Federal Consistency Certification Sorrento Valley Double Track
Sorrento Valley Double Track 2 Study Area Map Near Term Service Expansion (San Diego Rail Prioritization Report) recommended to provide double track configuration at this key choke point. Facilitate expanded service by 6 to 14 more trains per day by the year 2015, with most service expansion for peak-period COASTER operations and AM and mid-day Amtrak operations. Near Term Service Expansion (San Diego Rail Prioritization Report) recommended to provide double track configuration at this key choke point. Facilitate expanded service by 6 to 14 more trains per day by the year 2015, with most service expansion for peak-period COASTER operations and AM and mid-day Amtrak operations.
3 Sorrento Valley Double Track Vegetation Map
Sorrento Valley Double Track Schematic
Sorrento Valley Double Track Track is Raised and Shifted Away From Creek
Sorrento Valley Double Track Project Impacts Coastal Wetlands Impacts to sensitive coastal wetlands are unavoidable. The Project minimizes wetlands impacts to the fullest extent practicable, and provides on-site and off-site mitigation for unavoidable impacts. Project provides for 2.27 acres of restored/created coastal wetlands on site. Bridge 248.7
Sorrento Valley Double Track Torrey Pines Mitigation Site (off-site)
Sorrento Valley Double Track Torrey Pines Mitigation Site Aerial photograph of Mitigation Site Site photograph of Mitigation Site
Sorrento Valley Double Track Torrey Pines Mitigation Site
Sorrento Valley Double Track Project Benefits Increased Rail Capacity Results In: Reduced traffic congestion, which promotes coastal access; Reduced vehicle miles traveled; Reduced water pollution and air pollution; Reduced energy consumption; and, Reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Sorrento Valley Double Track Balancing Protection of Coastal Resources The project’s benefits outweigh the fully mitigated impacts to Coastal Wetlands; Concurring with the consistency certification is most protective of coastal resources; and, The project is consistent with the Coastal Act. We respectfully ask for your concurrence with the consistently certification. We are available to answer questions. Thank you.
Sorrento Valley Double Track QUESTIONS?
13 Sorrento Valley Double Track CCC Jurisdictional Impacts Table 4. Impacts to CCC Jurisdiction by Habitat Type Temp. ImpactsPerm. ImpactsTotal Impacts Vegetation Community(acres) Wetland Habitats Riparian Habitats Non-Vegetated Habitats Total