Development of Expert System for Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Review Meeting:
Objectives i.Identifying location specific knowledge needs of the farming community for content generation and digitization. ii.Development of expert system in respective languages on the crops and animal enterprises. iii.Testing of validity and reliability of the expert systems at different locations both on men and women farmers before finalizing on multilingual customized mode.
Data generation and content digitization for paddy, ragi, sugarcane, coconut and precision farming technology for banana. Expert System development for the above crops. Content development of expert system in multilingual namely Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam with the assistance of resource centres. Expert System shell development for Animal Husbandry Components Testing validity and reliability of the expert system. TNAU
Coconut Planting Season and Climate related to Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka dist. Coconut Varieties for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka dist. Nursery Management related to mother palm selection and nursery preparation. Cultivation practices of coconut for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Irrigation Management for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Nutrient Management for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Fertilizer calculator and Cost of fertilizer (Tamil Nadu) was prepared. Crop Protection Practices of coconut was prepared (Pest management, Disease management, Physiological disorder and Special problems management). Harvesting technologies were prepared. Coconut processing details was collected (related to coconut products) Listed out Farm implements for coconut Marketing committee (Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka), Coconut growers association Coconut nurseries in States, Schemes on coconut, Further links, Statistic details were prepared. Prepared cost of cultivation for one acre of coconut garden. Prepared Frequently asked questions were prepared. Issue based queries preparation are in process.
Coconut Growers Meet was organized at KVK, Kannur FAQs have also been listed Photos documentation completed Video Documentation is in progress Validation is also in progress
Paddy Soil and Climate related to Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka dist. Season and varieties for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka dist. Nursery preparation practices for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka Main field preparation practices of rice for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Irrigation Management for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Weed management for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Nutrient Management for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Crop Protection Practices (Pest management, Disease management, Physiological disorder). Harvesting and post harvesting technologies Management of storage pest System of rice cultivation - Cultivation practices Paddy Cultivation for different agro eco system Prepared Frequently asked questions were prepared for rice pest and SRI cultivation practices. Photo documentation is also in progress Video documentation is progress Paddy growers meet to be organized
Sugarcane Sugarcane seasons for Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka also zone wise planting season in Tamilnadu were collected Varieties of sugarcane in Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka Land preparation and sett treatment for main field planting Nursery management in sugarcane Different Planting methods were collected Fertilizer requirement, Nutrient management and nutrient deficiency were prepared Water management like drip, surface and sub-surface irrigation Fertigation in sugarcane Weed management Intercultural operations which are done in sugarcane mplements used in sugarcane cultivation Crop protection practices and management Harvesting and processing technology of sugarcane Value added by products in sugarcane Sugarcane marketing and cost of cultivation for sugarcane in one acre
Ratoon crop management Sugar factories and Sugarcane institutes in three states. Above 200 FAQ ’ s in sugarcane were prepared Area, production and productivity of sugarcane in for Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka were collected. Contents Validation is in progress
Ragi Planting Season, Soil types and Climate related to Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka Ragi Varieties for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka dist. Main Field (Soil, Preparation of Land and Planting, Spacing, Planting, Water management, Drought management, Weeding and Intercultural operations, Intercropping, Cultivation practices of Ragi for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Irrigation Management for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Fertilizer calculator and Cost of fertilizer (Tamil Nadu) was prepared. Crop Protection Practices of Ragi was prepared (Pest management and Disease management,). Harvesting technologies were prepared. Ragi processing details was collected (related to Ragi products) Listed out Farm implements for Ragi
Prepared Frequently asked questions were prepared. Issue based queries preparation are in process. Photo and Video Documentation is in progress Ragi growers meet will be organized at Mysore Contents Validation is in progress
Banana under Precision Farming Planting Season and Climate related to Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka dist. Banana Varieties for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka dist. Selection of sucker for planting, Density of planting, planting method, sucker treatment, system of planting (garden land, padugai land, hill banana, wet land), propagation material (tissue banana (procedures involved in producing tissue cultured Banana), sword sucker). Cultivation practices and calendar of operations of banana field for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Intercultural operations (weeding, gap filling, bunch spraying, bunch covering, propping,, Earthing up, removal of unwanted plants). Ratoon crop and management were prepared. Integrated nutrient management was prepared. Content for Tissue culture banana. Physiological disorders and managements were prepared. Irrigation and Nutrient Management for Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. Drip irrigation and fertigation schedule for banana (variety wise) cultivation.
Fertilizer calculator and Cost of fertilizer (Tamil Nadu) was prepared. Crop Protection Practices of banana was prepared (Pest management, Disease management, Physiological disorder management). Harvesting technologies were prepared. Storage, ripening of fruits, ripening stages of fruits and banana quality standards were prepared. Banana processing details was collected. Marketing committee, Banana growers association in States, Further links, Statistic details were prepared. Prepared cost of cultivation for one hectare of Tissue culture banana cultivation. Prepared Frequently asked questions were prepared. Issue based queries preparation are in process. Contents Validation is in progress
Expert System Shell Image based Expert System (better than farmers own native language). Most of the Expert System was rule based. In this Expert System, high resolution images along with IF-THEN rules and facts were used. All are real time examples, so the farmers can interpret and they can interact accordingly. The front end is VB.NET and the back end is SQL SERVER. As it is query based, most of the data (symptoms, pictures, video clippings, control measures, etc.) comes from the database. DEMO