EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Update on Communication Developments in 2010 And Communication-group meetings 2011 EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET L’EXCLUSION SOCIALE Nellie Epinat Communications officer 05 February 2011
2010 Developments Leticia Gomez, Stagiaire in 2010, now part of EAPN’s staff, communications assistant
more exchange with networks lots of requests for news => increased their own visibility, both on Coalition and EAPN’s websites exchanges on press contacts and media coverage for the 2010 European Year workshop on communication at the 2010 GA – Gave networks a more concrete idea of EAPN’s work on communications, its reason to be and relevance of communications work in the network / in the Strategic Plan – good opportunity to exchange on that topic, very useful all participants, good feedback
Increase of media attention, notably thanks to the 2010 European Year see : > news and events > press room EAPN in the press EAPN Networks in the press
Development of Tools whole website updated / very good feedback from members and external users very recently: members’ room updated, new item on communication Templates for: – reports, position papers, policy briefings – MAG for networks – Word version – Powerpoint presentations
Development of Tools Flash gradually getting a more dynamic look – more implication on the Flash from Secretariat and national networks + more cooperation with outside stakeholders as well Bookmark / presentation tool for EAPN EAPN Fund’s leaflet Development of the Picasa album to share photos=> increasingly shared tool
Development of Tools Facebook pages also helpful to keep contact and inform with members and external actors MI Campaign leaflet 2010 Anniversary PPT presentation shown at the GA (pictures still needed from members to improve it and for EAPN’s History as well)
Work on Communications strategy Concrete steps 1) Workshop on Communication June 2010 – Reflection on Communications strategy (as stated in current Strategic plan) – Proposal of a Questionnaire agreed on by following ExCo and Bureau meetings 2) Questionnaire: Mapping of EAPN members = “where are we at?”
Questionnaire : Mapping of EAPN members = “where are we at?” – sent late (13/01), possible to do it by phone – deadline 25/01 - eventually analysis started 01/02 – 15 national networks responded – who they are, what they do, how they operate, what their strengths, weaknesses and needs are, how we work all together, what works well and what should be improved. – => keeping track of it all together. HOW will we keep track of this information = part of the Strategy we need to conceive, for us all Compilation of requests from members on communications in the last 4 years = 2 tools that will fuel into the work on the communications strategy
What’s next? 3 communications meetings in 2011 work programme – Aim = draft EAPN’s communications strategy // Strategic Plan – ! Communications strategy is result of a (ongoing and constant) participative process needs to both reflect the reality of and be useful for the actors concerned, ie all EAPN members and structures. The 3 meetings foreseen are: 2 x 1-day meetings of about 6-8 people 1 x 1-day meeting of about 30 people => who? how, when, what for?
2 Groups The large group should ideally be able to represent all EAPN members to exchange and work on the content of the communications strategy. (1 meeting) The small group technicians/architects made up of communications + policy people. (2 meetings) - at the service of – and not imposing on - all EAPN members, - putting together a content that needs to come from EAPN members. “If an architect designs a house for a family, this house must respond to the needs of that family, who will - in turn and logically - live in that house”.
How? Logically, the smaller group should be defined as soon as possible set up a 1 st meeting with concrete timeline, informing EAPN members (through members’ room as well)
Timeline? dateEAPN 2011 agendaProposal 3-5 Feb 2011 EXCODiscussion Feb-April 2011 Bureau and Exco finalise draft strategic plan Members and WG discuss and input on the process 1 st small–group meeting before next EXCO -Analysis of questionnaire and mapping of networks - first discussion on the drafting of the Strategy (process, format, content) -- possible input to the strategic planning Small group also working outside meetings (skype, s, exchanges) And informing larger group / EXCO through communication page on the Members’ room. April 2011 EXCO – discusses progress and input from groups April – June 2011 Last round of inputs of all groups and members into strategic planning process May: 2 nd small-group meeting June 2011 GA – discusses working models, finalises priorities and chooses EAPN’s new model for strategic plan October 2011 EXCOMeetingLarger-group meeting within the EXCO
Small-group (These are Proposals) Peter Kelly, UK (policy and communication) Jonas Candalija, SP (communication) Michaela Moser (policy, communication and Bureau member in charge of communication) 2 new networks and/or of little resources – Estonia? – …? Karolien Schepens, B (communication) Marta Vaz, PT (communication)