NamePen no. Vyas Vaibhav Chauhan Shubham Patel Kishan Prajapati Harsh Rangrej Altamas SERVE PROBLEM VS REGULATOR PROBLEM CONTROL VALVE
SERVE PROBLEM VS REGULATOR PROBLEM The control system can be considered either of two types servo problem and regular problem We assume that there is no change in Ti and we change the bath temperature according to some prescribed function of time For this set point Tr would change accordance with desired variation in bath temperature If variation is sufficiently slow the bath temperature may expected to follow the variation in Tr very slow
For example one may be intersected in varying the temperature of a reactor according to prescribed time temperature pattern Majority of problem that may be described as the servo type come from field other than chemical industry the tracking of missiles and aircraft and the automatic machining of intricate parts from a master pattern are well know example of servo problem The problem are viewed as trying to follow moving targets
The other situation as regulator problem in this case the desired value Tr is to remain fix And the purpose of control system is maintain the controlled variable Tr in spit of changes in load Ti the problem is vary comman in chemical industry and complicated industrial process we often have many self contained control system each of maintain a perticular variable at desired value this control system are of the regulator type
There are many different ways to manipulate the flows of material and energy into and out of a process; for example, the speed of a pump drive, screw conveyer, or blower can be adjusted. However, a simple and widely used method of accomplishing this result with fluids is to use a control valve, also called an automatic control valve. The control valve components include the valve body, trim, seat, and actuator.