1 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Annual Statewide Assessment and Accountability Meeting August 31, 2016
2 Thank you to districts and schools that participated in NAEP Florida participation: 57 schools in 13 districts Thank You! GradeSubject(s)ModeReporting Type Grade 4Reading, Mathematics Pilots Grade 8 Writing, Reading, Mathematics Pilots Grade 8Arts National results = Digitally based assessment (DBA) on tablets with keyboards = Paper/Pencil
3 Spring 2016 Results from the NAEP 2014 technology and engineering literacy (TEL) assessment were released in May. Fall 2016 Results from the NAEP 2015 science assessment will be released. Spring 2017 Main NAEP Assessment window: January 30 – March 10, 2017 What’s Happening in the World of NAEP?
4 International Studies in 2017 AssessmentSubject(s)Grade Level or Age Administration Window Recruitment eTIMSS PilotMathematics and Science Grades 4 and 8April – May 2017 Early Fall 2016 ICILS Field Test Computer Literacy Grade 8April – May 2017 Early Fall 2016 PISA Field Test Math, Reading, Science, Global Competence, and Financial Literacy Age 15April – May 2017 Early Fall 2016 TIMSS: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study ICILS: International Computer and Information Literacy Study PISA: Program for International Student Assessment
5 NAEP 2017 Sample Approximate Numbers of Public Schools & Students Grade 4Grade 8 Total Students420, ,000+ Estimated Number of Schools8,9259,379 Florida: 45,000+ students 711 schools 49 districts
6 NAEP 2017 Assessments Assessment window: January 30 – March 10 Grade/SampleSubjectsModeReporting Type Grade 4 (Program 1) Reading, Mathematics National, State, TUDA results Grade 4 (Program 2) Writing, Reading, Mathematics National results (Writing) and Pilots Grade 8 (Program 1) Reading, Mathematics National, State, TUDA results Grade 8 (Program 2) Writing, Reading, Mathematics, Civics, Geography, U.S. History National results (Writing) and Pilots = Digitally based assessment (DBA) on tablets with keyboards = Paper/Pencil
7 Assessment window: April 24 – May 19, 2017 Small study administered on laptops Grade 8 only Nationwide: approximately 3,600 sampled students 120 schools 30 students per school Florida: approximately 120 sampled students 4 schools in 3 districts 30 students per school Writing Comparability Study
8 Digitally Based Assessments NAEP staff will bring all necessary assessment materials and administer assessments to students. Space Requirement Classroom or other location with flat surfaces large enough for 25* tablets with keyboards, styluses, and ancillary materials Location that is easily accessible for bringing in heavy containers of tablets and necessary equipment (*In TUDA districts, number may be larger depending on school’s sample size and assigned number of assessment teams.) Time Requirement: 6+ hours Needed for set-up 90 minutes prior to assessment start time Two separate, consecutive test sessions of about 120 minutes each At least 60 minutes between the test sessions Each student is assigned to only one test session
9 Digitally Based Assessments Tutorials at the beginning of each assessment allow students to become familiar with the system and the tools available during the assessment. Tutorials are subject- and grade level-specific. Check them out at public.naepims.org/Tutorials/Welcome/index.html. public.naepims.org/Tutorials/Welcome/index.html
10 Paper/Pencil Assessments NAEP staff will bring all necessary assessment materials and administer assessments to students. Space Requirement Classroom or other location for students to take paper-and-pencil assessments Must be separate from the tablet sessions Time Requirement: 2 hours Needed for set-up 30 minutes prior to assessment start time One 90-minute session
11 NAEP Field Staff Assessment Coordinator (AC) Assessment Administrators (AAs) Assessment Team
12 NAEP School Folders You will receive folders for each of your participating schools in September. Folder Contents Memo for School NAEP Coordinator NAEP Information Sheet School’s MyNAEP ID Number Scheduled assessment date School Coordinator Responsibilities School Coordinator Checklist and Timeline MyNAEP Registration Instructions Additional NAEP Resources
13 Principal Notification Letter Letter to School Principal Customize the appropriate letter for each school’s principal. Include your district contact information. Attach the customized letter along with the NAEP 2017 Facts for Principals to the folder. The letter instructs the principal to give the folder to the selected School NAEP Coordinator.
14 Next Steps Send NAEP folders to schools. Ensure that the scheduled NAEP assessment date is placed on each participating school’s calendar. Ensure that each principal selects a School NAEP Coordinator (SNC). Register on the MyNAEP website using your District MyNAEP ID number
15 MyNAEP For Schools
16 MyNAEP Activity Timeline Not required for non-TUDA districts/schools. Student lists for all schools (except those in TUDA districts) will be submitted at the state level using Survey 2 data.
17 Prepare for Assessment Each school’s list of sampled students will be provided via the MyNAEP website in early December. NAEP field staff will make initial contact with each school to assist with completing pre-assessment tasks. Pre-Assessment Tasks Review student information to identify withdrawn or ineligible students update demographic data and SD/ELL classifications indicate how each student identified as SD and/or ELL should be assessed on NAEP indicate if a student has a Section 504 Plan and will need testing accommodations identify any student who is not enrolled in the sampled grade, is a foreign exchange student, or does not attend classes on campus Inform parents/guardians of student participation Manage the completion of questionnaires by school staff
18 Prepare for Assessment Final preparations must be completed before assessment day. Pre-Assessment Tasks Pre-assessment review call with NAEP field staff Plan assessment day logistics Promote the importance of NAEP with school staff and students Update the student list to reflect January 2017 enrollment
19 District & School Resources National and International Assessments National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) District & School Resources
20 Online Resources Information for selected schoolshttp://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/about/schools.aspx Introducing NAEP to Teachers videohttp://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/videos/teachervideo Introducing NAEP to Students videohttp://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/videos/naepstudent.aspx What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP video Sample Questions bookletshttp://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/about/booklets.aspx NAEP Questions Toolhttp://nces.ed.gov/NationsReportCard/nqt Information for parentshttp://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/parents Assessment frameworkshttp:// NAEP 101 videohttps://
21 Online Resources
Tamika Brinson NAEP State Coordinator