Building Effective Relationships That Lead to Instructional Change in Mathematics Classrooms National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics San Diego, California April 2010 Beth Schefelker, Math Teaching Specialist, MPS Melissa Hedges, Math Teaching Specialist, MPS Pandora Bedford, Math Teaching Specialist, MPS The Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership (MMP), an initiative of the Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA), is supported with funding by the National Science Foundation.
Who provides and sustains a focus for change in mathematics instruction? Think of a school in your district… Identify the person, outside of the principal, that would be the catalyst for change in that building. What characteristics led you to see them in this leadership position? What supports would they need? What barriers would they be facing?
Milwaukee Public Schools 84,000 students 6500 Teachers 200+ Schools 61% African American, 15% Hispanic, 17% White, 4% Asian, 3% Other 77% Free/Reduced Lunch
Session Goals Engage in conversations that focus on developing relationships. Deepen an understanding of initiating and managing change within buildings and classrooms. Analyze resources that establish structures of collegial conversations.
Overview of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership
Infrastructure of the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership Math Teaching Specialist Math Teacher Leader
The Path To Classroom Teachers Classroom Teacher Administrator/Learning Team Math Teacher Leader Math Teaching Specialist
The History of the MMP Math Teacher Leader K-12 7 years MTLs 30-40% turnover first 5 years Non - released to released positions Range in teaching experience from first year teacher - seasoned veteran Wide range mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge
What Does It Take to Build an Effective Relationship? Foundation MMP Learning Team Continuum Comprehensive Mathematics Framework Accountability Collaborative Conferences Establishing Expectations Reliability Cohorts of 15 schools MMP Action Plan Fund Math Teaching Specialist Consistency Monthly Meetings Leadership Content Assessment
Where Does The Work Begin? MMP Learning Team Math Continuum A structure to guide conversations and provide a focus for planning. A resource to provide a vision of mathematics growth for schools and teachers within the schools. MMP Comprehensive Mathematics Framework (CMF) A structure to provide a vision of mathematics proficiency to teachers and school leaders.
Consistency Monthly Meetings Leadership Content Assessment Leads to embedded professional development.
MMP Comprehensive Mathematics Framework
Developing MKT Focused Mathematics Content Sessions 1 topic 3-4 sessions 1.5 hour long (max) Sites of practice Analyzing student work Practicing descriptive feedback. Connecting to textbooks Writing learning intentions and success criteria
Accountability and Reliability Accountability Hold collaborative conferences Establish expectations Reliability Belongs to a cohort of schools MMP Action Plan Fund Math Teaching Specialist
Monitoring Conferences MTL Teacher Monitoring Conferences Supporting MTL during periodic “check-ins” with teachers. MTS – MTL Monitoring Conferences Sharing goals and vision Planning professional development
Relationships, Relationships, Relationships A structure provides focus. Authenticity and care lead to genuine conversations. Exchange of knowledge builds credibility. Nurtured over time.
Many hats of the MTS Sharing in the day- to-day joys and sorrows Working side-by- side with students Being the “safety net” as well as the resource.
Your connections and thoughts… Reflect on your reactions to this session: Insights Questions Ideas you will hang on to.
Where Are We Now? 140 Math Teacher Leaders K Released MTLs 96% attendance at monthly meetings MTLs are viewed as a valuable resource in each building. MTSs are viewed as a valuable resource throughout the district.