CASCADE COURSING CLUB Christy Maxfield, Trial Sec Point Fosdick Dr NW Gig Harbor WA Dated Material DIRECTIONS TO THE FIELD FROM THE WEST: Drive east on I-90. Take Exit 27 (sign to Snoqualmie-North Bend). At stop sign at the end of off-ramp, go left under freeway (road curves right and goes downhill) and drive approx. 1 mile. Stay in the right lane, watch for Snoqualmie Falls sign. Turn left at Meadowbrook Way (Not well marked until after you turn). ** Cross Railroad Ave. (Sr 202; traffic light). Turn right on SE Park Street. Go 0.5 miles to field on the right. FROM THE EAST: Drive west on I-90. Take Exit 31. At the end of the off-ramp, go right to West 202. Turn left on SE North Bend Way. Turn right after the large sign for Snoqualmie Falls. This will be Meadowbrook Way. Stay right as the road curves. Follow directions above starting from **. Licensed by the American Kennel Club AKC ALL BREED LURE COURSE EVENT Event # (s) Pre-Entry Fees Pre-entries close 6 p.m. Friday, July 17th, 2009 Test, PER HOUND $25.00 Trial, FIRST HOUND $20.00 Trial, SECOND HOUND (same owner)$18.00 Trial, ANY ADDITIONAL HOUND (same owner)$16.00 Day of Trial Fees: $25.00/ENTRY Phone, fax, and entries will NOT be accepted. Send entries to Christy Maxfield, 1024 Point Fosdick Dr NW, Gig Harbor WA LICENSED BY THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of this event under AKC Rules and Regulations. James Crowley, Secretary AKC Lure Test - Trial: Saturday, July 18, 2009 (# ) Sunday, July 19, 2009 (# ) FIRST CLASS MAIL July 18, July 19, 2009 MEADOWBROOK FARM 1711 Boalch Ave, North Bend WA 98045
Officers Jack Downing AKC# 26933Judy Lowther AKC# Hillcrest Dr.4300 Denison Ave Allen TX 75002Cleveland OH Saturday-Trial All BreedSaturday-Test, Trial IW---W Sunday-Test, Trial AH---IBSunday-Trial All Breed AKC Field Committee PresidentCarol S Chittum Vice PresidentChristine D. Maxfield Recording SecretaryDeb Vondetti Corresponding SecretaryDeb Vondetti TreasurerNancy MacLean Board Alan MacLean, Sandi Anderson Chairman:Carol Chittum, 515 – 286 th SE, Fall City, WA Secretary:Christy Maxfield 1024 Point Fosdick Dr NW Gig Harbor WA Clerks: Nancy MacLean, Jane Stevens Lure Operator:Bill Martin, Denny Smail Hunt Master:Judy Lange, Linda Carlson, Carol Chittum, Sandi Anderson Paddock Master:Alan MacLean, Don Ellis, Meg Penner, Deb Vondetti Inspection:Linda Carlson, Don Ellis, Sandi Anderson. Cell phone on the field: or Judges and Assignments Stakes Offered: OPEN: Open to all hounds of an eligible breed that have attained at least one of the following: AKC Junior Coursing Title, AKC Field Championship Title. Hounds that are disqualified (or dismissed twice within 6 trials) from Field Trials may not be entered. OPEN VETERAN: Open to all hounds which are eligible to enter Open or Special stakes and meet the age requirement for a veteran as established by the breed’s parent club. Championship points will be awarded. SPECIALS: Open to all hounds of an eligible breed that are eligible to enter the Open Stake and have earned their AKC Field Champion Title. Specials may compete for LCX points. BEST IN FIELD WILL BE OFFERED. All Best of Breed winners with the exception of Italian Greyhounds shall be eligible to compete in the Best in Field competition. Eligible Breeds & Registry Only purebred Afghan Hounds, Azawakhs, Basenjis, Borzois, Greyhounds, Ibizan Hounds, Irish Wolfhounds, Italian Greyhounds, Pharaoh Hounds, Portuguese Podengos, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Salukis, Scottish Deerhounds, Sloughis, Thai Ridgebacks and Whippets that are one year of age or older, that have been registered with The American Kennel Club, or part of an AKC-registered litter, or otherwise, if whelped outside of the United States of America and owned by a resident of the USA, or of a country with a foreign registry organization whose pedigrees are acceptable for AKC registration and is registered with that registry, or that have been granted an Indefinite Listing Privilege (ILP), are eligible to participate in lure coursing tests and trials. Hounds may not be entered as “registration pending” or “ILP Pending.” Soughis one year of age or older, that have been recorded with the Foundation Stock Service, or that have been granted an ILP are eligible to enter in Lure Coursing Tests and may participate in Lure Coursing Trials on an Exhibition Only basis. Breed disqualifications apply **Note: Italian Greyhounds are not eligible to compete for Best in Field.