Supported by Italian Ministry for Foreigner Affaires Sponsored by Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of the Arab Republic of Egypt (ASRT) CM S Collaboration Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nuclare (INFN)
The Italian Ministry of Foreigner Affairs supports research grants for bilateral project between Italy and different countries. Most of the grants are assigned for exchange of personnel; However few projects considered of relevance are selected for more substantial funding which also allow the procurement of scientific equipment; Although the procedure requires a parallel application to both the Foreigner Affairs local boards, each country may separately grant approval independently from the other. The proposition to develop a joint project between: Politecnico di Bari and Cairo University for the development of Resistive Plate Chamber gaseous detectors in the contest of CMS experiment was approved and funded in 2009 by the Italian Ministry of Foreigner Affairs Duration of the project was one year and ended in December Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli
Technological objectives Develop a new concept for the forward RPC station of CMS: - Chamber mechanics - Front-end board - CMS up scope in 2012 Scientific objectives Knowledge transfer in the field of detector technology for high energy physics; Introduce Egypt high energy scientists in CMS; Strengthen the relationship with CERN. 3 Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli
Observation: Project schedule too much compressed to be effective. It works only is the parties have already been collaborating; The project has to be in the shadow of other existing collaborations; Due to the large effort of the high energy physics community in running large scale experiment at CERN, local laboratories are unattended. Therefore : Move the project main stream to CERN; Host Egyptian scientist at CERN and involve them in both detector R&D and LHC operation; Enlarge the scope by a full collaboration also on software and physics items. 4 Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli
The original Egyptian party was Cairo University. However contact were enlarged to include the Egyptian Network of High-Energy Physics (ENHEP) composed by Cairo University, Helwan University and British University. Also the “Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of the Arab Republic of Egypt” (ASRT) was supervisioning the scientific collaboration Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli 5
In parallel with this project, the Academy and ENHEP had originated fruitful contact with CMS for jointing the collaboration; The two initiatives merged together becoming a synergic effort among Italy, CERN, CMS towards the reinforcement of the Egyptian involvement in CMS and the establishment of local expertise; Final scope: set up in Egypt an assembly test site for the RPC CMS up scope project. Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli 6
Train Egyptian scientists Establish local infrastructure for a detector lab Local detector lab functioning Detector quality assurance for CMS Autonomous detector R&D This project Egypt - CMS Egypt 8 Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli
Researcher from Cairo University have spent few months at CERN to be trained on RPC technologies Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli 9
In the contest of the project, some additional equipment for the local detector lab were procured* A full CMS like chamber A three channel gas system * Unfortunately still at CERN. To be shipped very soon to Egypt 10 Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli
Some fund of the project were also available for the stage of Italian scientists in Egypt; Unique opportunity for visiting the country scientific infrastructure and interact with their scientist. Meeting with colleagues from Cairo University, Helwan University and of course Academy; Also another researcher from Politecnico di Bari spent some time with Egyptian colleagues to train them on software technologies of CMS. 11 Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli
Very positive the idea of building up a network of local institutes to approach and consolidate the involvement in high energy physics; Limited resources and difficult logistic recommends to spilt tasks among different units without duplications; Many young, talented and motivated scientists ready to be engaged. Halwan University has already the infrastructure and the basic expertise for establishing a gaseous detector R&D lab infrastructure; Important software and computing expertise are concentrated at the Cairo University. However still small bandwidth for data a transmission from/to rest of the world; Large interest in GRID technologies 12 Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli
Involvement in large collaboration is an effective way for boosting the development of a scientific knowledge and infrastructure : - it facilitates training of personnel; - it is very visible toward local funding agencies; - is offers a unique framework for integrating small local activities in an world wide contest. CMS (and the RPC project) has a large experience in cooperation with other countries (Pakistan, India, Colombia,..) for the development of high energy physics knowledge and technologies. Expression of Interest between the Egyptian ASRT and CMS to collaborate on the production of the fourth RPC station signed end of last year Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli 13
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of the Arab Republic of Egypt (ASRT), coordinating through the Egyptian Network of High-Energy Physics (ENHEP): -Considering the progress made in setting up a Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) laboratory and Grid computing infrastructure in Cairo; -Aiming to increase the capacity of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector for detecting muons; -Bearing in mind the vital importance of fostering basic scientific research, training and international collaboration; Have agreed during discussions between ASRT, ENHEP and the CMS Collaboration during the visit of Prof. Tarek Hussein and Prof. Shabaan Khalil to CERN on September 28, 29 and 30, 2009 a possible contribution from ASRT These items would comprise: -Completion of the instrumentation of a laboratory to allow the full testing of a number of RPC chambers in Egypt; - Training and support of a number of qualified Egyptian personnel for the assembly of muon chambers at a CMS site; -Procurement of materials for a number of forward RPC chambers (RE) chambers to be assembled at a CMS site; …………………………….. Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli 14
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) has showed interest in building up a general cooperation agreement with Egypt. Negotiation are on the way. Main objectives are To enhance scientific cooperation in the field of theoretical and experimental subnuclear, nuclear, and astroparticle physics and related technologies; To consolidate a wider Mediterranean network and partnership; To originate and steer joint research proposals also in a more general European and worldwide contest. Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli 15
Theoretical and phenomenological physics with large emphasis on the study of very high energy scale and interpretation of future accelerator results; Development, testing and validation of detection techniques applied to nuclear, subnuclear and astroparticles physics experiments; Computer technologies for the analysis of high energy physics experiments; Application of nuclear and subnuclear concepts and technologies to medical diagnostic for human health, environment, dosimetry and accelerator development Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli 16
Exploit the natural Mediterranean vocation of Puglia and Bari University to trigger cooperation and partnerships also applying for regional funds and support Symposium on High energy Physics in the Mediterranean area Paris May 2010 G. Iaselli