Welcome to Essentials for myProgress Day 1
Today’s Learning Objectives
Accessing the Platform
Navigating Unify
Exploring Test Center Search for the OLA Training Test
Release, Unrelease and Printing Assessments Download a PDF of the test and answer key
Downloading Answer Sheets Download the preslugged and blank answer sheets
Your Turn Search for the student on your OLA login card and release the test for that student
Preparing Students for Online Testing Tech-Enhanced Practice Test Video or OLA Tool Test or Video Tutorial for OLA
Administering an Online Assessment (OLA) Students will first log in to the district testing profile using: Username: aplus Password: aplus Students will select the spring/world icon to take them to the district testing launch page.
Administering an Online Assessment (OLA) Students will select Performance Matters icon
Administering an Online Assessment (OLA) Students will use the following to log in. Student Login: student number example: Password: district password example: Crazy13# *Password is case sensitive with a capitol letter as the first letter of the password.
Student Log-in You can access the student login information from the LDAP synchbridge The School Learning Design Coach and the Resource Management Associate have access to this information Having student login information printed and accessible will make testing day go much smoother!
Testing All available tests will appear on the student’s Welcome Screen. Click on the test name to begin the test.
Summary of Symbols This screen will display a quick summary of the buttons available to students during the test. The test administrator may want to provide a printed page of these buttons for quick reference.
Start Screen The start screen displays the number of questions on the test and any special instructions. Note the Start button.
Navigation Answer each question. Use the Next and Previous buttons to navigate through the questions. In the top right-hand corner are any tools selected to appear for this test.
Pause and Resume If you need to stop the test, but aren’t ready to submit it for scoring, click Pause. You will be taken back to the welcome screen. Click the test name when you are ready to begin again. A summary of where you left off will appear. Just click Start to resume the test.
Finishing the Test When you reach the last question on the test, you will see a Stop button. Click Stop after you’ve answered the last question.
Summary of Test Status A summary of your test status will appear, listing any questions left unanswered. Return to an unanswered question by clicking on it.
Testing (cont’d) To submit the test for grading, students must click the EXIT icon in the bottom right corner of the last screen. Once a student clicks EXIT, the test will no longer be available to them. If a student needs to complete a test at a later time, they can click the PAUSE icon.
Testing Session Expires
Testing (cont’d) Once exiting the test, students should log out of Performance Matters by clicking the Log Out icon. Timesaving Tip: When students logout, the log in screen reappears and will be ready for your next class!
Scoring Assessments
Please note the score button will only appear when students results are available to score. This the nightly build after OLA was administered or answer sheets are scanned.
Scoring Assessments
Explore Scoring Work Orders
Reviewing Results in Unify SIA
Accessing the Platform
Available District Resources
Quarterly Checks
District Finals
Implementation Feedback You will be provided with a follow-up survey to the training this evening in the coming days. Thank you for helping us to share the within our district