THE LONDON UNDERGROUND 1863 The Underground then. The Underground now.
CONTENTS Who built the London underground How much has the London Underground Changed Going both ways Accidents and Incidents
150 YEARS SINCE THE UNDERGROUND OPENED IN 1863 This is a BBC video showing the 150 year anniversary
WHO BUILT THE LONDON UNDERGROUND? 1843 The London Underground was built by Sir Mark Brunel and his son Isambard Brunel. Twenty years later, on the 10 th January 1863 the Metropolitan Railway was the very first underground railway to exist anywhere in the world. It went from Paddington Road (then called Bishop’s road) to Farringdon street. in 1869 they started to put the first steam trains in the tube the railroad from the tower of London to Bermondsey was opened. contents
HOW MUCH HAS THE LONDON UNDERGROUND CHANGED IN 152 YEARS? The London underground has changed lots because to start with they only had horse drawn carriages. Then there were big steam powered trains and now we have electric tube trains. There are now 402km of track and in 1863 there was only 3miles There are now millions of people using the Underground but in 1863 there was probably only 100s This is a picture of the first type of transport for the London Underground contents
GOING BOTH WAYS In 1903 the Central London line became the very first railway in Britain to only use multiple-unit trains. Multiple-unit trains are trains that are controllable from both ends of the train. They just have a driving seat at both ends of the train. Eventually in 1905 all the tube lines used multiple-unit trains.
ACCIDENTS AND INCIDENTS The space below the tube tracks are called suicide pits they put them in to help decrease the chance of death or extremely serious injury. Around 50 people year commit suicide on the London Underground. They finally decided to ban smoking on the tubes after the Kings Cross fire in 1987 the fire sadly killed 31 people! This is the suicide pit.