Criteria for establishing research priorities CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability CHIETA’s Research Agenda identifies priority areas and themes that require research. The Research Agenda is reviewed annually and recommended by the Research and Skills Planning Committee and approved by the relevant governance committee. The following criteria are used in selecting topics for the research agenda: Relevance: Relevance to CHIETA’s mandate, strategic goals and reflection of its strategic priorities within Sector Skills Plan Importance: Research problem is substantial and opportunities for impact and involvement are great. Feasibility: It is likely that the research will produce new useful knowledge or understanding within a specified time.
CHIETA’s strategic research agenda NO THEMEDESCRIPTION 1Core labour market researchCHIETA aims to enhance and maintain a Credible Institutional Mechanism for Skills Planning for the CHIETA. This includes: WSP/ATR Source Data Collection and Analysis Updating the occupation profiles and the CHIETA occupational profile dictionary, inclusive of “green skills” (annual update) Updating the chemical qualifications framework/matrix against the OFO (Annual review & update) Occupational and Employee skills survey (Skills Audit) Supply side database (including tracking). The annual update of the Sector Skills Plan (SSP) and its submission to DHET is a requirement. The objectives of the update are to: Provide for any new government and sectoral policies and imperatives Revise the statistical information based on the most current research and information available Update the skills needs (including scarce, critical and PIVOTAL skills list) Expand on chamber/sub-sector analysis and projected skills needs Incorporate a provincial dimension where possible Report on CHIETA’s progress with regard to objectives and targets set out in the SSP since the commencement of NSDS III Sub-sector skills plan for all 9 sub-sectors updated annually. A annual Employment and Training Trends report in the Chemical Sector, with the aim of building up time series data ( to yr analysis) In support of building a national Credible Institutional Mechanism for Skills Planning, CHIETA will participate in DHET-HSRC Labour Market Intelligence Programme (LMIP) and other related initiatives. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability
CHIETA’s strategic research agenda NO THEMEDESCRIPTION 2 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) including Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Inclusive of but not limited to: Articulation pathways for targeted occupation/s Case studies of TVET/WIL in chemical sector Innovations in skills development related to the chemical sector and/nationally Critical cross field outcomes based learning in support of TVET Institutes of Occupational and/or Sectoral Excellence (ISOE) in the chemical sector in support of TVET including WIL 3 Impact assessment This theme includes the following elements: Building in impact indicators to all CHIETA performance indicators as per the Strategic Plan and Annual performance Plan (APP) Conducting impact studies on target programmes or projects Tracking and tracing of leaners 4Sustainability and Socio- economic development The theme includes the following possible areas: Projections of the impact of the Green Economy on the Chemical Sector and specific implications for skills Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) for shale gas Building community education programmes and community projects which strengthen local communities, socially and economically, with a link to the chemical sector Strategic Infrastructure Projects (SIPs) Growth of priority national economic sectors such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals 5Other Surveys or investigations based on needs as identified internally and by CHIETA stakeholders (via the Research and Skills Planning Committee) CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability
Research Agenda Implementation CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability ThemeResearch ProjectObjectiveResearch Partner Sustainability and Socio Economic Development People with Disability in the Chemical Sector An exploratory research on factors that hinders integration of People With Disability in the Chemical sector Vulindlela Human Performance Technology cc Other - Relevant Technical and Innovation Research to advance Chemical Sector Research Assistantship Programme (RAP) in Chemistry The project has been designed as an intervention to kindle an interest in research in the early years of tertiary education to those who excel in Chemistry. University of the Witwatersrand Enhance and Maintain a Credible Institutional Mechanism for Skills Planning Emerging chemical manufacturers and market access To undertake market assessment on the impediments to emerging players in accessing markets. To expose common hindrances limit emerging chemicals manufacturers and traders to make headway in the industry. Pure Chem TVET and WILIdentify institutional challenges faced by TVET colleges in the implementation of WIL The project aims to identify the institutional challenges faced by TVET colleges in the implementation of WIL, identify challenges related to building TVET college, industry, business and government partnerships Second Chance Foundation Sustainability and Socio Economic Development The Education/Training – Skills Needs Gaps of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) in the Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority (CHIETA) profile skills needs of SMMEs by identifying skills gaps and challenges faced by the SMMEs in context of skills development in CHIETA The Holistic Scholar Other - Relevant Technical and Innovation Research to advance Chemical Sector Acid Mine Drainage Treatment The objective of this study is to investigate if bentonite or attupulgite can adsorb and neutralise heavy metals found in Acid Mine Drainage An alternative method to treating acid mine drainage that reduces the toxins found in the sludge after treatment Vaal University of Technology Enhance and maintain a credible mechanism for skills planning CHIETA customer satisfaction survey 2016 A follow up to the survey conducted in 2012 to measure the sector’s satisfaction level with the CHIETA. The Aim is to improve relations and our service to the sector. CLOSING END MAY 2016 IT Aware
Research Agenda Implementation CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability DG Funding window to be opened in June 2016 (1 – 30 June 2016) To meet target of 10 Research Projects implementing CHIETA research Agenda DG funding windows are the 5 Research Themes Research applications should be made under the strategic projects for funding consideration
Strategic Project Application Process CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability
Strategic Project Application Process CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability
Strategic Project Application Process CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability
Strategic Project Application Process CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability After clicking the “ADD/View Strategic Details, you may proceed to the screen below
Strategic Project Application CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Below is the first screen on the Strategic Projects application. Once the necessary information in this screen is completed and the form is submitted, you will be taken to the finalisation screen
Strategic Project Application CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability
Thank you Kedibone Moroane Executive Manager: Research and Skills Planning