** Ribbons & Prizes Ribbons.CCC will offer: Trial: Rosettes: First=Blue, Second=Red, Third=Yellow, Fourth=White, Fifth=Pink, Best of Breed=Purple/Gold, Best in Field=Red/White/Blue Trophies: Trophies will be offered for Best of Breed and Best in Field both days. General: 1.All entries must be one year of age or older on the day of the trial. Stakes will be split by public random draw if the entry in any one stake is sufficient to hold two or more five point majors. 2.In the Trial, all hounds will run twice, in trios if possible, or braces, unless excused, dismissed, or disqualified. 3.Hounds not present at the time of roll call will be scratched after a five (5) minute grace period. Each entry will be examined at inspection for breed disqualifications. Bitches in season and lame hounds will be excused. Entry fee for hounds excused, during inspection, for bitches in season, lameness or breed disqualification shall be refunded. Spayed or neutered hounds, without breed disqualifications, may be entered. 4.Battery powered continuous loop machines will be used. Lure will consist of white plastic bags. Backup equipment will be available. 5.The course will be reversed for the finals and run-offs. 6.The field committee reserves the right to alter the course plan as required by weather and/or field conditions on the day of the trial. 7.THE FIELD COMMITTEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BAR KNOWN AGGRESSIVE HOUNDS FROM THE TRIAL SITE. 8.ALL TRASH, INCLUDING DOG FECES, MUST BE CARRIED AWAY BY OWNER. 9.THERE WILL BE A $5 FINE ASSESSED FOR ANY LOOSE HOUND NOT TAKING PART IN THE COURSE IN PROGRESS, OR FOR ANYBODY CAUGHT NOT PICKING UP AFTER THEIR DOG OR LEAVING GARBAGE ON THE FIELD. 10.Any owner whose hound is not under physical control within 3 minutes of the conclusion of the course will be assessed a $3.00 fine. 11.NO ONE, EXCEPT THE FIELD COMMITTEE, WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE FIELD WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THE FIELD CHAIRMAN, EXCEPT THE APPOINTED FIELD COMMITTEE. 12.Anybody exhibiting unsportsmanlike behavior will be excused from the field and may be subject to further disciplinary action. 13.Please bring your own shelter and water. 14.No cigarette smoking on the field. CASCADE COURSING CLUB EVENTHOURSDAY OF TRIAL ENTRIES CLOSE ROLLING INSPECTION ROLL CALL & START Saturday-Sunday Test 7 a.m. until completion 7:45 a.m.Rolling inspection begins: 7:15 a.m. 8 a.m. Saturday-Sunday Trial 7 a.m. until completion 8:45 a.m.Rolling inspection begins: 7:15 a.m. 9 a.m. Veterinarian Information:VCA Alpine Animal Hospital 888 NW Sammamish Rd Issaquah WA (off exit 17 of I-90) Medical Emergency:Snoqualmie Valley Hospital 9565 Ethan Wade Way SE, Snoqualmie WA (425) Accommodations: Motel 6 Issaquah (15 minutes) Dog Friendly th PL NW, Issaquah WA (425) North Bend Motel (5 minutes) No Pets 322 E North Bend Way, North Bend WA CAMPING IS ALLOWED ON THE FIELD AT NO CHARGE, SORRY NO HOOK-UP’S AVAILABLE.
Course Plans Course plans are not to scale. Field committee reserves the right to modify plans according to weather and field conditions. (reversed for run offs and finals) The field is partially fenced, mowed with rolling terrain, and can be challenging for unfit hounds. Saturday Test/Trial 685 yds S/F 95 BOX LUNCHES Will be available by order, on the field by 10:00 a.m. Price: $9.00 Box lunch includes: Sandwich (meatloaf, tuna, ham & cheese or vegetarian). Chips and a homemade cookie! Bring your own beverage. The field has limited shade, please bring your own shade and plenty of water Sunday Test/Trial 700 yds 60 S/F
Special Events __________________________ CCC will be having a Raffle/Auction as a fund raiser We need your Support so please bring your piggy banks.! Ray Mullen of the Snoqualmie Indian tribe will do a ritual blessing of the hounds and handlers Saturday morning after the JC Test and preceding the first Trial run. The Running of the Fourth Hound Please join us on the field before the running of the Best in Field Saturday to honor our lure coursing dogs that have crossed the Bridge. Bring your slip lead and your memories to the line as we release our 4 th hounds together and remember their beauty and love of the chase. Please join us Saturday evening for the Judges dinner at a near by restaurant. Everyone is invited. Michael Ericson DVM will be doing BAER testing on Sunday only 10am to 2pm, cost $60 for adult dogs and $40 per puppy litter rate (2 or more). Brainstorm Auditory Evoked Response- a hearing test is a simple ten minute procedure done without sedation to determine deafness in breeds known to have a genetic hearing loss. Results are confidential and a print out report will be provided. There will be special awards each day for the High Score Dual Champion, High Score LCM, High Score CKC Champion and a special gift for the Exhibitor who traveled the farthest.