1 PAC for Particle Physics JINR, Dubna January 14, 2010 Status of the TDR for NICA project Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility G. Trubnikov for NICA Collaboration
2 Contents Introduction: NICA layout and main elements 1. NICA TDR status 2. Injector 3. Booster 4. “Nuclotron-NICA” 5. Collider 6. Cryogenic system 7. Civil engineering Conclusion
3 Introduction: NICA scheme & layoutIntroduction: NICA Layout & Main Elements December 3, 2009 Coordination Committee Meeting Collider 2T C = 336 m Synchrophasotron yoke Nuclotron Existing beam lines (Fixed target exp-s) “Old” linacKRION-6T & HILac Beam transfer line MPD Spin Physics Detector (SPD) 2.3 m 4.0 m Booster
4 Nuclotron (45 Tm) injection of one bunch of 1.1×10 9 ions, acceleration up to 1 4.5 GeV/u max. Collider (45 Tm) Storage of 32 bunches 1 10 9 ions per ring at 1 4.5 GeV/u, electron and/or stochastic cooling Injector: 2×10 9 ions/pulse of 197 Au 32+ at energy of 6.2 MeV/u IP-1 IP-2 Two superconducting collider rings Introduction: Heavy ions in NICA Operation regime and parameters Booster (25 Tm) 1(2-3) single-turn injection, storage of 2 (4-6)×10 9, acceleration up to 100 MeV/u, electron cooling, acceleration up to 600 MeV/u Stripping (80%) 197 Au 32+ 197 Au x 32 injection cycles (~ 6 min) Bunch compression (RF phase jump) Option: stacking with BB and S-Cooling ~ 2 x 300 injection cycles (~ 1 h)
5 August 2009 NICA TDR (volumes I,II & III) 1. NICA TDR status Версия 04/12/09 Ускорительно-накопительный комплекс NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ПРОЕКТ том I Дубна 2009 Ускорительно-накопительный комплекс NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility)
6 4. NICA project status and plans (Contnd) Since publication of the 1-st version of the NICA CDR The Concept was developed, the volumes I,II and III of the TDR have been completed: Volume I – Part 1, General description - Part 2, Injector complex Volume II – Part 3, Booster-Synchrotron - Part 4, Nuclotron - NICA Volume III – Part 5, Collider Volume IV - Part 6, Beam diagnostics & control - Part 7, Cryogenic system - Part 8, Radiation safety & control system Volume V – Part 9, Civil Engineering
7 2. Injector KRION - Cryogenic ion source of “electron-string” type developed by E.Donets group at JINR. It is aimed to generation of heavy multicharged ions (e.g. 197 Au 32+ ). E.D.Donets E.E.Donets To be commissioned in HILAC – Heavy ion linac RFQ + Drift Tube Linac (DTL), under design and construction (O.Belyaev & the Team, IHEP, Protvino) operationcomms/operatnmountg+commssiong Manufctrng + mounting designR & D KRION RFQ DTL-1 DTL-2 DTL-3 DTL-4
8 operationcomms/operatnmountg+commssiong Manufctrng + mounting designR & D Year Dipole Model Prototype Serial dipole Quadrupole model Multipole lens Quad + Multipole Module Quad + BPosM Lens module mass production Cryogenic test of magnets Magnet system commissioning SC Booster magnets 3. Booster
9 3. Booster (Contnd) Electron cooling system of the Booster superconducting solenoids Design in progress…
10 To be commissioned in To be designed, constructed and commissioned: 1.RF system – new version with bunch compression 2.Dedicated diagnostics 3.Single turn extraction with fine synchronization 4.Polarized protons acceleration in Nuclotron 4. Nuclotron-NICA from Nuclotron-M to Nuclotron-NICA
11 5. Collider Collider 2 T Conceptual Design in progress Ring circumference, m336 Number of interaction points (IP)2 B max, T m 45.0 Ion kinetic energy ( 197 Au 79+ ), GeV/u 1.0 4.58 Dipole field (max), T2 Quad gradient (max), T/m30 Long straight sections: number / length, m2 / 48 Short straight sections: number / length, m2 / 24 Free space at IP (for MPD detector), m9 Beam crossing angle at IP0 Number of dipoles (arc)/ length, m64 / 2.2 Number of quads (arc)/ length, m32 / 0.4 βx_max / βy_max in arc, m20 / 20 Dx_max / Dy_max in arc, m6.1 / 0.1 βx_min / βy_min in IP, m0.5 / 0.5 Dx / Dy in IP1, m0.0 / 0.2 Betatron tunes Qx / Qy6.6 / 7.6 Chromaticity Qx / Qy -23 / -26 Transition energy, _tr 4.89 Vacuum, pTorr100 10 at 3.5 AGeV -> L= 10^27 at 1.0 AGeV -> L = 5*10^25
12 Magnetic system design in progress Name of the parameterUnitDipoleQuadrupole Number of magnets Maximum magnetic induction (field gradient) T (T/m)2.023 Effective magnetic lengthm Ramp rate dB / dt T/s≤ 0.5- Field quality ∆ B/ B (∆ G/ G ) at R=30mm 6 Useable aperturemm70 Pole radiusm Bending angledeg5 5 / 8- Radius of curvaturem22.5- Yoke widthm Yoke heightm Distance between the beamsmm320 Overall weightkg Current at maximum fieldkA12 Number of turns in the winding104 InductanceµH37022 Stored energykJ Vacuum shell outer diametermm700 Heat releasesW104.8 SC cable cooling channel diametermm3.0 Cable length in the two windingsm11014 Pressure difference between the helium headerskPa27 Maximal temperature of heliumK4.65 Construction of the dipole magnet prototype is scheduled for Design of the regular collider twin bore quadrupole lens with hyperbolic poles is in progress.
13 FAIR – Russia Research Center (FRRC) (16 October 2009) - bridge between NICA & FAIR I. Meshkov “NICA project at JINR" A. Sidorin “Review of the FAIR complex" S. Yakovenko "FLAIR project" N. Agapov “Cryogenic supply of the accelerator complex" A. Smirnov “Electron cooling at storage rings" G. Trubnikov “Stochastic cooling systems"
14 5 m 3.1 m 8.5 m 6 m 1.3 m Ion beam 1 Ion beam 2 HV cascade generator (“Dynamitron”) Electron beam 1: Accelerator Electron beam 2: Accelerator Electron beam 2: Recuperater Electron beam 1: Recuperater Toroidal solenoids Straight and thin toroidal solenoids 14 Conceptual design of the e-cooling system
15 operationcomms/operatnmountg+commssiong Manufctrng + mounting designR & D Year Dipole Model Prototype Serial dipole Quadrupole model Multipole corrector magnet Quad + Multipole Module Quad + BPosM Module mass production Cryogenic test of magnets Magnet system commissioning SC Collider magnets 5. Collider (Contnd)
16 6. Cryogenic system Modernized in framework of the Nuclotron-M project : We succesfully agreed with HELIIMASH to give the property on screw compressor to JINR (scale of 1MEuro). We will put into Reserve the piston compressors (youngest is made in 1978)
17 7. Civil engineering State Specialized Design Institute (Moscow): The geological survey and building design have been started in November 2009
18 Conclusion The project development is in progress, The goal to start experiment on ion colliding beams in 2015 looks feasible. Thank you for your attention! Gratitudes to I.Meshkov for slides