G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May 20081 Diagnostics for the crab waist test at DAFNE, first result Manuela Boscolo, Fabio Bossi, Bruno Buonomo, Giovanni.


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Presentation transcript:

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Diagnostics for the crab waist test at DAFNE, first result Manuela Boscolo, Fabio Bossi, Bruno Buonomo, Giovanni Mazzitelli, Fabrizio Murtas, Pantaleo Raimondi, Giancarlo Sensolini (INFN-LNF), Marco Schioppa (INFN-Cosenza), Paolo Valente (INFN-Roma1), Paolo Branchini (INFN-Roma3), Nicolas Arnaud, Dominique Breton, Achille Stocchi, Alessandro Variola, Benoit Viaud (LAL, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3, Orsay)

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Geometric luminosity gain low vertical tune shift Geometric luminosity gain Very low horizontal tune shift No parasitic collisions short overlap region Crab waist transformation (realized with two  in x and 1.5  in y from IP) Geometric luminosity gain Suppression of X-Y betatron and synchrobetatron resonances Large Piwinski angle  P =  z /  x small  y * (  y *  x /  ) The Crab Waist

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May DA  NE (KLOE run) DA  NE Upgrade I bunch (mA)13 N bunch 110  y * (cm)  x * (cm)  y * (  m) 72.6  x * (  m)  z (mm) 2520 Horizontal tune shift Vertical tune shift  cross (mrad) (half)  Piwinski L (cm -2 s -1 )1.5x10 32 >5x10 32 DA  NE (KLOE run) DA  NE Upgrade New Parameters & beam profiles

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Old layout New layout splitters removed new vacuum IP Bending angles changed, new independent power supplies Crab sextupoles X X

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Machine luminosity monitors and IP diagnostics tool e + e -  e + e -  (8.5e-26 cm -2 s 95% 1.7mrad)  and  e + e -  e + e - Z  (<10% background) e + e -  e + e -  (6.6e-29 cm -2 s 15% 1.7mrad) now limited by accidentals and chamber vertical acceptance) e + e -  e + e - Bhabha scattering - more clean process o <  < cm -2 s -1 e + e -    K+K- a rate of about 25 Hz at 1032 is expected in the SIDDHARTA experiment monitor at ~90 o

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May SIDDHARTA K monitor Bhabha calorimeter  monitor GEM Bhabha Monitor Layout and Luminosity Monitors

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May LumiCalo design & construction

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Bhabha calorimeter design We decided to instrument only 10 out of 12 sectors, keeping out the f=0º-180º plane, since we were expecting larger backgrounds from there Longitudinal segmentation has been optimized keeping in mind that the total available depth is the length of the quadrupole  20 cm 11 absorber plates + 12 samplings: 8×0.5 cm + 3×1 cm lead  12.5 X 0 should ensure sufficient shower containment 12×1 cm scintillator 2:1 active:passive ratio should ensure  15%/  E(GeV) resolution Lateral segmentation dictated by the need of keeping a reasonable number of channels and to have some degree of freedom in defining the acceptance

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Tiles and WLS fibers Groove designed for optimal matching with 1.0 mm fibers 2 mm depth, 1.1 mm diameter Each tile wrapped with Dupont Tyvek TM sheet to improve light collection in June 2007 Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP), Protvino, Russia

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May CaloLumi construction Starting from June 2007 we design and order the material for the construction of the calorimeters and we where ready in September when the Russian tiles were still messing Ready in September 2007

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May CaloLumi construction Assembly performed between Dic. and Jan.

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Test BTF All module were tested and equalized with the electrons of BTF during January. energy resolution of 14%  E(GeV) obtained at the test beam with 470 MeV electron impinging the center of one of the 20 sectors.

