Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards (CETIS) FE Focus Group Co-ordinator Newark and Sherwood College
Context of Standards Assessment Content Management VLE MIS & Legacy Systems NLN Publishers College DNER The World Learning Flow/ Organisation
Publishers NLN CGFL DNER Colleges Repositories of Content and Tests TUTOR NGFL NLN The Assemblies
Need for Standards content (information, tests, animations etc.)can be moved from learning system to learning system (like CDs). Hardware and software components of a learning system are interchangeable (like hi-fi separates) Content can be found (Metadata)
Role of Group Raise awareness of standards Disseminate latest information about standards web site Set up communities of interest within FE on-line forum Provide examples of interoperability application. Informed purchasing of learning systems and content. Partnerships between FE and HE
Areas for Standards 1 Finding Content: descriptions of content and application…. Metadata Assessment: Tests can play on different systems, results can be returned to MLEs, tests can be styled to meet individual needs….Question and Test Interoperability Playing Content: Content can be played through any VLE…Content Management
Areas for Standards 2 Stitching together chunks of content….Content Packaging Styling Content….XSL Learner Profiles…..Learner Interface Profile Linking to Management Information Systems….Enterprise Describing learning flow for a collection of learning components…EML
Finding the Content: Metadata Curriculum areaEngineering Subject AreaElectrical TopicPrinciples Topic areaBasic Principles Topic 1Volts, Amps and Ohms Topic 2Power Application ScopeGeneric Content Object TypeKnowledge Lowest NVQ level2 Highest NVQ level4 Associated with all content (at any level) Conforms to international standards Sectors would have their own extensions and vocabulary Work by Becta. MEG, JISC