ITANA Report IT Architecture and IT Governance Survey Last Modified: 01/08/2014
1. Participants – 30 total Institution UCSDLiverpool John Moores University U ChicagoCase Western Reserve University National Center for Atmospheric Research University of Bristol UC IrvineUniversity of Minnesota University of WashingtonUniversity of Maine System North-West University, South Africa Columbia University University of MichiganUC Berkeley Notre DameUniversity of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Unievrsity of RochesterAppalachian State University MichiganBoston College University of California, San DiegoThe University of Toledo UMUCCardiff University University at Buffalo University of Cape town
3. Does your Institution have formal IT Governance? #AnswerResponse% 1Yes2069% 2No931% Total29100%
4. Level of IT Governance Maturity at Your Institution (best guess) #AnswerMin ValueMax ValueAverage Value Standard Deviation Responses 1IT Governance Maturity
5. What is the Scope of your Institution's IT Governance? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Central IT17100% 3Other, please specify16% 4Academic IT1376% 5Admin IT1588% Other, please specify We don't have different "federated" IT depts, only one, centralised IT dept.
6. Who helps drive decisions concerning IT Governance, i.e. what units and organizations are represented? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Central IT17100% 2Academic IT1482% 3Admin IT1376% 4Other, please specify318% 5Admin (non-IT)1482% 6Academic (non-IT)1588% Other, please specify research and faculty University Library, Student Senate, research institutes Senior administrators, deans, CIOs and IT directors
7. Who helps IT investment prioritization, i.e. what units and organizations are represented? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Central IT1694% 2Academic IT1165% 3Admin IT1165% 4Other, please specify212% 5Admin (non-IT)1694% 6Academic (non-IT)1588% Other, please specify University Executive VPs, Provost & President Senior administrators, deans, CIOs and IT directors
8. What is the scope of Budget control? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Central IT1381% 2Academic IT531% 3Admin (non-IT)531% 4Other, please specify319% 5Admin IT956% 6Academic (non-IT)213% 8Operational Budget638% Other, please specify Capital Requests Projects determined/capitalized among sponsors with IT input Can you perhaps be a bit more specific w.r.t. which budget(s) and types & locus of control(s)?
9. What is the scope of Demand that is collected; i.e. who is IT Governance representing? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Central IT16100% 2Academic IT1381% 3Admin (non-IT)1594% 4Other, please specify16% 5Admin IT1381% 6Academic (non-IT)1381% Other, please specify Governance represents all initiatives having a technical component but often late in process - e.g., at time of technical resource request.
10. What is the Focus? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Strategic17100% 2Investment953% 3Tactical Review847% 4Other, please specify212% 5Operational Budget529% Other, please specify Innovation The focus is supposed to be strategic, but it's hard to drive it there.
11. What type of control does the IT Governance body exert? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Decision-making1059% 2Gate function953% 3Advisory1482% 4Other, please specify16% Other, please specify All of the above though control is often attenuated when introduced late in process.
12. If you have a formal IT Governance process, please provide the URL that describes the effort. Text Response pdf There is not public URL made available at this time. (data governance: ) Not publicly accessible
13. Does your Institution have Architecture Review? #AnswerResponse% 1Yes1662% 2No1038% Total26100%
14. Does your Institution have an Architecture Review Board? #AnswerResponse% 1Yes1063% 2No638% Total16100%
15. Does Architecture Review Board make decisions, gate function or is it advisory? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Make decisions444% 2Gate function667% 3Advisory778% 4Other, please specify111% Other, please specify Drive a presence for policy. Forward awareness of innovative possibilities.
16. What is the Scope of your Institution's Architecture Review Board? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Central IT9100% 2Academic IT444% 3Other, please specify111% 4Admin IT778% 5Admin (non-IT)111% 6Academic (non-IT)111% Other, please specify NB: our architecture review body is not responsible for managing IT governance
17. What is the diversity of your Institution's Architecture Review Board? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Central IT9100% 2Academic IT333% 3Admin IT778% 4Other, please specify222% 5Admin (non-IT)00% 6Academic (non-IT)00% Other, please specify The composition is standing members augmented by many others depending on the matters under review. Board attempts to be as open as possible rather than a closed bureaucratic body. will expand to Academic IT within the next year;
18. Does your Institution have Architecture Review without other formal governance? #AnswerResponse% 1Yes, please describe536% 2No964% Total14100% Yes, please describe Recommendations are made to our IT Governance Board Usually the review is done by central IT The archtiecture does not formally govern at this time. It currently exerts control in portfolio management as to what technologies are subject to migration, elimination, investment, toleration. The Architecture Review Board is in the process of being formalized but there is an ad-hoc architecture review committee. Architecture is not institutionally agreed or visible; projects usually started without consideration to architectural vision or impact
19. If appropriate, please provide the job description (roles, responsibilities, accountability and authorities) of your Institution's Enterprise Architect, Chief Technology Officer or equivalent. Text Response General Summary: The Enterprise Information Architect is the primary departmental resource for IT architectural methodologies. This position will collaborate in the development of enterprise-wide designs as well as research, develop and recommend IT and architectural standards, policies, and practices for current and future campus initiatives. We have 2 Enterprise Architects that advise projects that are deemed architecturally-significant by the central IT architects advisory group. EA is eventually to have scope that is campus-wide, but at this time most projects are directly related to central IT, which only includes education and admin IT. (Not research or clinical) The EA is responsible for the EA practice, which includes in scope all architecturally significant IT on campus. Currently, the EA practice is still maturing, and the scope is limited to Central IT (ITS). The EA Practice is charged with alignment of projects across campus to reduce redundancy and increase innovation. More information can be found here: As an initial step, we are establishing an Enterprise Architecture Steering Group, as opposed to one EA position.