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May CaloLumi installation 7 February 2008

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Trigger adc9 adc8 adc18 adc0 IP adc10 eeee eeee adc7 adc6 adc5 adc19 adc16 adc15 adc17 adc1 adc11 adc2 adc3 adc4 adc12 adc14 adc13 trg(i) = (discriminated) OR of the 5 sectors in the i-th module trg(i) threshold

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Trigger IP trg(0) AND trg(1) OR trg(2) AND trg(3) trg(1) trg(0) trg(2) trg(3) T1

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Trigger and online filter During injections T1FREE is jumping up… … while T2FARM is going down due to injection veto in DAQ Since April 21 st, 2008

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May On line filter and backgrond rejection out of collision in collision events timing background energy

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Triple-GEM trackers see F. Murtas presentation for details

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May The gamma monitor 2 calorimeters PbW04 crystals from SHANGHAI SICCAS HIGH TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 13 X 0 – 12 cm Hamamatsu R7600

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Gamma monitor

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Vertical beam-beam scan Hourglass factor

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Simulation all 3 monitors are simulated with GEANT3 and BHWIDE generator Custom Touschek background generator is also included SourcesNo tracker σ syst GEM tracker σ syst Calo alignment ± 2mm4%2% Soyuz alignment ± 2mm8%6% SIDDHARTA Exp.2%0% Energy Th. ± 60MeV5%1% BKG Accidentals3%0% BKG γγ0.1%0% Total (Σquad)11%7% main source of systematic errors

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Monitors DAQ (test for KLOE2) KLOE based [ROCK and ROCK manager, AUX-bus, Motorola CPU] DAQ system – main signal are then available for DAFNE slow control and web presentation

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Commissioning history Machine the end of November Both beams stored first days of December with detuned lattice Low-  optics applied in January Solenoid windings installed in positron ring and 800 mA e+ current stored with pattern not suitable for collisions in first week of February Crab-Waist sextupoles in operation in February Bhabha Luminosity monitor installed on February 11th First L ~ cm -2 s -1 measured beginning of March SIDDHARTA prototype installation March 10th New horizontal feedback installed in the electron ring first half of March Background in the kaon trigger optimization end of March Transverse and longitudinal feedbacks tuning end of April – 1 amps beams in collision

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Optical parameters electrons design electrons achieved positrons design positrons achieved emittance (mm.mrad)  (m)  (m) coupling (%)0.5≈0.70.5≈0.7  IP (mm)  IP (  m) Piwinski angle (10mA)

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May e - sextupoles off e - sextupoles on Transverse beam sizes at Synchrotron Light Monitors LUMINOMETERS Crab Waist works…

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Low current results 10 bunches 2/5/2008 I b ≈13 mA/bunch L≈3x10 31 cm -2 s -1

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Maximum interacting currents ≈ mA measured by Bhabha monitor with background subtraction Integrated luminosity

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Luminosity x10 28 cm -2 s -1 I + I - (A 2 ) Higher luminosity versus current as expected

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Conclusions 3 different devices for luminosity monitors has been developed, in very short time and cheap way The device are successfully installed on DAFNE and are now fundamentals tool for the crab waist test The DAFNE accelerators in now testing crab waist scheme obtaining the first important results. We are now working to obtain the DAFNE upgrade design parameters, partially delayed by the necessity to run the SIDDHARTA experiment

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May LHC Upgrade

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May To do list Increase number of stored bunches from 95 to 110 Decrease  and dispersion beating from 20% to 5% (  y * from 10 to 9 mm) Faster switch between electron and positron injection and faster positron injection rate From June 3rd: Increase Crab sextupoles intensity Add solenoid windings on positron injection straight section Install final SIDDHARTA detector Overall luminosity increase by ≈50% expected

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May Luminosity and crossing angle crossing angle  (Piwinski angle  ) + z y yy z y yy high density N low  y low  x The introduction of a crossing angle do NOT improve luminosity luminosity is limited by hourglass and tune-shift effects

G. Mazzitelli – Beijing, China 26 May luminosity and tune-shift bat allows to play with transversal dimension  x and  y optical function, kipping limited the vertical tune-shift and strongly depressing horizontal tune-shift  z large  x small bat a large Piwinski angle can generate strong sincro-bethatron oscillation