“to make or to do”
Conjugaison In French, as in English, verbs must be conjugated in order to use them in a sentence. The infinitive is what we call the verb before it is conjugated. It is the verb in an ‘untouched’ state. Ex. Aimer; nager; regarder; avoir
Two Types of French verbs Regular verbs These are verbs that follow a pattern when they are conjugated. There are 3 types of regular verbs: those that end in –er, -ir, & -re. Irregular verbs- These are verbs that follow absolutely no pattern and must be memorized.
How to conjugate verbs First, you have to know what the subject pronouns are: jenous tuvous ilils elleelles *You MUST memorize these!!!
How to conjugate verbs First, you have to know what the subject pronouns are: je Inouswe tuyou (sing.)vousyou all you (sing. formal) ilheils they (masc) ellesheelles they (fem) *You MUST memorize these!!!
Conjugating FAIRE Je fais Tu fais Il/Elle fait Nous faisons Vous faites Ils/ Elles font Irregular verb must be memorized
Expressions with faire Faire un match To play a game Faire une promenade To take a walk Faire un voyage To take a trip Faire attention To pay attention
Examples I make a pizza. Je fais une pizza. We do our homework. Nous faisons nos devoirs. They (f.) take a trip. Elles font une voyage. You play a soccer game. Tu fais un match de foot. You all pay attention. Vous faites attention.