PE Our main area of PE this term will be athletics. We will also play some competitive games and work on our throwing and catching skills. French In French we will be learning basic greetings, the alphabet, numbers and lots of songs and rhymes! We will also learn about the planets and space in French. Literacy In Literacy, we will be writing in a variety of genres, often linked to our space topic or the Mayans. We will also practise our speaking and listening skills through presentations and debates and performance poetry. In addition, there will be an increased emphasis on SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) in Year 5. Maths In maths, we will begin by working with formal written and mental methods for performing calculations. We will then look at geometry, measurement and fractions. Science Our two main Science topics this term will be ‘Earth and Space’ and ‘Forces’. In these sessions, we will learn about the Earth and the Moon’s movements, look at scale models and explore the ideas of day and night. We will also have a visitor who will teach us all about the constellations! Computing This term we will learn about ‘coding’ and ‘programming’ using Sketch Nation and Scratch apps on the iPads. RE with Mrs Anstice How do Muslims show belief through daily life and the Five Pillars? Unpack key Muslim beliefs about faith, prayer, charity, pilgrimage and fasting. What significance do events have for Muslims? Special events in our own lives and the role of the community. Beginning and end of life for Muslims. Art and Design Technology We will be making chocolate and designing our own chocolate bars, linked to our Mayan topic. We will also make a Mayan pyramid and practise our construction skills! Drawing will form an integral part of this so that we can plan out our models accurately. Geography In Geography, we will use the internet and atlases to explore aerial views and locate various countries. We will also find out the difference between continents and countries. Music with Mrs Anstice An introduction to Wider Opportunities in Music where the class have a year on an instrument of their choice and we learn to play together in a band. During the first term, we try out lots of instruments, select ours and learn how to care for it. By the end of the term we should be able to play three notes and follow the notation which we are using. PSHCE with Mrs Anstice What do we mean by ‘a healthy mind’? How can we relax if we feel stressed? Drugs education on legal and illegal drugs. Understanding risk and peer pressure. Forest School Year 5 will have Forest School sessions throughout the school year. Please could you ensure that they have appropriate clothing when a text is sent. History We are going to become archaeologists and research into the mythical Mayan civilization! We will find out about their religion, traditions and language.
Dear Parents, I hope the children have all had a super summer holiday, and are ready to start rising to the challenge of Year 5. We have lots of exciting things planned for the Autumn term! I am looking forward to teaching the class, and getting to know the children. On Wednesday 14 th October, the class will be visiting the World Museum in Liverpool as part of their Mayan topic. A letter will be sent home about this. Our class assembly is going to be on Wednesday 21 st October at 9.10am. It would be fantastic to see as many of you there as possible to see the children show off all of their wonderful work! Further details regarding Menai will be sent out after October half term. The residential dates will be April There will be a meeting in the Spring Term in order to give you all the necessary details. Please feel free to come in and chat to me or Mrs Lamb sooner if you have any concerns, the earlier we know, the better. Many thanks, Miss Smith Dear Parents, I hope the children have all had a super summer holiday, and are ready to start rising to the challenge of Year 5. We have lots of exciting things planned for the Autumn term! I am looking forward to teaching the class, and getting to know the children. On Wednesday 14 th October, the class will be visiting the World Museum in Liverpool as part of their Mayan topic. A letter will be sent home about this. Our class assembly is going to be on Wednesday 21 st October at 9.10am. It would be fantastic to see as many of you there as possible to see the children show off all of their wonderful work! Further details regarding Menai will be sent out after October half term. The residential dates will be April There will be a meeting in the Spring Term in order to give you all the necessary details. Please feel free to come in and chat to me or Mrs Lamb sooner if you have any concerns, the earlier we know, the better. Many thanks, Miss Smith Home Learning Each week, your child will be set a Guided Reading task to complete for the following week in their Home/School Journals. In Year 5, emphasis will be placed on completing these thoroughly and to the best of the child’s ability. Maths homework, grammar homework, times tables and spellings will be sent home on a Friday. Maths homework and grammar homework is due in the following Wednesday. Home Learning Each week, your child will be set a Guided Reading task to complete for the following week in their Home/School Journals. In Year 5, emphasis will be placed on completing these thoroughly and to the best of the child’s ability. Maths homework, grammar homework, times tables and spellings will be sent home on a Friday. Maths homework and grammar homework is due in the following Wednesday. Water Bottles, Jumpers and Snack Money Please ensure that any snack money is sent in an envelope. Please can children have a water bottle in school every day, that they can bring into the classroom. Finally, please can all school uniform, water bottles and lunch boxes be clearly named, including ties. Thank you. Water Bottles, Jumpers and Snack Money Please ensure that any snack money is sent in an envelope. Please can children have a water bottle in school every day, that they can bring into the classroom. Finally, please can all school uniform, water bottles and lunch boxes be clearly named, including ties. Thank you. PE Kit Please can children have their full PE kit on a Wednesday and Friday. A text will be sent home if your child is unable to take part due to not having the correct kit. PE Kit Please can children have their full PE kit on a Wednesday and Friday. A text will be sent home if your child is unable to take part due to not having the correct kit.