19th November 2015 Wealden Local Plan – Issues, Options and Recommendations East Hoathly with Halland Parish Council
Introduction to the Local Plans Required by Core Strategy (Policy WCS1) Wealden Local Plan (WLP) - Strategic and local policies covering all policy requirements, including site allocations Hailsham Area Action Plan (HAAP) – Detailed policies including allocations and town centre. Includes the Hailsham, Arlington and Polegate area When adopted supersedes Core Strategy and 1998 Local Plan Must meet legal requirements and ‘tests of soundness’
Stages of Local Plan Production Publication of Issues, Options and Recommendations for consultation Publication of Proposed Submission Document for representations Submission of Local Plan Examination legal compliance soundness Proposed modifications Assessments Consultation Final Report Adoption by the Council October to December 2015 November to December 2016 April/ May 2017 To be determined by Planning Inspectorate
Overall Growth Starting point Objectively Assessed Housing Need = 735 dwellings per annum Proposal = 19,950 dwellings from 2013 to 2037 which is 832 dwellings per annum (including 7,200 approved and allocated under the current plan) Results in some 12,750 dwellings in addition to what is already expected. This equals to 580 dwellings per annum On this basis we are accommodating 2,300 dwellings on behalf of our neighbours
Vision and Strategy Significant housing and employment growth around the existing areas of south Wealden. Growth within villages and towns, including settlements within the AONB. Protection of Ashdown Forest and South Downs National Park. Retail opportunities to significantly expand Road and rail improvements. Growing hi-tech sector and encourage new businesses. Increase workplace wages and improve skills. Improvements to leisure facilities.
Testing It may be that this approach is not acceptable in terms of impact upon the Ashdown Forest, High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the South Downs National Park. It may be that there is not enough land available or that this proposal is undeliverable. It may also be that infrastructure is not in place, which will mean this strategy will need to be delayed. All reasonable alternatives contained within the Sustainability Appraisal, including new settlements.
Delivery of Growth – East Hoathly Preferred Options for Testing The delivery of 190 dwellings within and around East Hoathly. To initially focus the delivery on infill, subject to an capacity study, with potential allocations to meet requirements in South East Sector first and then North (1) and North West, East Hoathly.
East Hoathly Map
Delivery of Growth - Halland Preferred Options for Testing The delivery of 30 dwellings within the Local Settlement of Halland. Within and adjoining the Core Area, settlements allocated between 21 and 40 dwellings may accommodate small individual housing developments of 1 or 2 bedroom dwellings or 1 or 2 bedroom live work units. Only up to 5 dwellings/live work units will be allowed up to the number of dwellings identified in the strategic distribution. Permission will be subject to certain design criteria, policies that protect the environment and the prevention of coalescence of new development resulting from the policy.
Halland Core Area
Infrastructure A27 improvements part of the strategy. Delivery of other road and social infrastructure as well as improved waste water treatment. release of land conditional upon there being sufficient capacity in the existing local infrastructure to meet the requirements generated by proposed development. Where development would create the need to provide additional infrastructure, a programme of delivery must be agreed with the relevant providers. Infrastructure background paper produced.
Other Policies Town and Village Centres Gypsies and Travellers Design Natural Environment Landscape Development in the Countryside Affordable Housing Housing Historic Environment Proposed Conservation Areas
Conservation Area
Consultation Arrangements Consultation started on 19 th October and will finish on 14 th December. The documents are available on the website as well as in certain public venues. Hard copy and on line questionnaire. Publicity includes leaflets to every household, letters to specific individuals, social media and exhibitions.
Any Questions?