Oil Spills By Edwin Plepi Luka Roth Akif Rahman.


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Presentation transcript:

Oil Spills By Edwin Plepi Luka Roth Akif Rahman

The Problem In 1989, A crude oil spill from an oil tanker in Prince William Sound, Alaska leaks millions of gallons of oil into the ocean

Effects Not only is it harming the environment but it also hurts recreation. It affects business and commerce along the gulf of Mexico. It hurts fishing and can harm us humans.

More Recent example In April 20, 2010, BP Oil company had an accident in the Gulf of Mexico. This resulted in 210,000,000 gallons of oil being spit in so the Gulf.

Why is this a problem? dead birds 6,147 dead sea turtles 613 dead mammals 157 oiled but alive 2,086 oiled but alive 456 oiled but alive 2

The Wrong Approach One possible solution is to burn the oil on the surface of the water in a contained area. However, this has adverse negative affects on the environment since it involves burning fossil fuels.

Solutions One solution is a spill fence will also capture sub-surface oil. It provides the unique benefit of allowing tidal water to flow through the fabric while absorbing oil as it passes through the fabric.