Welcome to Mrs. Wonders’ Language Arts Class
Golden Rules If you open it, close it. If you turn it on, turn it off. If you unlock it, lock it up. If you break it, admit it. If you can’t fix it, call in someone who can. If you borrow it, return it. If you value it, take care of it. If you make a mess, clean it up. If you move it, put it back. If it belongs to someone else, get permission to use it. If you don’t know how to operate it, leave it alone. If it’s none of your business, don’t ask questions. ~Author Unknown
Mrs. Wonders’ Class Expectations
Ahhhh…What Should I do… 1. What do I bring to this Language Arts’ class everyday? Agenda/Planner Reading Book (the book in which you will be doing your book report) **If you forget your book, you will copy the “No Book Essay”. Composition Book and a Spiral Notebook Please bring to class by this Thursday, if possible! Pens and Pencils, Binder, Paper, Red Correcting Pen
2. What do I do when I enter this classroom? 1.Enter quietly. Agenda and/or Composition Book and pencil. 2.Take out Agenda and/or Composition Book and pencil. Put cell phone away and out of site. No using cell phone unless photographing agenda wall or given permission. 3.Put everything else on the rack/shelf under your seat. 4.Fill out agenda or use a notebook. 5.Begin WARMUP ACTIVITY using spiral notebook for first block and READ silently for second block. 6.You begin class when you enter the room. The bell does not start class. Come in and get started quietly.
5. What do I do if I am done with my work? Leave work out, so I can check it. Read your book silently. 3. How do I ask for help? Raise your hand. Wait to be called on. No blurting or shouting. 4. What if I need to leave my seat? Raise your hand. Wait to be called on.
6. How do I know when class is over? Mrs. Wonders will dismiss you. I will tell you when to pack up and when to go. The bell does not dismiss you. Always clean up!!!
7. How do I head my paper? Last Name, First Period Upper Right Hand Corner Head your paper before you begin any assignment
8. What do I do if I forget to turn my work in on time? An assignment turned in on time will earn full credit earned. Students can redo homework, daily assignments and quizzes that are turned in on time and done with a sincere effort for up to 70%. Cover sheet must accompany any late work or work that has been redone. LATE WORK BASKET IS ON TABLE BY DOOR. Late work will be receive a maximum of 70% and must be turned in by the end of the quarter cut-off dates posted in the classroom.
9. What do I do if I am absent? 1. Check my website for assignments, due dates, and/or links. Check agenda wall when you return. Schedule makeup tests. Collect papers from the “Absent?” Crate. 2. Complete assignments as soon as possible (2 school days for each day gone). Write absent in your Composition Book on the dates you were gone, so I know why you did NOT do the Warmup Activity.
10. How am I graded? Practice work (i.e. daily assignments, warmup, agenda, homework, etc.) = 25% Assessments (final essays, book reports, quizzes, tests, projects, etc.) = 75% A= 90% - 100% B =80% - 89% C=70% - 79% D=60% - 69% F=59% - BELOW
11. What if I misbehave? 1.Severe defiant behavior will automatically be referred to the office using a Short Form Referral to the office. 2.Infractions will be recorded in teacher’s notebook. Student will get 2 teacher warnings before Step Referral Form process begins.
12. What do I do during a fire drill? 1.Line up at the door inside your classroom. 2.Follow your teacher out of the building. 3.Stay with your teacher outside. 4.Follow your teacher back into the building once cleared to re-enter.
How does the ELA Block work? Each student comes to the Language Arts Block for 90 minutes per day. ~45 minutes focusing on reading skills (elements of literature, reading, genres, note-taking, summaries). Take a break. ~45 minutes concentrating on English skills (grammar, vocabulary, spelling, writing).
What class novels will we be reading? Red Kayak by Priscilla Cummings City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne Wonder by RJ Palacio
Do I have to read a book at home too? Yes, each student needs to read a book each quarter (200+ pages). This book needs to be brought to class every day. This book should be read at home as well. A book report/project will be assigned each quarter. We are going to the library this Thursday to check out books.
13. How do I contact Mrs. Wonders after school? Phone: Go to my webpage!
Sawtooth Website: Mrs. Wonders’ Website: