SQL Notification Service와 SMS를 활용한 모바일 솔루션 Partner Solution 1: 엠클릭플러스㈜ 모바일 사업부 정성욱 팀장, 우정환 연구원 http://www.mclick.net netkiller@mclick.net woojja@mclick.net Key Message: Introduction – Welcome Slide Builds: None Slide Script: Mobility is a key topic on a lot of customer’s minds these days. In this presentation, we are going to: take a look at a number of aspects of mobility take a look at some case studies and demonstrations to give you a sense of what is going on in this space Slide Transition: Box Out Additional Information for Presenter:
Agenda SMS 소개 MCLICK-MESSENGER™ ENT. 2.5 (MME 2.5) MS-SQL Notification Service & SMS Protocol SMS를 이용한 비즈니스 어플리케이션 응용 사례 다양한 비즈니스를 위한 SMS 휴대폰 문자 메시징 서비스의 활용과 중앙의 DBMS인 MS-SQL Server2000의 Notification Service와 직접 연결된 SMS 모바일 솔루션을 이용함으로써 기업 정보 시스템의 SMS를 이용한 모바일 서비스로의 확장을 간단하고 명료하게 구현할 수 있도록 그 해답을 제시한다. Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
SMS 소개 SMS란 무엇인가? 국내 SMS 시장 현황 SMS 서비스 특징 SMS 서비스 종류 SMS 발송 방식 정리 SMS Server to Phone 상세 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
SMS (Short Message System)란 무엇인가? 휴대폰과 PDA를 위한 실시간 단문 메시징 시스템 국내 SMS 시장 현황 2003년 현재 국민 3명당 2명 이상 휴대폰을 보유하므로, 고객 마케팅과 알림 메시지를 위한 가장 효과적인 매체 국내 모든 휴대폰은 기본 방식의 SMS (Short Message System)을 지원하며, 무선 PDA 역시 SMS 지원 SMS는 휴대폰에서의 음성 통화 다음으로 가장 널리 사용되는 서비스 ! 2002년 하루 국내 SMS 평균 발송 메시지량 약 1억 건 이상! 개인 중심의 전용 메시지 서비스에서 대량의 실시간 1 대 1 마케팅 도구로 급부상 휴대폰 자체의 SMS 저장 기능으로 광고 메시지에 대한 재 활용과 보관이 용이 기존의 그룹웨어/인트라넷, CRM 혹은 GPS/LBS등 기업의 IT 시스템에 손쉽게 적용 가능 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter: SMS는 실시간 메시징 서비스를 위한 KILLER APP. !
SMS 서비스 특징 개인별 1 대 1 메시지 전송 가능 시간대별 실시간 메시징 발송과 예약 기능 사례: 맞춤형 주식 정보, 쇼핑몰의 추천 상품 광고, 지역별 날씨 정보, 교통 정보 시간대별 실시간 메시징 발송과 예약 기능 시간대별 SMS 발송이 가능하여 날짜, 시간, 분 단위로 발송 예약 가능 고객의 데이터베이스 정보와 연동하여 시간대별 전략적 광고 가능 사례: 식사 전 음식점 홍보, 쇼핑몰 할인 시간대 알림, 기념일 예약 발송 기타 어플리케이션 SMS 연동을 이용한 자동 발송 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter: 어플리케이션 이벤트에 따라 해당 타이밍에 맞추어 실시간 SMS 정보 발송 데이터베이스 시스템과의 연동으로 특정 이벤트 발생시 SMS 알람 서비스 사례: 예금 인출 확인, 신용 카드 결재, 모바일 암호 인증, 시스템 장애 알람 등
SMS 서비스 종류 BASIC SMS SERVICE I-SMS Service L-SMS Service 일반적인 공통 휴대폰에 대한 80Byte 문자 메시징 서비스 구성: 발신자 번호(Call Back Number), 수신자 번호, 텍스트 메시지(80Byte) I-SMS Service 휴대폰과 SMS 센터 사이 대화형 SMS 서비스 사례: 각종 데이터 조회 / 구형 IS-95B Phone에서의 WAP 서비스 방식 L-SMS Service 장문의 SMS 메시지나 이미지/파일 등을 Push 방식: 메시징 데이터를 모두 받은 후 조합하여 이미지/파일/텍스트 처리 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter: MMS (Call Back URL) Service CALL Back URL을 이용한 멀티미디어 메시징 다운로드/WAP 간편 접속 사례: 벨 소리/로고 이미지 다운로드, WAP 서버 접속, 멀티미디어 메시지 수신
SMS 발송 방식 정리 1. Phone to Phone 2. Modem (PC) to Phone Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
? SMS 발송 방식 정리 3. SMS Server to Phone 이용자 PC SMS 서버 어플리케이션 서버 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter: 어플리케이션 서버
SMS Server to Phone 상세 무선 모뎀을 이용한 SMS 발송 방식 특징: SMS 서버 시스템에 직렬로 연결된 내/외장형 무선 모뎀을 이용하여 SMS 발송 장점: 인터넷(WAN)라인이 필요 없이 무선으로 직접 SMS 발송, 상대적으로 저렴한 비용 단점: 서버측 지역의 이통사 중계기 사정에 따른 서비스 성능과 안정성 문제, 전용 모뎀 구매 부담 지역 중계기까지만 발송 결과 확인: 최종 수신자 휴대폰까지의 SMS 송신 결과 확인 불가능 적용 분야: SMS 전송 결과를 확인할 필요가 없는 광고 메시지 발송 목적 인터넷(WAN) 연결 불가능 지역(이통사 망 연결 필수) 유선 SMS Center에 연결된 SMS 발송 방식 특징: SMS 서버 시스템이 중앙의 SMS 센터에 유선으로 직접 연결되어 SMS 발송 장점: 중앙 SMS 센터와 서버 시스템간의 Network bandwidth에 따른 서비스 안정성과 성능 확보 최종 수신자의 휴대폰에 대한 SMS 송신 결과 확인 가능, 모뎀의 구매가 필요 없음 단점: 중앙 SMS 센터와의 인터넷(WAN) 연결이 필요 적용 분야: SMS 전송 결과를 100% 확인할 필요가 있는 금융 및 비즈니스 메시지 발송 목적 일반 기업 및 금융권, 기관(대학/병원/정부) Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
MCLICK-MESSENGER™ ENT. 2.5 (MME 2.5) 서비스 구성도 주요 기능 항목 메뉴 구성 SMS 발송 결과 확인과 비디오 메일 기능 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
MCLICK-MESSENGER™ ENT. 2.5 (MME 2.5) 기업용 모바일 SMS 서버 패키지로서 일반 PC에서뿐만 아니라 무선 환경의 PDA에 이르기까지 데이터베이스 유/무선 동기화를 이용한 수신 주소록 관리와 SMS 메시지 발송이 가능한 유/무선 통합 모바일 SMS 전문 패키지 국내 최초로 MS-SQL Notification 서버용 SMS Driver와 다양한 API도 함께 제공하므로 기업 정보 시스템을 위한 SMS 모바일 서비스로의 확장을 간단 명료하게 구현할 수 있게 해준다. Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
