By Benjamin Mwaura
This presentation will tell you about all the parts of the human body, referred as organs. This will also explain how these different parts of the body work individually. These parts include the head, arms, legs,body, skull and the eternal organs. 2
The skull is a bony structure in the head that supports the structures of the face and protects the brain. The skull contains the brain which controls all the activities in the body. The nerves carry messages to the brain. The skull forms the five sensory structures on the face, these include the eyes, ears, nose and the mouth and teeth- (touch, taste,see, hear and smell).
The arm is the upper limb of the human body. The arm has three long bones called the Humerus, the Ulna and the Radius at the elbow joint. Two muscles are needed to raise and lower the arm which are the biceps and the triceps. When bending the arm the biceps contracts and the triceps relaxes. When straightening the arm the biceps relaxes and triceps contracts.
The heart is located in the centre of the body and it pumps blood around the body. The heart works 24 hours a day to keep you alive. It never stops working even if you are asleep. It has blood vessels (arteries and veins) which carry's the food and oxgyen to the blood cells.
The lungs passes oxygen into the blood. When we breath in through the nose, air is drawn into the lungs and when we breath out air is pushed out from the lungs. The lungs provide a way of getting oxygen into the blood stream and removing carbon dioxide as a waste from the blood stream.
The stomach processes and digests food. It produces acids and enzymes that digests food. It has the small and large intestines where most of the digestion and absorption take place. Other parts includes the liver which cleans your blood and stores vitamins. The kidneys filter waste from the blood and makes urine. The bladder stores urine.
The leg is the lower limb of the body and supports the body when standing and other movements such as jumping, walking, running and kicking. The leg is composed of five sections which are upper leg,the knee, the lower leg, the ankle and the foot, the upper leg begins at the hip and continues down to the knee. The knee is like a hinge joint that connects the bones in the upper and lower leg.It is the largest joint in the human body.
The major muscles in the upper leg are hamstrings and quadriceps. In the lower leg there are 2o muscles. These helps to do everything such as raising the lower leg and wiggling the toes. The ankle contains seven bones and other structures and helps the ankle to rotate and flex the foot which is important for movement and balance.