By: K. Thompson
All Write Round Robin ◦ Teacher provides a question. ◦ Students take some think time. ◦ In groups, take turns contributing one idea at a time. ◦ All teammates record the shared response on their own paper. The Question: ◦ What do you know about Native American conflicts and how they were treated by the American Government??
Indian Removal Act ◦ Whites were eager to settle on land inhabited by Native Americans. ◦ President Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act forcing Native Americans across the Mississippi River into the Indian Territory which later became Oklahoma. Trail of Tears ◦ The long, difficult journey that Native Americans were forced to take to their Indian Territory. Trail of Tears Video ◦ 6A1A533451E2&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US 6A1A533451E2&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US
During the long and difficult journey know as The Trail of Tears thousands of Native Americans lost their lives.
Conflict Trail of Tears Native Americans were forced off their land. Moved to the Indian Territory (Oklahoma) Thousands of Native Americans died along the way.
During the Civil War, Native Americans were left alone. This all changed, though, with the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, the discovery of rich mineral deposits, and the continued movement west of white settlers. Sharpshooters were hired by the railroad to shoot the Native American’s buffalo. Native Americans were being pushed onto smaller and smaller reservations.
Buffalo were shot by railroad workers and passengers. The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad brought more settlers to the west and more conflict with the Native Americans.
Why were the conflicts arising with the Native Americans after the Civil War?? Name two effects of the continued settlement of the West.
Some tribes went to war with the settlers and soldiers. The Indian Wars were marked by massacres by white soldiers of Native American women and children. In Sand Creek Colorado, the Cheyenne tribe offered the make peace. The military told them to camp there while they waited to hear back from the territory's governor. The Native Americans were attacked by surprise while they slept. The Native Americans tried to stop the attack by waving the white flag (used to signal surrender or ask for a truce). The troops chose to ignore the flag and killed hundreds of men, women, and children.
Conflict Trail of Tears Native Americans were forced off their land. Moved to the Indian Territory (Oklahoma) Thousands of Native Americans died along the way. Sand Creek Massacre Native Americans were attacked by surprise. Many men, women, and children were killed.
Describe the Sand Creek Massacre. What is your reaction to the Sand Creek Massacre? Take a Side! Do you agree with what happened at the Sand Creek Massacre? Why or why not? Discuss with your partner. If you have opposing viewpoints, explain why you feel the way you do.
Also known as “Custer’s Last Stand” The treaties between the Native Americans and the government that granted the Indians land ownership, were not honored by the government. When gold was found in the Black Hills on a reservation, Native Americans were forced off of their land. General Custer led a surprise attack on the tribes. The General and his 225 soldiers were outnumbered by the 2,500 Indians. Custer and all of his men were killed. This battle created support for a larger military force. Battle of Little Bighorn Video Battle of Little Bighorn Video
General Custer Sitting Bull – Leader of the Indian Tribe that was forced off of their land. Black Hills
Conflict Trail of Tears Native Americans were forced off their land. Moved to the Indian Territory (Oklahoma) Thousands of Native Americans died along the way. Sand Creek Massacre Native Americans were attacked by surprise. Many men, women, and children were killed. Battle of Little Bighorn Gold discovered in Black Hills. Forced off of their lands. General Custer attacked tribes. Custer and his men were outnumbered and killed. US got support for larger military force.
Describe the events of the Battle of Little Bighorn. Group Discussion Take turns in your group giving one fact about this battle.
Indian tribe in Oregon led by Chief Joseph. They fled to Canada rather than be moved off their traditional land to make room for white settlers. However, the United States Army surrounded them. They surrendered because the Army promised to be allowed to return to their land. The promise was not kept and they were taken to a reservation in Oklahoma. Nez Perce Video Nez Perce Video
Leader of the Nez Perce Native American Tribe – Chief Joseph
Conflict Trail of Tears Native Americans were forced off their land. Moved to the Indian Territory (Oklahoma) Thousands of Native Americans died along the way. Sand Creek Massacre Native Americans were attacked by surprise. Many men, women, and children were killed. Battle of Little Bighorn Gold discovered in Black Hills. Forced off of their lands. General Custer attacked tribes. Custer and his men were outnumbered and killed. US got support for larger military force. Nez Perce An Indian Tribe in Oregon. Tried to flee to Canada Surrounded by Army Promised to let them return to their land. Broke promise and forced them onto a reservation.
Why did the Nez Perce surrender? What was the outcome?
Some Native Americans escaped the reservation. They tried to restore their old way of life. The army surrounded them at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. The US army massacred 300 men, women, and children as they were trying to give up their weapons. This ended the Native American resistance to the reservation policy. Wounded Knee Video
Conflict Trail of Tears Native Americans were forced off their land. Moved to the Indian Territory (Oklahoma) Thousands of Native Americans died along the way. Sand Creek Massacre Native Americans were attacked by surprise. Many men, women, and children were killed. Battle of Little Bighorn Gold discovered in Black Hills. Forced off of their lands. General Custer attacked tribes. Custer and his men were outnumbered and killed. US got support for larger military force. Nez Perce An Indian Tribe in Oregon. Tried to flee to Canada Surrounded by Army Promised to let them return to their land. Broke promise and forced them onto a reservation. Wounded Knee Some escaped the reservation. Surrounded at Wounded Knee. Army killed many men, women, and children. End of Native American Resistance. Conflict Trail of Tears Native Americans were forced off their land. Moved to the Indian Territory (Oklahoma) Thousands of Native Americans died along the way.
What was the significance of Wounded Knee? Why do you think the Native Americans stopped resisting?
The Native Americans were forced onto undesirable land. This land was not adapted for their culture. The Plains Indians cultured centered on buffalo and they could no longer provide enough food for their families. Even though the government promised to supply the Native Americans with food, they never got enough supplies. Poverty, starvation, and depression were common on the reservation.
Reformers were concerned with the way the Native Americans were being treated and the many treaties that the government had broken. The people believed that if the Natives would give up their tribal traditions and adopt the ways of the white man, they would be successful.
Describe the life of Native Americans on the Reservation. Why do reformers want the Native Americans to give up their way of life?
A new federal policy. Took the tribal lands of the reservation and divided it up into farms for individual families. The Native Americans had different ideas of land ownership than the whites. They believed that land belonged to the group, not individuals. This policy violated those beliefs and their traditions of hunting. Many of the farms failed and they lost their land.
The reformers also believed that the Native American children should learn the ways of the white man. Children were taken away from their families and sent to schools far away (ex – Pennsylvania). They were taught to behave like white children and to speak English.
The values and traditions of the Native Americans were not honored during that time. Today, because of civil rights movements, their culture is being preserved and their rights honored. Life on many reservations is still hard and many still live in poverty.
Explain Dawes Severalty Act. What did reformers believe about Native American children? Describe the life of many Native Americans today.
Main Idea Life on the reservation was not easy. Lands were undesirable and didn’t support culture. Relied on buffalo and couldn’t provide enough to feed families. Weren’t brought enough supplies. Suffered from starvation, poverty, and depression. Broke up their land into individual farms. Violated their rights and beliefs. Sent their children to schools far away.