IoT EdTech Hackathons Computers and Society
Topics Impact of Technology within Society Internet of Things (IoT) Connecting devices and people Education Technology Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) Impact of Mobile Apps for Good Apps that have a global and local positive impact
Watson - How it Works?
Collaborative Activity Improve Society with YOUR ideas a.Internet of Things (IoT) - IOT-TECH Design and explain your IoT (sensor) idea. b.Technology in Education - ED-TECH Design and explain your education technology idea. c.Technology to Improve Lives - APP-TECH Design and explain your mobile or web app idea that is focused on solving a local/global issue.
Internet Of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things
Cloud Computing
IoT in Action source: Toronto Hydro (
DEMO Sensors ● temperature ●humidity ●pressure ●accelerometer ●gyroscope ●magnetometer IBM Bluemix Cloud
Technology in Education
Education - “Killer Apps” Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) > 10 million students Blended Learning online and in-class Digital Game-based Learning Minecraft EDU
Hacking for Social Good
Hackathon Designer / Developers / Hustlers
Recent Hackathons in Canada
Student Mobile App Competition Design, develop, pitch Global competition Improve society
Group Challenge 1.Decide which tech idea you want to explore a.IOT-TECH - Internet of Things b.ED-TECH - Education Technology c.APP-TECH - Hackathon apps 2.Create groups (3-5 members) 3.Brainstorm ideas 4.Develop the idea 5.Prepare a 2-3 minute talk/explanation