June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor User Group Meeting and Conference Enrolling your Facility, Clinic or Group Practice with Payers Monica Page, Manager of Education Services June 23–24, 2016 | Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor When you open your IntelliApp / IntelliCred database to the Search screen, it is evident that the system is provider centric. But, there are times when an organization needs to focus on the business entity instead. What we will be reviewing is how to set up your database to make it easier to track the payer enrollment process for a business. The term ‘entity’ will be used to refer to a business. Examples: hospital, clinic, surgical center, group practice, billing client or CVO client. Enrolling your Facility, Clinic or Group Practice with Payers
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor View Setup Screen Design Facility Setup User Access Checklist Setup Document (Image) Type Question Setup Group Practice Application Mapping Application Templates Lookup List – Action Types Application Tracking Setup We Will Be Reviewing the Following Tools: *IntelliApp Smart clients: Setup tool functionality is limited. See your Account Executive about upgrading to IntelliApp.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The Entity Credentialing View comes with your database and includes the following demographic screens: Basic Information Address Board Specialty Licensure Liability Insurance Other IDs Special Certifications Screens can be added or removed. View Setup
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The screens in the Entity Credentialing View have been modified to make it easier for the user to do data entry or interpret the data. Additional modifications can be made. Renamed fields: Last Name Business Name Date of Birth Effective Date NPI Number Group NPI Number Maiden Name d/b/a Name Provider Type Group Type Custom 1 Tax ID ** To avoid potential issues, be cognizant of which custom fields are being used in other views. Screen Design
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 6 Screen Design
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 7 Facility ID #1 – EVERY provider & business entered is attached automatically. Additional facilities are optional. To track payer enrollment based on Tax ID. To hold and track business entities separately from providers (people). Which option you use is based on how your organization needs to track payer enrollment. Facility Setup for IntelliApp
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 8 IntelliCred does not require a default facility. The number of facilities needed by your organization is determined by: Appointments and Appointment dates needing to be tracked Verification rules Tax IDs needed to be tracked for payer enrollment Facility Setup for IntelliCred
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 9 This area allows you to grant or deny access to the facilities and views in your database. User mpage has access to Entity Provider Enrollment facility and Entity Credentialing View The default view is the Demographics View. 9 User Administration
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor User mpage will now have the Entity Provider Enrollment facility available in the Select Facility list. The Select View will default to the Demographics View but, the Entity Credentialing View is available in the dropdown list. 10 Impact on the Search Screen Coming in the next release will be the ability to re-label the columns on the Search screen based on the View being used.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor 11 Impact on the Search Screen (continued) The Demographics View, the labels can stay as is. The Entity Credentialing View, Notice the relabeling: Last Business DOB Effective Date NPI Group NPI First, Middle, Suffix, Prof, SSN were removed
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor IntelliApp has one Checklist connected to the Default Facility. Entity specific items can be included on it. On the Checklist tab, the user would use the Status N/A - Not Applicable when specific items do not pertain to providers or entities. 12 Checklist for IntelliApp
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor IntelliCred allows for multiple Checklists to be used for different circumstances. An Entity Checklist can be created to be used only when an Entity is added to the database. 13 Checklist for IntelliCred
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The pre-loaded Image types are provider centric but, some may pertain to both providers and entities, such as Insurance documents. Entity centric Image types can be added, such as CLIA Certificate, W-9 or other tax or incorporation documents. 14 Document / Image Types
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Common Templates Provider initial and reappointment attest questions. Location specific questions for payer forms. An Entity Attestation template can be used when an entity is added to your system. 15 Question Setup IntelliApp: attest questions live on a data screen on the Demographics tab. IntelliCred: attest questions live on the attest sub-tab of the Appointments tab.
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Central repository for addresses. Information entered here attaches to the connected providers and entities for demographic information, mapping onto applications, and reporting. Location Detail information is visible on the Address screen on the Demographics tab. Custom fields at the bottom of the screen are connected but, not visible. 16 Group Practice – Location Detail
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The Additional Data sub-tab can house a lot of location specific data. Questions can be added here individually or using the Locations Question template. Then, they can be answered and mapped to the group enrollment forms. 17 Group Practice – Additional Data – Group Questions
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Holds information about the providers associated with the specific location. The Select Associated Providers button allows the user to pull information from providers already linked to this address. The Partner field allows the user to designate if the provider is allied health, a colleague, or has an ownership stake at the location. 18 Group Practice – Additional Data – Group Covering/Partners
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Application Mapping Setup: Organizations (folders) can be added to hold all of the entity or group enrollment applications. 19 The folder and contents will be visible to the user via the Batch Add button on the Applications tab. Organizing Applications
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Application Templates can be created to hold the entity / group enrollment applications associated with a specific facility. 20 The template will be visible to the user via the Multi App button on the Applications tab. Organizing Applications
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor If your organization has processing steps that are specific to entity payer enrollment, they would be entered in the Action Type Lookup List. 21 Application Tracking Action Types
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The Action Type would then be available for selection on the Applications tab. 22 Application Tracking Action Types (continued)
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Your organization can include any of the entity specific actions in the automatic application tracking steps. The Application Tracking Setup area allows one set of 10 automatically generated steps to be configured. Additional tracking steps can be added to an application as needed. 23 Application Tracking Steps
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The tracking of those auto-generated steps will be visible in the Tracking window on the Applications tab. 24 Application Tracking Steps (continued)
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Before clicking on the New button, The user will need to select the Entity Credentialing View first. Adding the Entity to Your Database
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor This will open the customized Basic Information demographics screen, making data entry more intuitive. 26 Adding the Entity to Your Database (continued)
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor Once the Basic Information screen is filled in, the Appointment tab needs to be completed. Below, the entity has been added to the Florida Medical Center facility, the Sample Entity Checklist will populate the Checklist tab, the Entity Provider Enrollment verification rules will be used to create the appropriate verifications. 27 Appointment Screen for IntelliCred only
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor If an Entity Attestation question template was created, the questions can be added and answered on the Attest Quest sub-tab. If the Entity Attestation template questions should always appear on the Attest sub- tab of the specific facility, this would be accomplished by defaulting the template in Facility setup, on the Settings tab of the appropriate facility. 28 Appointment Screen for IntelliCred only (continued)
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The entity is now visible on the Search tab. The associated actions are visible and accessible in the Action window. 29 The Results
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The Checklist items can be tracked. 30 The Results
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The entity associated images can be added on the Documents tab. 31 The Results
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The entity specific verifications are tracked on the Verification tab. 32 The Results
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor The actions related to the entity payer enrollment forms are trackable. The IDs and Reports sub-tab functions are also available. 33 The Results
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor NEW: Intellisoft Group Classroom The Administrator Guide and the Video tutorials specifically for these configuration tools are available. These are also available on the Customer Portal. 34 IntelliSoft Group Classroom & Customer Portal
June 23–24, 2016 Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor QUESTIONS?