English 11 with Ms. Kulakowski
It’s Friday, 9/2/16 Do now: Get your folder; put out your Name Tent Place HW on desk to be checked (signed syllabus, Values Activity w/top 5)
Values Activity Journal Entry Do Next: Choose ONE of your top five and write a journal entry (see guidelines – next slide). Consider this question: Why is the value you chose important to you? What specific personal life experiences have supported the importance of that value?
Journal Writing Guidelines Loose leaf paper Name, date, period at top Restate the question in your response 5-10 complete, thoughtful sentences OR 15 minute write (extended); this is a few paragraphs or front of a page Read through once to proofread for errors
Student Info Sheet Complete after your journal entry. Short Answer Responses: 3-4 sentences, but CHOOSE ONE (a question or list item) to respond to more fully (a few paragraphs – loose leaf paper). We will finish as warm-up next class.
Preview of “10 Things I Know to be True” Narrative PowerPoint with examples Talk about next steps for creation of personal narrative essay Give handout of guidelines for personal narrative writing Read/listen to NPR “This I Believe” narrative essay examples
Article of the Week Assignment(did not get to; will complete next week) Review activity and procedures As class/on devices, review: Online resource (posted) Template instructions Annotation bookmark Distribute AOW #1 and discuss (may work on at end of block) AOW Article #1 – “Deported Mothers Make New Lives in Tijuana”. Must include template with annotated article and response to questions (loose leaf stapled to article).
Homework Due Wed, 9/7/16: Complete one additional Prewrite Activity of your choice. Using your prewrite activities, brainstorm your “10 Things I Know to Be True” list & come up with at least 3-5 personal life lessons (things you know to be true in life).
Remind.com Sign up for the Remind.com service using the sign up information I provide for your class and block (located on our class page as well): Respond to the Remind texts from me for HW; there are two: #1 asks for a PET PEEVE as a student in class #2 asks for your FEEDBACK ON THE QUOTE on your table. Take a picture of your quote, or write it down; include it in your response. Yes, it will be graded!
THESE guys…!
Finally, consider this,…