Goals Work Based Learning
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” --Albert Einstein
Tennis Balls Take a tennis ball and know what number you have. When I say start, throw your tennis ball as high in the air as you can without touching the ceiling and catch it. How many balls touched the ground? This time, you are to catch someone else’s ball. Start! How many balls touched the ground?
Discussion Was it harder to catch your own ball or someone else’s? How could you have been more successful to catch someone else’s ball? How is this related to goal setting? If you zero in on just one goal, is it easier or harder to accomplish the goal?
“Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.” -- Fitzhugh Dodson
5 Keys to Goal Setting Count the Cost Put it in Pen Just Do It Use Momentous Moments Rope Up
Count the Cost Set a goal. What will it require? List the steps. What are the benefits? Are they worth it? Only make a commitment you are willing to keep.
Put it Pen A goal not written is only a wish. Post them where you can see them often.
Just Do It Fully commit to your goals. When will you work on them, how, where? “There is no try, only do or do not.” --Yoda
Use Momentous Moments A new school year A new year A new day A new job A life changing event Stick to your goals, even when you no longer feel like it.
Rope Up Borrow strength from others. Tell people about your goals.
Don’t Be Afraid to Fall