Building a PPFP Movement AFP Partners Meeting Nairobi, July 2016 Anne Pfitzer
WHY IS PPFP IMPORTANT? Globally, nearly 65% of postpartum women have an unmet need for family planning PPFP saves lives, PPFP: 30% maternal deaths 10% infant deaths 21% child deaths, ages 1-4 PPFP is integration! IMAGE HERE Photo by Dominic Chavez/FP2020
Slide Adapted from M. Kerrigan, presented at PPFP Global Meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand WHY IS THE POSTPARTUM PERIOD SO IMPORTANT? Data Source: Moore et al., 2015 Postpartum Women 0-23 Months UNMET NEED IS HIGHEST DURING THE POSTPARTUM PERIOD!
Integration; Operationalizing contact points Pre- pregnancy adolescents ANC visits 1-4+ Birth home facility PNC visits home facility Immunization visits Introduction of complementary foods, return to fertility Measles immuniz. Pharmacy / drug shop visits Pregnancy Neonatal period Post-neonatal → 2 nd year Family Planning… Every Girl/Woman, Every Time!
TOTAL ANNUAL BIRTHS Across participating Chiang Mai and AFP countries Data sources: UNDP World Population Estimates ,404,274 Total Annual Births
2015 Chiang Mai PPFP Global Meeting Birthplace of a Movement 16 COUNTRIES Donors & partners
ONGOING EFFORTS 16 Action Plans 12 PPFP Steering Committee calls 3 webinars 2 Events A 2016 Steering Committee workplan TAC partner survey
Where #ActionPPFP advocacy might be needed (some examples) Incorporate PPFP refresher/ PPLARC training into costed implementation plans and GFF investment cases Task-sharing: ensuring nurses and midwives authorized to insert immediate PP LARCs Proof of menses as barrier to FP access, advocating for use of pregnancy checklists and providers overcoming fear of providing contraceptives to women who are PP amenorrheic Advocate for resources to ensure all health facilities have staff trained in PPFP counseling and service provision and all recognized CHWs counsel pregnant and PP women on HTSP and contraceptive options HMIS reform to better rack PPFP service data and analyze performance
TO DISCUSS In your countries… Has PPFP been added to national FP or RMNCAH strategies? Have those strategies and PPFP component been costed? What are the policy or regulatory barriers to scaling up PPFP?
THANK YOU For more information and 16 Country Action Plans View: