Maritime Spatial Planning: opportunities and challenges Vittorio Barale Institute for Environment and Sustainability Joint Research Centre, European Commission.


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Presentation transcript:

Maritime Spatial Planning: opportunities and challenges Vittorio Barale Institute for Environment and Sustainability Joint Research Centre, European Commission Ispra (Italy) 1ADRIPLAN Conference, Venice, 10/07/2015

2 Building the Blue Growth agenda: EC asks public it’s views on EU’s role in shaping international ocean governance. DG MARE Newsletter, Issue #30, 26 June 2015 A public consultation has been launched on what the EU can do to improve international ocean governance of oceans and seas, to the benefit of sustainable blue growth. ”If our oceans are not healthy, our economy falls ill. Global maritime challenges require global solutions. I am committed to work intensively to define Europe’s role in international ocean governance, for a sustainable blue economy and blue growth”. Commissioner Karmenu Vella, World Ocean Summit, Portugal, June 2015

3ADRIPLAN Conference, Venice, 10/07/2015 INTEGRATED MARITIME POLICY … to provide a coherent approach to maritime issues, with increased coordination between different policy areas DG MARE website, last update 08/12/2014  issues that do not fall under a single sector-based policy, e.g. “blue growth” (economic growth based on different maritime sectors)  issues that require the coordination of different sectors and actors, e.g. “marine knowledge” IMP covers several cross-cutting policies: Blue Growth Blue Growth Marine Data and Knowledge Marine Data and Knowledge Maritime Spatial Planning Maritime Spatial Planning Integrated Marine Surveillance Integrated Marine Surveillance Sea Basin Strategies Sea Basin Strategies IMP seeks to coordinate, not to replace …

4ADRIPLAN Conference, Venice, 10/07/2015 MARITIME SPATIAL PLANNING … the process of analyzing and allocating the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities in marine areas, to achieve ecological, economic and social goals DG MARE, “MSP in the EU: Achievements and Future Development“, COM (2010) 771 Benefits of Maritime Spatial Planning … reduce conflicts and create synergies reduce conflicts and create synergies encourage investment encourage investment increase coordination in each country increase coordination in each country increase cross-border cooperation increase cross-border cooperation protect the environment protect the environment Basic principles of Maritime Spatial Planning … ecosystem approach ecosystem approach

5ADRIPLAN Conference, Venice, 10/07/2015 ecosystem approach “a strategy for integrated management of land, water, living resources, promoting conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way” Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), UNEP 2000 All elements of an “ecosystem” (including human) are linked, and the effects of every action on each element must be taken into account. ecosystem “a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities, and their non-living environment, interacting as a functional unit” Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), UNEP 2000 … note that no particular spatial unit or scale defined The “ecosystem” does not correspond to a geographical entity, but can refer to any “functional unit” at any scale.

Med vegetation, chlorophyll-like pigments (biomass, production, food web) SeaWiFS ( ) JRC proc. 6 Med winds, mean surface winds / Feb (atmospheric forcing) QuikScat (2003) RSS proc. Med oil spill density, number of observed oil spills (anthropogenic factors) ERS1-2 SAR ( ) JRC proc. Med temperature, m ean surface temperature / Oct (water masses and circulation) AVHRR ( ) JRC proc. ADRIPLAN Conference, Venice, 10/07/2015

physical(geographical)setting bio-geo-chemicalfeatures ecosystem indicators baseline (space/time scales) ecological province ecosystem approach Mapping & Planning 7ADRIPLAN Conference, Venice, 10/07/2015 anthropogenicfactors environmentaldynamics

8 The World of Claudius Ptolemaeus a 15th-century manuscript copy of the Ptolemy world map, reconstituted from Ptolemy's Geographia (circa 150 AD) "Geography is a representation in picture of the whole known world together with the phenomena which are contained therein” Claudius Ptolemaeus, Geographia (Cosmographia)

9ADRIPLAN Conference, Venice, 10/07/2015 MARITIME SPATIAL PLANNING by the EC Competition for maritime space has highlighted the need for efficient management, to avoid potential conflict and create synergies between different activities. DG MARE website, last update 08/12/2014 MSP regional projects: Preparatory Action on MSP in the North Sea (MASPNOSE, ) Preparatory Action on MSP in the North Sea (MASPNOSE, ) Preparatory Action on MSP in the Baltic Sea (Plan Bothnia, ) Preparatory Action on MSP in the Baltic Sea (Plan Bothnia, ) Baltic Sea Region Program introducing MSP (BaltSeaPlan, ) Baltic Sea Region Program introducing MSP (BaltSeaPlan, ) Trans-boundary Planning in European Atlantic (TPEA, ) Trans-boundary Planning in European Atlantic (TPEA, ) Adriatic & Ionian Maritime Spatial Planning (ADRIPLAN, ) Adriatic & Ionian Maritime Spatial Planning (ADRIPLAN, )

10ADRIPLAN Conference, Venice, 10/07/2015 THE EUROPEAN ATLAS OF THE SEAS  communication tool about European Seas  aimed at general public and practitioners  combining conventional or new indicators  based on data from the EC and its Agencies  interfaced to a number of other databases  providing map services and analysis tools Translating scientific data into accessible information: from complex datasets to aggregated information. Identifying conflicts and synergies in a MSP perspective: challenges & opportunities. In 2014, the European Atlas of the Seas received from 6000 to 8000 visits per month (228 per day, on average).

11 Challenge & Opportunities Index -anthropogenic pressures defined by the MSFD -biotic and a-biotic values based on the literature -areas of conflict as defined by UNESCO/IOC Impacts & Conflicts Matrix -low-medium impact & conflicts (compatible) uses: opportunities -high impact, even if low-medium conflict (compatible) uses: protection required -high conflict (incompatible) uses, even if low-medium impact: management required -high impact & high conflict (incompatible) uses: challenge Uses anthropogenic pressures defined by the MSFD Challenges & Opportunities assessment of areas of conflict (compatibility) Conflicts Index Pressures Impacts Index Natural Values classification of biotic and a-biotic natural values protection management opportunity high medium opportunity low medium low high challenge conflicts impacts ADRIPLAN Conference, Venice, 10/07/2015

12ADRIPLAN Conference, Venice, 10/07/2015 DIRECTIVE 2014/89/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 July 2014 establishing a framework for MSP (& ICM) In July 2014, the European Parliament and the Council adopted legislation to create a common framework for MSP in Europe. While each EU country will be free to plan its own maritime activities, local, regional and national planning in shared seas would be made more compatible through a set of minimum common requirements. DG MARE website, last update 08/12/2014