MCLICK-MESSENGER™ ENT. 2.5 (MME 2.5) 서비스 구성도 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
MCLICK-MESSENGER™ ENT. 2.5 (MME 2.5) 주요 기능 항목 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
MCLICK-MESSENGER™ ENT. 2.5 (MME 2.5) 메뉴 구성 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
MCLICK-MESSENGER™ ENT. 2.5 (MME 2.5) SMS 발송 결과 확인과 비디오 메일 기능 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
MS-SQL Notification Service & SMS Protocol MS-SQL Notification Service overview Notification Services 설치 NS의 SMS 전송을 위한 SMS Protocol setting Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
MS-SQL Notification Service overview Getting Information Today You Browse Request Web Sites Newsgroups LOB Applications Information Sources
MS-SQL Notification Service overview A New Model You Browse Request Web Sites Newsgroups LOB Applications Information Sources
MS-SQL Notification Service overview Notification Applications Personalized Timely Any Device You Browse Request Notification Application Web Sites Newsgroups LOB Applications Information Sources
MS-SQL Notification Service overview Architecture Subscription Management Application Subscriber Subscriptions Subscriber Devices E-mail Outside activity Microsoft Alerts Event Provider Custom Event Collector Event Provider Host File System SQL Server Notification Generator Content Formatting & Distribution Custom Formatter Distributor .NET Alerts Email File XSLT SQL Match Rules SMS Events Event Batches Notifications Notification Batches App. specific Standard
MS-SQL Notification Service overview Programming Elements Core Notification Application XML SQL DB ADF NS Compiler Tables, Views, SPs Subscriber/Subscription Application HTML C#, VB ASP.NET Code Managed Compiler ASP.NET on IIS Custom Components (Event Provider / Formatter / Protocol) C# VB C++ DLL Managed Code Managed Compiler Managed Assembly
Notification Services 설치 엔진구성요소 클라이언트 구성요소 대량이벤트 전송 데이터베이스 구성요소 설명서 예제응용프로그램
Notification Services 설치 하드웨어및 소프트웨어 요구사항 핵심구성요소를 위한 하드웨어 요구사항 컴퓨터 최소 Pentium 450MHz Pentium 733MHz 이상 권장 메모리(RAM) 최소 128MB 256MB 이상 권장 하드 디스크 공간 Notification Services 구성 요소: 10MB 데이터베이스와 Notification Services가 같은 서버에 있는 경우, 데이터베이스 테이블, 로그 파일 및 임시 데이터베이스 테이블을 위한 추가 디스크 공간이 필요함
Notification Services 설치 하드웨어및 소프트웨어 요구사항 엔진구성요소를 위한 소프트웨어 요구사항 운영 체제 Microsoft Windows(TM) 2000 이상 또는 Windows XP Professional Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) Microsoft .NET Framework를 설치하는 데 필요한 MDAC 버전 2.6 이상 SQL Server 2000 클라이언트 도구 SQLXML에 필요한 SQL Server 2000 클라이언트 도구 Microsoft SQLXML SQLXML 버전 3.0 이상 SQLXML 3.0 SP1 이상 권장 .NET Framework .NET Framework 버전 1.0.3705 이상 MDAC, MSXML 및 SQLXML은 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/search.asp?LangID=14&LangDIR=KO
Notification Services 설치 하드웨어및 소프트웨어 요구사항 클라이언트 구성요소를 위한 소프트웨어 요구사항 운영 체제 Microsoft Windows(TM) 2000 이상 또는 Windows XP Professional Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) Microsoft .NET Framework를 설치하는 데 필요한 MDAC 버전 2.6 이상 .NET Framework .NET Framework 버전 1.0.3705 이상
Notification Services 설치 하드웨어및 소프트웨어 요구사항 대량 이벤트 전송 하위 구성요소를 위한 소프트웨어 요구사항 SQL Server 2000 도구 SQLXML에 필요한 SQL Server 2000 클라이언트 도구 Microsoft SQLXML SQLXML 버전 3.0 이상 SQLXML 3.0 SP1 이상 권장
Notification Services 설치 하드웨어및 소프트웨어 요구사항 데이터베이스 구성요소를 위한 소프트웨어 요구사항 SQL Server 2000 SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition, SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition 또는 SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition
Notification Services 설치 1. SQLXML3.0 설치
Notification Services 설치 NS Installation
