Visit: Find and screen-print the spatial extend of mobile-phone connectivity for 2 countries. Annotate any significant features you notice. 1.Describe the patterns in signal. 2.Suggest reasons for this pattern – will involve deeper research. 3.Come up with a one-paragraph summary to
Learning objectives: To examine the influence of governments in the transfer of capital How could governments encourage: FDI Labour flows Trade?
How can governments influence trade?
Protectionism – A system of protecting domestic producers by limiting, as, the importation of foreign goods and services by imposing tariffs or quotas Imperialism - the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries Economic imperialism – a situation where one country has economic power or influence over another Cultural imperialism – the practice of promoting the culture and language of one culture in another Key definitions – add to your document!
Aid – What is China doing in Africa? How has China invested in Africa? (include figures and sectors) What are the suggested reasons for this investment? What are the positives and negatives for African nations? What are the positives and negatives for China?
Joining trading blocs P 45 Course companion fig 2.19 Major trading blocs What are the advantages and disadvantages? HICs, LICs, TNCs?
Special Economic Zones Use the resource to summarise the information about Shenzhen and SEZs How has the Chinese government influenced the transfer of capital in China? Explain why Shenzhen’s location in relation to Hong Kong is important.
Control of migration E.g. tier system in the UK Link to remittances (how?) We will come back to this later!
Read the following superpower-axis superpower-axis
Foreign diplomacy deals-6bn?intcmp=239 deals-6bn?intcmp=239 How can this influence the flow of capital?
Annotate the map to show the role of bananas in The Caribbean and South America Annotate to explain the role of the EU Explain the influence of the USA on the war Outline the role of the WTO Draw flows (red to show conflict, blue to show links)
To what extent are the banana wars an example of economic imperialism?