Physics 313: Lecture 3 Monday, 9/1/08
Comments to the Class ● All students, enrolled and auditing: please do Problem 1 of Assignment 1. ● You should be reading Chapter 2 of Cross-Greenside (linear stability). ● Typos, errors, corrections in book? Please forward... ● Topics: – Finish discussion of examples: what are the interesting scientific questions? – When are natural systems high-dimensional and so need new approaches? – Linear stability of spatially uniform fixed points: a first step toward understanding spatially extended driven dissipative systems.
Discussion Questions ● From reading Chapter 1: what is a key scientific reason why spatially extended nonequilibrium systems are hard to understand? (A mathematical reason is the presence of nonlinearities.) ● How is it possible to talk about a time-dependent spatially- varying temperature field T(t,x,y,z) (e.g., in the heat diffusion equation ∂ t T = · ∇ 2 T ) when T is a property of systems in thermodynamic equilibrium for which T is constant in time and space? ● Estimate order of magnitude of fluid speed in convecting flow?
Granular Crispation Experiments: Why Dynamics Similar to Convection?
Chemical Reaction-Diffusion Patterns Complex Patterns in a Simple System, John Pearson, Science 261, (1993)
Snowflakes! (Dendritic Growth)
Magnification of Molecular Noise by Convective Instability
Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction: Targets and Spirals
Spiral Waves in Dictyostelium Discoideum
Dicty Important for Understanding Transition from Single- to Multi-cell Organisms
Dictyostelium Discovered in NC State amoeba?
Spiral Waves and Fibrillating Hearts?
Or Three-Dimensional Cardiac Dynamics?
Gentle Control Algorithms for Heart as Chaotic System? Science 257: (1992)
Anti-Chaos Control for Epilepsy? Are Brain Dynamics Chaotic, Controllable?
Taylor-Couette Flow
“Phase Diagram” for Taylor-Couette Flow
Domain Chaos, Spiral Defect Chaos Bifurcation Diagram
Compare with “Phase Diagram” For Logistic Map
How High-Dimensional Systems Might Arise
Casual Criteria for High-Dimensional Dynamics
Quantifying Complexity: Correlation Lengths and Fractal Dimensions
Linear Instability Analysis of Time-Independent Spatially Uniform States
Growth Rate For Swift-Hohenberg State u=0
Neutral Stability Region for Swift-Hohenberg
General Mathematical Strategy for a Linear Stability Analysis
Experimental Linear Stability Analysis: Study Weakly Nonlinear Stationary States
Empirical Estimate of Critical Temperature
Taylor-Couette: Theory Versus Experiment