AP Statistics Day 1! Welcome welcome welcome! First bad joke of the semester: How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?.... Outcome: I will familiarize myself with AP guidelines, formulas and evaluate knowledge of basic Statistical concepts. Agenda: Introductions/ Ice Breaker Statistics Survey Summer Assignment Reflection and Debrief Chapter 1 Review
Answer: Ten! TEN TICKLES….(*tentacles*…) Introductions… Mr. Korbelak (CORE-BUH-LACK) Fun facts about me My story Your turn! Fill out this Student Info Form for me!
Survey Time! This survey will be used for data with many many statistics assignments and classwork over the semester. Your data is just as valid (If not more) than anything we can find in the textbook! 5 minutes, fill out completely/ as complete as possible
Previewing the AP Statistics Formula Sheet 1 MINUTE ONLY – Skim through the formula sheet. No big memorization, just skim silently GO. Turn and talk: Thoughts? Feelings about this? Any concerns or comments? Class share-out
Brain Break Stat Style The Line Game. Follow Mr. Korbelak’s instructions exactly.
Summer Assignment! Chapter 1 Vocab and Practice: Take out what you have. In groups of no more than 3, writing in your notebook: Share all key terms and concepts Share questions as well Write down all things discussed Have one member prepare to share Five minutes GO!
Alright. Let’s talk chapter 1. What IS statistics? Statistics is a way of reasoning, along with a collection of tools and methods, designed to help us understand the world.
Quantitative vs. Categorical Which variables are being measured? Classify each as categorical or quantitative. State# of Family Members AgeGenderMarital StatusTotal Income Travel Time to Work KY261FemaleMarried21,00020 FL627FemaleMarried21,30020 WI227MaleMarried30,0005 CA433FemaleMarried26,00010 MI349FemaleMarried15,10025 VA326FemaleMarried25,00015 PA444MaleMarried43,00010 VA422MaleSingle3,0000 CA130MaleSingle40,00015 NY434FemaleSeparated30,00040
Type of Graphs! xo1_250.gif ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f3/47/8b/f3478b3eeb8048d6d538 07ce229eeadb.jpg
Bar Graphs Bars are all same width SPACES IN BETWEEN BARS
Dot Plots Each dot represents one value
Stem Plots Stem is the number in the tens place Leaf is the number in the ones place ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A KEY
Back-to-Back Stem Plots Two graphs in one What is the benefit of using back-to- back stem plots?
Box Plots 5 number summary: minimum, Q1, Median, Q2, Maximum Interquartile Range (IQR) = the middle 50% of the data. Q3 – Q1
Marginal vs. Conditional
Marginal Distribution Think MARGINS Row or Column Total Table Total Calculate the marginal distributions of type of cell phone Types of Cell Phones owned by 2024 cell-phone using adults Total iPhone Android Other Total
Conditional Distribution Think about the idea that there are conditions for what we are looking to find. Use the cell phone data to calculate to calculate the conditional distribution of cell phone type for the year-olds. Types of Cell Phones owned by 2024 cell-phone using adults Total iPhone Android Other Total
Describing Distributions **Very Important** The AP test will most likely have some question that asks you to describe a distribution in some way, shape, or form. To describe a distribution, always remember your SOCS Shape Outliers Center Spread
Shape Skewness: Right-skewed, roughly symmetric, or left-skewed Opposite of what you might think! Think about your feet: your right foot is skewed right!
Outliers How can we tell if a given data point is an outlier? 1.5 * IQR rule The time, in minutes, it takes for a sample of 15 workers in North Carolina is shown below: Is 60 minutes an outlier?
Center Mean: x Median WHICH DO WE USE WHEN? What can affect the mean? Does this affect the median When is it better to use one over the other?
Spread Range IQR Standard Deviation: s X The typical, or standard, distance of the values in a distribution from the mean It is calculated by finding the average of the squared deviations (to keep it positive) and then taking the square root. Variance: the square of the standard deviation
Let’s do it all in the calculator!
Organizing a Statistics Problem STATE What is the question you’re trying to answer? PLAN How are you going to go about answering that question? What statistical techniques will you use? DO Make graphs and carry out needed calculations CONCLUDE State your conclusions IN CONTEXT OF THE PROBLEM
Look Ahead Homework – Finish the summer assignment if you have not already turned it in YOUR FIRST TEST WILL BE MONDAY OR TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK. NO I’M NOT KIDDING Welcome to AP Next Class: Hand out textbooks Syllabus Review AP MC and FRQ Examination Chapter 1 Review
Group breakout time Either: Finish the questions from the summer assignment if it is not done OR Practice Chapter 1 AP Multiple Choice Questions
Homework Finish Summer Assignment if not already completed. Turn in first thing next class Turn in the summer assignment for full credit today if you have it! NEXT CLASS: Hand out textbooks Syllabus Review AP MC and FRQ Examination Chapter 1 Review Chapter 1 Test two classes from now!