Герундий – The Gerund
1.Who is the head of Kazakhstan? 2. Knowledge is _______________. 3. National language of our republic. 4. Better late than _______ 5.__________ or west home is best 6. Who studies at school? 7.The translation of all the words you can find in this book. 8. Which month does Kazakhstan celebrate the Independence Day? 9. What is the colour of our state flag?
London's double-decker red buses are world famous. Old style double Decker New double Decker Cost of travelling on buses
You must buy a ticket before boarding the buses in London. There are ticket machines at most bus stops Buses display their route number in large digits at the front, side, and rear of the bus.
The London Underground (the Tube) is the oldest metro system in the world, upon which nearly 1 billion journeys are made each year. If you want to travel fast around London, taking the tube will get you to your destination quicker than bus or taxi. Trains generally depart every 3 or 4 minutes, less frequently at weekends and late at night. A Black Cab taxi holds up to 5 people and can be picked up from outside the airport. The journey time by by taxi into central London is minutes.
London group’s members RishatAktilekYmirgulAitoreTurzhanAiganum Kazakhstan group’s members DastanAkerkeOralhanZhalgasFariza
Brainstorming Are you a better translator? Poems about transport Seven riddlesWho is the faster?Conclution
Double- Decker
Metro in Kazakhstan
2. Are you a better translator?(Lexical exercises ) For London ’ s group Translate the following words into Kazakh language. To travel by train, to book tickets, a passenger, a compartment, a book- office, a booking- clerk, porter, railway station, a flight, baggage. For Kazakhstan ’ s group Translate the following words into English language. Жолаушылар, билетке тапсырыс беру, жүк тасушы, купе, темір жол станциясы, жүк, ұшу, ұзақ сапар шегетін поезд,кассир, касса.
Оңға да бұрады, солға да бұрады. Тәртіп сақтап әрқашан. Күндіз түні күрсінеді. Жүрген жері сілкінеді (Бағдаршам-Светафор- traffic light ) (Теміржол-железная дарога - railway) (Троллейбус-троллейбус- tram) (пойыз- поезд - train) (Автобус-автобус-bus) (Жол –дорога-road) (Шайтанарба–Велосипед- bicycle) Сымға асылып, Жүр асығып. Далаға құрған өрмегін Үстімен зулап келемін. Көзін ашып жұмады. Бағыт сілтеп тұрады
Who is faster?(Doing exercises) Ex: 3 Put in the – ing form. Words you need: paint, stay, close, be, play, go, lie, take, laugh, smoke. For London ’ s group He started________ early. His pictures are great. Do you mind_______ the windows? I hate _______ alone at home. I don ’ t mind _____ the monitor. Then he started_______ the piano. For Kazakhstan ’ s group I dislike____ part in concerts. Do you enjoy ____ on the beach? Mum suggested_____ home early. I couldn ’ t help ________ looking at her. I am so happy Dad stopped_______.