SAFETYANALYST Integrates and automates the transportation safety planning and management Software analysis tools to assist highway agencies to implement their SHSP and HSIP R&D being completed; distribution and licensing
Focus on engineering countermeasures, although other emphasis areas may be assessed: –Identify locations warranting further review –Develop candidate countermeasures –Program and track site or crash type specific safety improvements –Evaluate their effectiveness.
Supports implementation of the Highway Safety Manual, Part B Four SA modules correspond to HSM Chapters 4 to 9: 1234 Network Screening (Ch 4) Diagnosis (Ch 5) and Countermeasure Selection (Ch 6) Economic Appraisal (Ch 7) and Priority Ranking (Ch 8) Countermeasure Effectiveness Evaluation (Ch 9)
Process and methods follow HSIP requirements SA software deployment and license are eligible HSIP expenses Long-term distribution, maintenance, technical support, and enhancements as a licensed AASHTOWare product (beginning July 1, 2009)
Site License Annual Fee: $45,000 Use of SafetyAnalyst 1.0 on an unlimited number of workstations within the agency. A prime contact person is needed to funnel all support and maintenance requests to the contractor International License Annual Fee: $45,000USD Use of SafetyAnalyst 1.0 on an unlimited number of workstations within the agency. Licensee responsible for ensuring protection of AASHTO trademarks and copyrights
Service Units Fee: 40 hours $8,000 To provide consultation and support to assist the licensee in the implementation of the SafetyAnalyst, such as: –Preparing and importing the required roadway inventory, crash report and traffic volume data –Specialized user training –Agency specific modifications or customized reports and data exporting;
Service Units are not for: Work involving major new software development by member agencies. Use of SU to perform modifications that change AASHTO product source code must be reviewed and approved by the Task Force Reimbursement for travel expenses by agency personnel
Next steps: Garner management support and initiate project funded through HSIP and/or other state sources Develop team with traffic, crash and roadway inventory data managers Determine license and service unit needs Define contract with AASHTOWare staff
For more information: –Go to: –Contact: Vicki Schofield, AASHTO Project Manager, (202) Stephen Read, AASHTO SafetyAnalyst Steering Committee Chair, Ray Krammes, FHWA SafetyAnalyst Project Manager,