2 THE CONTEXT MicroPattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) MicroPattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) are ideal tools for fundamental research contributing to the excellence in science (f. i. : present and future large scale use in LHC experiments) applications beyond science (better society) In spite of the extremely relevant recent progress in the field, still a long way to go towards: the ultimate limits of MPGD performance simplified construction technologies to favour very large scale applications in HEP technology dissemination beyond HEP in this context, in INFN : Expertise in MPGDs (related to exp.s: ATLAS, CMS, COMPASS, LHCb, KLOE2, TOTEM, …) dedicated infrastructures (constructions for the exp.s) CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre
3 MPGD-NEXT, STRUCTURE 3-year project 6 TASKS (next slide) PI: S. Dalla Torre, INFN TS 5 INFN UNITS, (28 + 3) participants, 7.75 FTE + 1 FTE (see note) FTE (AIDA2020) (for the contribution of AIDA2020 personnel see slide no 15) NOTE: the postdoc Wang Wenxin will start her LNF in September 2015 and she will contribute to the project with a further 100% FTE (to be accounted for the LNF unit) not included in the TABLE.
4 CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre MPGD-NEXT, PROJECT DEVELOPMENT of Novel MPGD architectures Technicalcomplements NOVEL ARCHITECTURES: A selection of key items to answer central questions in the world-wide MPGD panorama TECHNICAL COMPLEMENTS : Also here, items of general interest in the world-wide MPGD panorama
5 NOVEL MPGDs CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre High space, time res. + high rates: tasks 1, 2, 3 (main target: HEP, by products applications) Task 1: GEM & MM derived, well structure, great simplicity in construction and assembly Task 2: GEM and MM derived, multiple measurements for t res. O(100ps) Task 3: resistive MM derived, from strips to pads for high rate application High-gains (PMT-like) (HEP, liquid cryogenic exp.s, applications) Task 4: hybrid structure including THGEM layers and an MM multiplication stage
6 TECHNICAL COMPLEMENTS CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre MPGD-dedicated FE: Task 5: time resolution < 1 ns, t and a processing on-chip Test bench: R-WELL MPGD-dedicated HV system for MPGD development and extended systems Task 6: HV system with characteristics not available in commercial devices, in particular concerning fast control and monitoring
7 TASK BY TASK CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre
8 The resistiveWELL detector ( -RWELL) µ-RWELL – a novel concept derived from both GEM e MM technologies. Compact: single amplification stage (G>10 4 ) with embedded read-out elements resistively coupled A single PCB (also flex technology – geometrical freedom, for instance cylindric detectors) Limited number of componets : the PCB + a cathode plane µ-RWELL assembly is easy (no stretching – no glueing) and, thus, cost-effective Thanks to the resistive coupling to the read-out elements, very realable, almost completely discharge-free, and adequate for high particle rates O(1MHz/cm 2 ) thanks to the segmented- resistive-layer Expected performance: gain ≥10 4, rate capability ∼ 1 MHz/cm 2, space resolution <60 µm. Tracking in magnetic field and over large areas, digital calorimetry in HEP Applications beyond HEP: X-ray imaging, neutron detection CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre
9 Multi μ-drift gaps in fully resistive MPGD Fully resistive structures to allow fully electrical transparency of the generated signals (R-WELL and/or micromegas-like structure with MESH in polyimide) O(100 ps): adding up the fast signals of the multi μgap (as in MRPC) preserving high rate capability Applications Tracking and triggering in HEP experiments (fast timing applications) particle flow calorimetry imaging In collaboration with a CERN group Part of the European Patent THRAC: EP “Accordo per la protezione e lo sfruttamento della proprietà intellettuale tra INFN e CERN” approvato CD 29/3/2015 CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre
10 High performance MICROMEGAS CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre Goal: ~1 MHz/cm 2 improved Resistive MicroMegas (MM) with small pad read-out for high rate capability till ~1 MHz/cm 2 Small Pads Resistive MM Applications: Large area fine tracking and trigger (one possible application: ATLAS very forward extension of the muon tracking) Sampling Hadron Calorimetry NEXT: Small Pads Resistive Micromegas: Small Pad pattern with EMBEDDED resistors, inspired by a similar R&D by COMPASS. We aim at reducing the pad size from ~1cm 2 to <3mm 2 The construction technique depends on the pad-size NEW CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE (Rui De Oliveira) with a stack of layers all deposited by screen-printing “ “Past R&D / Present Status” -- Resistive MM: Now a mature technology for HEP experiments thanks to the intense phase of R&D for the ATLAS Experiment: resistive MM will be employed in the upgrade of the Muon Spectrometer (New Small Wheel) Large area: total surface of ~1200 m2 of gas volumes Operation at moderate hit rate up to ~15 kHz/cm2 (High-Luminosity-LHC) First design of a small size prototype Matrix of 48x16 pads Each 0.8mm x 2.8mm (pitch of 1 and 3 mm in the two coordinates); A total of 768 channels
