Board Self-Assessment: 2016 Benchmark Report NCMA Governance Committee Charlie Williams, PY16 Chair.


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Presentation transcript:

Board Self-Assessment: 2016 Benchmark Report NCMA Governance Committee Charlie Williams, PY16 Chair

1 Survey 23 surveys distributed; 21 surveys completed (91% response rate) Benchmarks based on survey conducted by ASAE and Board Source Performance of the Board Nine (9) areas of board responsibility Compare our responses to association benchmarks, and our data from previous years

2 Survey Results 9 areas measured 1.Mission 2.Strategy 3.Public Image and Advocacy 4.Board Composition 5.Program Oversight 6.Financial Oversight 7.Executive Director Oversight 8.Board Structure 9.Meetings

3 Avg. Score Bench: : : : 3.45

4 Comments on 1. Mission We need to stop digging for the perfect data, working on policies and start making decisions and interactions to support the association. Review the mission in each board meeting and discuss what it means to each board member - ensure common understanding/goals/interpretation. More attention to membership levels and chapter quality. These should be our two main metrics, but they are only vaguely discussed. Perhaps we could remind everyone how the different decisions we make or areas that are brief are tied into the larger mission / strategy...especially the Operations briefings. If they were organized into strategic area of focus, I think this would help the Board realize how the Exec Director is aligned to the strategy. Ensure a timely review and re-validation of strategy prior to budget planning and execution. Ensuring there is the right level of experience on the Board with strat thinkers well known in the Contract management community Take on actions to engage with chapters. Better participation by some members in committee work.

5 Avg. Score Bench: : : : 3.08

6 Comments on 2. Strategy We talk about this every year but I don't think we are succeeding in this area. Include more "in the trenches" members on national committees so BOD members have different perspectives regarding needs/perceptions/contributions and how to serve them better. There has been much improvement on focusing on more on the strategic and less on the operational/tactical. We had a great session in the past year with Chapters where they told us what they needed, but we haven't seemed to do anything about that to support this "hub-level" of membership focus. This is Mike; I wish to be more involved with the Strategic Planning process if doable. Really liked the strategic planning process this year. Continue to keep abreast of environmental trends. Remain focused on big picture new ways of looking at issues. Use the new strategic plan to guide activity. Need to better focus on who our target audience is as we move forward and needs change in the future. While it is vital to reflect the changing needs of our members, the government contracting community will always be NCMA's core base, so how far do we diverge to state, local, supply chain, project management, and numerous other areas already served by other organizations?

7 Avg. Score Bench: : : : 3.32

8 Comments on 3. Public Image and Advocacy Need to understand members better. How do we really maintain open dialogue? Received feedback this program year that the BOD/Exec. Director are in an "ivory tower", inaccessible, aloof, and uninterested in member needs. Focused assignments of Board and BOA members. More public speaking by the Board (as Board members) on various contract management topics at other Association events, forums, chapter events, blogs or CM articles. Determine what is actually important for the association to concentrate on.

9 Avg. Score Bench: : : : 2.85

10 Comments on 4. Board Composition N&E Committee's role in finding and developing future leaders needs to be stronger. Ensure 100% participation at Board orientation, general and committee meetings. Larry did a great job with Nominations and Elections to look at skills. Continue cultivating right individuals to serve - getting much better at this Is there a way to address the difficulties in recruiting Government members? Perhaps identify a new way of engaging to provide adequate time.

11 Avg. Score Bench: : : : 3.22

12 Comments on 5. Program Oversight I don't think we really understand how our efforts or programs are bringing value to the association. Having a "dashboard" of a handful of key association health metrics would keep the BoD focused on the broad issues. I believe the Association staff likely monitors the quality of its programs, but the results are not made available to the Board (perhaps at a high level in some Operations reports). Information of this kind should be made available on a consistent basis with details that can be reviewed in advance of Board Meetings to discuss if need be. I believe it goes to the success of the strategy and its implementation. This PY look at identifying reports or briefings to actually obtain the information to do what these questions suggest.

13 Avg. Score Bench: : : : 3.62

14 Comments on 6. Financial Oversight We need to start taking calculated risks and potentially make some mistakes. Its time to step up our game and really focus on how we can make the association great (chapters and advancing the profession included). Would like to see more information to the board on insurance, personnel policies, and internal controls I don't remember seeing the budget or reporting against the associations key priorities (other than information on conferences). Board oversight of the annual audit and changes to investment policy were great example of this area. Good focus this year on internal HR policies. Determine a way to actually engage on these topics.

15 Avg. Score Bench: : : : 3.13

16 Comments on 7. Executive Director Oversight What happens if Mike wins the lottery? Are we prepared? Do not remember discussing succession planning for the Exec. Director. Would like to see this in the future. Not aware of any succession planning artifacts or plans. I don't believe we've addressed Succession Planning for the Executive Director or any other key positions at the Board Level. Frequent communications can improve trust in this area. Good focus to bring in Denean to improve CM expertise. Don't see evidence of succession planning Executive Director needs to work on ensuring more transparency with the BOD Need to develop a formal succession plan for NCMA HQ leadership positions. Establish the method by which these activities are accomplished.

17 Avg. Score Bench: : : : 3.44

18 Comments on 8. Board Structure Think we need to take a hard look at our structure and make sure it is adequate to meet the needs of the environment we are in. Suggest review of Committee structure in reference to needs of the organization and its members in the near future. Get new BOD COI policy in place. In legal review. Clarify which committees are responsible for these responsibilities.

19 Avg. Score Bench: : : : 3.37

20 Comments on 9. Meetings What a great group of individuals we have currently on the board. Everyone works so well together and we have the perfect amount of differing opinions to keep things honest and open. I don't recall seeing minutes of sub-committees such as the executive committee, ever. Ensure active participation of all members and documentation of all meeting actions. There was better action item follow up this year, keep this up. Use the policies that are in place.