Task Force meetings ICP Vegetation ICP VEGETATION 30 th 24 th meeting, 31 January – 2 February 2011 Rapperswil-Jona, Switzerland 68 experts from 26 countries, including 3 EECCA countries, 7 countries SEE, Egypt, Pakistan, India, South-Africa Progress 2011 workplan & development workplan th meeting, 31 January – 2 February 2012 Brescia, Italy 31 January: Ozone workshop on ‘Applying the flux method at the national and local scale’
Medium-term workplan ICP VEGETATION 30 th 2012 – Report on: Supporting evidence for O 3 impacts on vegetation O 3 impacts on carbon sequestration Progress European moss survey 2010/11 Relationship between i) heavy metal and ii) nitrogen concentrations in mosses and impacts on ecosystems 2013 – Report on: Supporting evidence for O 3 impacts on vegetation O 3 impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services European moss survey 2010/11 Pilot study of mosses as biomonitors of POPs 2014 (tentatively) – Report on: Supporting evidence for O 3 impacts on vegetation O 3 flux-based critical levels for additional plant species O 3 impacts on vegetation in a changing climate
Implementation guidelines ICP VEGETATION 30 th ParameterOzoneHeavy metalsNitrogenPOPs Growth/yield reduction Leaf and foliar damage Exceedance critical levels Climatic factors Concentrations in mosses XXXXXXXX XXX Monitoring and modelling reported by ICP Vegetation
Activities across continents/regions ICP VEGETATION 30 th Activity Rest of Europe SEEEECCA North America Other regions Total Ozone-related Moss survey Task Force Number of countries participating
Publications Ozone: 3 papers (Evidence report, new flux-based critical levels, potential for crop management to mitigate impacts on food supply) Heavy metals in mosses: 3 papers (Spatial and temporal trends 1990 – 2005, factors determining concentrations in mosses). Nitrogen in mosses: 2 papers (Spatial patterns 2005, factors determining concentrations in mosses) ICP VEGETATION 30 th