1 Gaithersburg Conversion
2 Converting Phase one of existing switch to packet in July Verizon will no longer offer UNE-P, even under a commercial agreement CLECs should determine what they want to do with their existing customers: Migration to UNE-L Migration to Resale Verizon will assist with these migrations Any CLEC with specific operations questions should contact Tom Delaney at Any CLEC with specific non operations questions should contact their Verizon Account Manager
3 Gaithersburg Conversion Migration to UNE-L CLECs should identify their existing base Large Job process is the most logical approach if any sizable volume CLECs should contact VZ operations to negotiate project date Assistance with LSRs if required Discussion of project size and migration dates Ensure Collos / CFAs are up and ready Migration to Resale CLECs should establish a Resale profile if one doesn’t already exist /1,24223,,00.html /1,24223,,00.html Submit appropriate LSRs