20. Does your Institution have an Enterprise Architecture Practice/Program? #AnswerResponse% 1Yes1248% 2No1352% Total25100%
21. Level of Enterprise Architecture Maturity at Your Institution (best guess) #AnswerMin ValueMax ValueAverage Value Standard Deviation Responses 1Enterprise Architecture Maturity
22. How is your Enterprise Architecture effort organized? #AnswerResponse% 1Formal Office220% 2EA Group660% 3Formalized as roles, but not a group 00% 4Ad hoc volunteers00% 5Other, please describe220% Total10100% Other, please describe Enterprise Architect role. Evolving practice emerging with Business Analysts and Technical Architecture Virtual Team One EA, community of 1300 supporting
23. What is the staffing size for your Enterprise Architecture effort, i.e. number for FTEs? #AnswerMin ValueMax ValueAverage Value Standard Deviation Responses 1Formal Organization: Informal or dotted-line reports:
24. Who does the Enterprise Architecture effort report to? Text Response Assistant IT Director University VPCIO Associate CIO for Planning, Policy and PMO Director responsible for 11Architecture Services CIO Senior Director for IT Service Delivery (think COO) Chief Architect reports to Chief Technology Officer CIO Chief Information Officer
25. How is the Enterprise Architecture effort funded? #AnswerResponse% 1Central IT778% 2Institutional Overhead111% 3Charge Back00% 4Other, please specify111% Total9100% Other, please specify Office of the CIO
26. What is the main purpose(s) of your Enterprise Architecture effort? EA to you means: (Rank from MOST to Least important) AnswerRanking Aligning Business and IT strategy and vision1 Working with Business to better define the IT strategy2 Reducing variability3 Streamline the IT part of business3 Exploring/pushing future-state technology3 Reduction of costs4 Reduction of investment duplication5 Consulting6 Gathering and managing requirements9 Driving automation10 Creating positive disruption11 Other, please specify12 Other, please specify Migrating from an accurate understanding of current state to a desired (based on strategic direction) future state Realizing broader benefit from successful practices
27. What tools are used by your Enterprise Architecture effort? (Mark all that apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Application Portfolio Management, please list 330% 2Document Management, please list 440% 3Google Apps660% 4Troux00% 5ArchiMate220% 6Visio/OmniGraffle770% 7Other, please specify550%
27. What tools are used by your Enterprise Architecture effort? (Mark all that apply) Application Portfolio Management, please list Document Management, please list Other, please specify Google Spreadsheets & ServiceNow Google Apps planviewsharepoint Sharepoint Excel Sharepoint, ConfluenceiData's DataCookbook Open diagramming tools, Confluence, internally developed templates (e.g., for brick data collection). Box Sparx Enterprise Architect
28. What websites or other resources are used by your Enterprise Architecture effort? Please list. Text Response
28. What websites or other resources are used by your Enterprise Architecture effort? Please list. Other Response Many, many due to breadth of investigations. No one source is relied upon as authoritative framework. Internet2 and its subgroups/projects can be highlighted as important open sources, particularly for infrastructure work. The Open Group, Corporate Executive Board IT Leadership Exchange, Educause/ECAR, Gartner, ITANA Wiki
29. What Architectural Standard(S) do you follow or leverage to (Mark All That Apply) #AnswerResponse% 1Oracle00% 2Gartner225% 3TOGAF675% 4Zachman00% 5Federal Enterprise Architecture 00% 6Other, please specify338% Other, please specify No single framework used. TOGAF and Gartner have provided useful resources for particular needs. TOGAF, but very loose interpretation TOGAF-hybrid
30. To what extent is your Enterprise Architecture effort involved with Institutional Purchasing? #AnswerResponse% 1Not involved00% 2Consultative880% 3Approval110% 4Other, please specify110% Total10100% Other, please specify Still defining process
31. If you have a website for your Enterprise Architecture effort, please provide the URL. Text Response No public presence available at this time not yet, but will soon.