11 High-gain hybrid MPGD High–gain hybrid MPGD The High–gain hybrid MPGD From the state-of-the-art of THGEM, MM high gain O(10 6 ) cover large areas at moderate costs effectively detect intrinsically feeble signals (single photons) Variety of handles to reach the goal: Resistive MM multiple THGEM layers novel THGEM substrate material optimised THGEM and MM segmentation HV supply schemes Applications single/multiple photon detection active elements in hadron sampling calorimetry read-out elements in huge noble liquid detectors neutron detection Extended systems for environmental monitoring CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre 10 mm 3 mm 2.5 mm 128 m THGEM MESH THGEM
12 MPGD dedicated FE Electronics Goal: a new very dense Front-End electronics characterized by a low-power consumption, with very low-noise, selectable-gain complying high rate and harsh radiation environments for high timing performance HEP applications with large area MPGDs. (1) (1)ASIC requirements: For detectors with space resolution ~ 100 μm time resolution of the order of a few hundreds of ps good transparency to the radiation minimization of the inefficiencies due to the pile-up effects Large covered area electrode parasitic capacitances involved will be of the order of pF Rate capability kHz either a separate chain or a dedicated signal processing chain for position and timing measurements an adequate digital pipeline length to account for trigger latency (2) ASIC technology: both consumer and communication industries push toward smaller, more efficient and more integrated devices a new chip development based on the state-of-art of the process technology is not always the best choice both because of the high costs involved in the ASIC prototyping also using MPW (Multi Project Wafer Runs) runs and of the smaller upper and lower voltage boundaries of the voltage swing of the sensitive nodes unavoidable in deep submicron technologies design kits for older technologies have already been fully qualified resulting in more reliable simulations of the design. At the moment, the best possible compromise can be found in using the 130 nm process technology. (3) Project Time Development: a) The 2016 activity: the design of a few analog blocks necessary to define the ASIC architecture including its electrical simulation and thereafter b) the design of the related layout as well as the post layout simulation. selectable gain for large charge interval values (0.1 60 fC) and large input capacitance 8-bit FADC : 2 stages c) Will be developed the FADC block design and the fast discriminator too; selectable gain for large charge interval values (0.1 60 fC) and large input capacitance 8-bit FADC : 2 stages d) After that will be individuated the better TDC architecture fulfilling the requirements imposed by the particular application. e) Very crucial will be the choice of the Technology for this peculiar application CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre
13 MPGD-dedicated HV system GOALS Match MPGD needs that are not commercially available: true real-time monitoring of the parameters (voltage, current) the fast control of the HV channels the use of local intelligence for the application of feedback protocols when pre-breakdown conditions are detected HV power supply chips – commercial The main innovative features are: true real-time monitoring A tool to perform MPGD R&D: by the detailed time-stamped information, understand the precise evolution of the break- down events HV generated at the detector, “cable-less” Reduced size: each HV unit ~ 30 cm x 20 cm x 5 cm Applications: MPGD characterization studies powering of large-size MPGD systems CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre
14 MPGD-NEXT, SYNERGIES CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre RD51 : networking mondiale sui MPGD I proponenti MPGD-NEXT sono membri RD51 Per l’INFN RD51 e’ nato in CSN I e il networking continua ad essere seguito dalla CSN I (con l’eccezione di 2 gruppi) Referaggio Oneri finanziari (modesti) del networking 10 gruppi, per il 2015: 32 keuro per collaboration fee e meeting collaborazione AIDA2020 – progetto RIA (Research & Innovation Actions) finanziato da UE Alcuni proponenti MPGD-NEXT sono membri AIDA2020 WP13: Innovative Gas Detectors In totale 134 keuro su 4 anni : MANPOWER Tale personale sara’ impiegato per lavorare su MPGD-NEXT Va rendicontato AIDA2020 (redicontazione imposta da UE)
15 MPGD-NEXT, profilo finanziario TOTALE (su 3 anni) 465 k€ Consumi: 373 k€ Inventario: 10 k€ ( I laboratori sono ben equipaggiati ! ) Missioni: 82 k€ (material procurement, anche CERN + test beam) Inoltre, nel 2015, 7 k€ (BA) + 5 k€ (LNF) tot 477 k€ TOTALE 2016: 150 k€ Profilo finanziario ~ piatto CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre
16 TIMELINES Most of the activity is already starting !!! CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre
17 MILESTONES 2016 CSN V, 27-29/9/2015 MPGD-NEXT Silvia Dalla Torre