SMS Protocol setting appADF.XML 내에 Protocol element추가 <ProtocolName>SMS</ProtocolName> <!--SMS--> <Fields> <Field> <FieldName>id</FieldName> <SqlExpression>‘********'</SqlExpression> </Field> <FieldName>passwd</FieldName> <FieldName>from</FieldName> <FieldReference>SndrNumb</FieldReference> <FieldName>to</FieldName> <SqlExpression>DeviceAddress</SqlExpression> <FieldName>type</FieldName> <FieldReference>SendType</FieldReference> <FieldName>msg</FieldName> <FieldReference>SendMesg</FieldReference> </Fields> </Protocol> </Protocols>
SMS Protocol setting appConfig.XML 내에 Protocol element 와 DeliveryChannel element 추가 <Protocols> <Protocol> <ProtocolName>SMS</ProtocolName> <ClassName>MclickSms.SMSProtocol</ClassName> <AssemblyName>%BaseDirectoryPath%\MclickSms\bin\SMSProtocol.dll</AssemblyName> </Protocol> </Protocols> <DeliveryChannels> <DeliveryChannel> <DeliveryChannelName>SMSChannel</DeliveryChannelName> <Arguments> <Argument> <Name>ProtocolProviderClassName</Name> <Value>SMS</Value> </Argument> <!-- The ProtocolProviderAssemblyName value points to the custom provider assembly, which must be created before the application is run. This can be done from within Visual Studio by loading the DaewooShip solution, right clicking the CustomDeliveryProtocol project and choosing Build. --> <Name>ProtocolProviderAssemblyName</Name> <Value>%BaseDirectoryPath%\MclickSms\bin\SMSProtocol.dll</Value> </Arguments> </DeliveryChannel> </DeliveryChannels>
SMS를 이용한 비즈니스 어플리케이션 응용 사례 MS-Project Server와 SMS 모바일 연동 Groupware와 SMS 모바일 연동 MS-Exchange Server와 SMS 모바일 연동 금융권 및 특화 업종을 위한 SMS 적용 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
MS-Project Server와 SMS 모바일 연동 CALL Back URL을 통한 WAP 접속으로 Project 작업 처리(완료/지연 업데이트) 작업자 phone MS Project Server Internet (Wireless Internet) MS Project Client Project DB MS Project Web Client Browser SMS Server SQL Notification Service Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter: SMS DB .NET Mobile Web
ERP/Groupware와 SMS 모바일 연동 email 발송 시 SMS 알림, 예약 일정 알림, 전자 결재, CRM/SCM 이벤트 알림 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
MS-Exchange Server와 SMS 모바일 연동 Outlook Form Design을 이용한 SMS 발송 기능 적용 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
금융권 및 특화 업종을 위한 SMS 적용 금융 연체자 관리, 예금 주요 정보 자동 알림 Key Message: Mobility is going to have a huge impact on your business. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: There have been some exciting things happening in the mobility space: It reminds some of us of the early days of the PC when very few people really had a vision for the level of impact the PC would have on our lives. It was hard to imagine in the early 80’s that hundreds of millions of devices would soon be in use around the world. At this stage for mobility, it feels very much the same. But key industry analysts are projecting some fairly significant numbers within the next couple of years: Gartner Group estimates that more than 60% of Fortune 1000 companies will be deploying a mobile application server IDC surveys show that about 40% are expecting mobile solutions that would use more than 500 Pocket PCs. That large-scale kind of deployment is something we have been growing to and we are expecting to see even more significant growth moving forward. Even with our own Exchange customer base, over 80% would like to have wireless access to their Exchange information: e-mail, is a big, big driver behind this mobility push. In addition, mobile phones are expected to grow at a phenomenal rate. By 2003 IDC estimates that there will be 40 million phones that are capable of browsing information on the web and by 2006, 1.7 billion phones will be distributed around the world. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:
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