 200 GeV midrapidity vs =3.2 Strong pion suppression NO change of R AuAu with rapidity pionsprotons
30 Surface emission? Medium at RHIC is so dense that only particles produced close to the surface can escape Dainese, Loizides, Paic, Eur. Phys. J. C38 (2005) 461 Parton spectrum using pp reference spectrum Parton energy loss dE ~ q.L**2 q adjusted to give observed R AA at ~1 The change in dN/dh will result in slowly rising R AA The modification of reference pp spectrum causes the R AA to be approximately constant as function of +
31 pQCD + GLV fit to R AA → L/ λ Opacity at forward rapidity G. G. Barnafoldi et al. Eur. Phys. J. C49 (2007)333 Co-moving dynamics of jet and longitudinally expanding surface of the compressed matter Initial geometry: longitudinally contracted dense deconfined zone
32 Conclusions (AuAu) Nuclear modification –Strong pion suppression at all rapidities –Protons are enhanced at all rapidities (R AuAu ) and moderate p T –No dependence of R AuAu on rapidity
33 Summary Forward rapidities at RHIC has given additional insight into hadron scattering Pion and kaon production in pp well described in pQCD; failure of protons indicates other mechanism dAu suppression at high rapidity consistent with saturation picture, but at RHIC energy, x and p T reach may be too small to decisively settle this - LHC is promising for studying low-x physics in great detail covering large x and p T range Strong suppression effects at all rapidities in central Au+Au collisions
34 I.Arsene 7, I.G. Bearden 6, D. Beavis 1, S. Bekele 6, C. Besliu 9, B. Budick 5, H. Bøggild 6, C. Chasman 1, C. H. Christensen 6, P. Christiansen 6, R. Clarke 9, R.Debbe 1, J. J. Gaardhøje 6, K. Hagel 7, H. Ito 10, A. Jipa 9, J. I. Jordre 9, F. Jundt 2, E.B. Johnson 10, C.E.Jørgensen 6, R. Karabowicz 3, E. J. Kim 4, T.M.Larsen 11, J. H. Lee 1, Y. K. Lee 4, S.Lindal 11, G. Løvhøjden 2, Z. Majka 3, M. Murray 10, J. Natowitz 7, B.S.Nielsen 6, D. Ouerdane 6, R.Planeta 3, F. Rami 2, C. Ristea 6, O. Ristea 9, D. Röhrich 8, B. H. Samset 11, D. Sandberg 6, S. J. Sanders 10, R.A.Sheetz 1, P. Staszel 3, T.S. Tveter 11, F.Videbæk 1, R. Wada 7, H. Yang 6, Z. Yin 8, and I. S. Zgura 9 1 Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, 2 IReS and Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France 3 Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, 4 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, 5 New York University, USA 6 Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 7 Texas A&M University, College Station. USA, 8 University of Bergen, Norway 9 University of Bucharest, Romania, 10 University of Kansas, Lawrence,USA 11 University of Oslo Norway The BRAHMS Collaboration