Changes in aerosol optical properties due to dust storm in the Middle East and Southwest Asia Dr. Khan Alam Department of Physics University of Peshawar 4th International Workshop on ChArMEx: The Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment October 2014 ICTP Trieste Italy Department of Physics, University of Peshawar. 1
Formation of Dust events and Meteorological situation Introduction 2 Department of Physics, University of Peshawar.
Results & Discussion: Aerosol Optical Depth Variations 3 Department of Physics, University of Peshawar.
Results & Discussion: Aerosol Optical depth variations 4 Department of Physics, University of Peshawar.
Results & Discussion 5 Department of Physics, University of Peshawar.
Results & Discussion Aerosol sub-type classification 6 Department of Physics, University of Peshawar.
Results & Discussion 7 Department of Physics, University of Peshawar.
Results & Discussion 8 SW TOA : −58±15 Wm -2 Surface: −114±30 Wm -2 LW TOA :+12±3 Wm -2 Surface:+16±5 Wm -2 Department of Physics, University of Peshawar.