Release Management
What Have You Got To Look Forward to :- So What is release management Process Adaptation Test And Strategy Document /Software Test Plan Release Candidates Release Notes Software Deployment / Pecos application Test Scripts Lockheed Martin Internal testing (LMIT) Exit Criteria Managed User Acceptance Testing (MUAT ) User acceptance Testing (UAT) Releasing Software Issues – Release Management Safety Net – Release Management Objective To Re-iterate
So What is Release Management Release management is the process of managing, planning, scheduling and controlling a software build through different stages and environments; including testing and deployment. Software products (especially Web based applications) are typically in an on-going cycle of development, testing and release and are often run on evolving platforms with growing complexity. Such systems require dedicated resources to oversee the integration and flow of development, testing, deployment, and support.
Test And Strategy Document /Software Test Plan
Release Candidates
Release Notes
PECOS Application Test Scripts Software Deployment / Pecos application Test Scripts
Lockheed Martin Internal testing (LMIT)
Exit Criteria When is it Safe to Proceed Exit Criteria
Managed User Acceptance Testing (MUAT)
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Any issue(s) identified during any phase of testing should be logged onto the LM Service Desk.
Releasing Software Issues Release Management Safety Net Release Management Objective
To reiterate, If during any of the stages the exit criteria is not realised the Release is postponed and the product returned to Elcom for resolution of issues. The Release reaches us in a load tested condition and we carry out Regression Testing at every stage ( this essentially validates that what was working previously still works and has been unaffected by the introduction of any new functionality). We also request Organisations carry out their own Integration testing.
So What Could This Mean For Version 15 Release Notes Received 1/7 /2016 Planning Meeting with Lockheed Martin and Elcom13/7/2016 Lockheed Martin Internal Testing (LMIT)18/7 / /8/2016 Managed User Acceptance Testing (MUAT)17/8/ /8/2016 User Acceptance Testing (UAT)26/8/2016 – 9/9/2016 Production Deployment 19/9/2016 – 22/9/2016 At the end of each testing phase, Lockheed Martin produce a report upon which a decision is made by the P2P Service Management team as to whether we proceed to the next stage. The above timetable is based upon the best possible scenario and does not take into consideration the reporting ETL changes that have to be made or the possibility of issues being found and their resolution times. I stress therefore that it is completely indicative and is no way set in stone.