1 iGT Agency Services migration considerations As part of UK Link replacement programme (incorporating industry requirements) the new systems will need.


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Presentation transcript:

1 iGT Agency Services migration considerations As part of UK Link replacement programme (incorporating industry requirements) the new systems will need to be populated with data to enable the services to be available For settlement reform the migration / cutover of GT data is a reasonably straight forward affair as Xoserve will have most of the data For iGT Agency Services the situation is different as Xoserve doesn’t currently hold the data, the existing data may not be fit, or complete, for the new arrangements and work in progress may further complicate matters

2 iGT Data Mapping There are several iGT organisations An iGT organisation can have one or many iGT Licences Under each iGT Licence are the CSEPs Under each CSEP are the MPRNs Under a CSEP there may be a nested CSEP(s) under which are its MPRNs The mapping of the MRPN to CSEP to iGT Licence to iGT Organisation is essential to enable the services to be performed A new CSEP Id is expected to be utilised to support this mapping iGT, GT and Shipper will need to align to the mapping

3 Implementation matters The iGT Agency Services will require other parties to implement new processes and supporting system changes, these parties include: –iGTs –GTs –Shippers Many of the processes between iGTs and GTs do not directly involve Shippers but are essential for the arrangements to work effectively. It is expected that parties will be provided with information during migration and after cutover for verification etc

4 Migration and cutover Cutover period (days) supported by Mods for non- effective days New live system Migration and data preparation (months) Work in progress

5 Migration and data preparation Final preparation Testing Data population Initial data load and mapping Data preparation iGTs Work in progress The migration and data preparation activities may include: Shippers GTs Portfolio reporting

6 Possibility that the iGT and GT process interactions are implemented early Some data not held by iGTs, either populated or recognisable default allowable value used Some data may need to be populated by Shippers Migration data e.g. Class types, is required from Shippers Portfolios are expected to be provided to enable all parties to validate their records Data to be provided to parties detailing the “mapped” data Records to be maintained (available to industry) of mapping event and any default values Historic data needed for settlement products e.g. read data Ongoing data e.g. meter reads and supply point events e.g. change of supplier, change of asset – updates required. Migration and data preparation

7 Examples of missing data Data itemResolution Meter Point Link Code (av’s F, P,S) All meter points set to F (freestanding) Meter Point Effective DateSet a default date e.g , for all records where this date is not populated Meter AMR Indicator Indicator denoting whether the meter is being used for AMR. Allowable values:- Y = Yes P = Potentially N = No U = Unknown If required, will need to be provided by the Shipper

8 Industry input is welcomed Any matters (ideas, concerns, requirements etc) industry parties consider are relevant – please let Xoserve know To create these arrangements an iGT UNC modification may be required